[Soot-list] Concurrent Analysis help - MhpAnalysis

Ankur Sinha sanjay.ankur at gmail.com
Tue Jun 29 06:30:15 EDT 2010


I recently mailed with a query regarding getDeclaringClass. Eric's reply
clarified what it was about and unfortunately, it also clarified that
getDeclaringClass is not appropriate for what I'm trying to achieve. :(

I've been digging into the MhpAnalysis that Soot provides. 

This is an excerpt from a paper titled : " Practical MHP Information
Analysis for Concurrent Java Programs" by Lin Li and Clark Verbrugge

> PEG edges fall into one of four different categories: local, start, wait and
> notify edges. The first three are statically constructed, and the last is created
> during the analysis. A local edge represents normal, intra-thread control flow, not
> dependent on thread communication. These edges are inherited from the base
> CFG, and are shown as solid edges in Figure 1. A start edge is created to indicate
> a must-precede relation between a call to Thread.start() and the first action
> of the initiated thread. These edges are shown in Figure 1 as the dotted edges
> with solid arrowheads between the (ti ,start,main) nodes and the corresponding
> (*,begin,ti ) node. A waiting edge models the control flow dependent on thread
> notification. These are inserted between waiting nodes and notified-entry nodes,
> and are shown as dotted edges with empty arrowheads in Figure 1.

I have some queries:

1. Do I have access to these edges? i.e., can I use these in my programs
like I can use the kind() method to get THREAD edges, and therefore
their sources and targets?

2. I'm not too clear on the above definition of a start edge. Does it
mean :




an edge between the t1.start() and the 1st stmt of the corresponding
run() or an edge between Thread.start() and $something(I'm not sure what
this $something is)?

What I'm trying to get:

I'm trying to get a HashMap<Unit,SootMethod> which stores the Units
calling the start() methods and the corresponding run() method, i.e.,
the Unit containing t1.start() and the specific run() method it calls.

I'm still new to Soot so there's a high probability that I'm thinking of
it all wrong and that a much simpler method exists :)


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