[Soot-list] stack-based to 3-address form, accepted as Scala project at Google Summer of Code

Miguel Garcia miguel.garcia at tuhh.de
Thu Mar 18 16:40:10 EDT 2010


As a follow-up to my previous post on "from stack-based ICode to 3-address 
ICode", I wanted to mention that the Scala team has been accepted as 
mentoring organization [1] to this year's Google Summer of Code program. 
According to the timeline, we're at "March 18-29: Would-be student 
participants discuss application ideas with mentoring organizations"

So why not put in action all your program analysis expertise with a 
rewarding topic? [2]

In a nutshell, one of the backend phases of the Scala compiler [3] uses the 
ICode stack-based language, a common denominator between JVM's and CLR's 
bytecode languages. Now, if only a transformer into 3-address form were 
available (did I mention that the Scala compiler supports a plugin 
architecture?). The theoretical details have already been worked out [4] [5] 
(thanks!) and what better way to impress the Scala community than by 
generating C# from that 3-address form? (also here, previous work available 
[6] [7]).

Sounds interesting enough to me :-)

We've done our homework, now it's your turn!


[1] http://socghop.appspot.com/gsoc/program/accepted_orgs/google/gsoc2010

[2] Project idea No. 9: A new backend for the Scala.Net compiler to generate 
C# sources.

[3] The Scala Compiler Corner, 

[4] Efficient Local Type Inference, 

[5] Efficient inference of static types for Java bytecode,



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