[Soot-list] how to handle numerical Constant in different sub-types

dingsun xyz031702 at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 28 10:47:44 EDT 2010

Dear All     If I have a binoExpr, the leftOp is DoubleConstant and the rightOp is IntConstant,  and I prefer to compare the equality between them. I use the following code:     NumericConstant n1= (NumericConstant)exp.getLeft();     NumericConstant n2= (NumericConstant)exp.getRight();          n1.equalEqual(n2);   
The soot will not allow me to do so, because there is a type checking in the soot source code:
   public NumericConstant equalEqual(NumericConstant c)    {        if (!(c instanceof DoubleConstant))            throw new IllegalArgumentException("DoubleConstant expected");        return IntConstant.v((this.value == ((DoubleConstant)c).value) ? 1 : 0);    }

So what should I do if I want to do such similar operations when the two numbers have different sub types(IntConstant, LongConstant, DoubleConstatn, FloatConstant) in a simple way.
Best Regards,Ding Sun 		 	   		  
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