[Soot-list] one question about a mismatch between Jimple- and Java-representation

jiangfan shi jiangfan.shi at gmail.com
Fri Aug 19 22:42:32 EDT 2011

Hello All,

I found one mismatch for a small program. More specifically it is for the
method, Method1(). I change the method color to blue for clarification for
both representations.

===========Start Java Representation==========

public class TestcaseForSoot2 {
int myint;

void Method1(TestcaseForSoot2 a,TestcaseForSoot2 b){
 TestcaseForSoot2 x=new TestcaseForSoot2();


public static void main(String[] args){
 TestcaseForSoot2 tmp=new TestcaseForSoot2();
===========End Java Representation==========

===========Start Jimple Representation==========

public class TestcaseForSoot2 extends java.lang.Object
    int myint;

    public void <init>()
        TestcaseForSoot2 r0;

        r0 := @this: TestcaseForSoot2;
        specialinvoke r0.<java.lang.Object: void <init>()>();

    void Method1(TestcaseForSoot2, TestcaseForSoot2)
        TestcaseForSoot2 r0, r1, r2, $r3, r4, r5;

        r0 := @this: TestcaseForSoot2;
        r1 := @parameter0: TestcaseForSoot2;
        r2 := @parameter1: TestcaseForSoot2;

        $r3 = new TestcaseForSoot2;
        specialinvoke $r3.<TestcaseForSoot2: void <init>()>();
        r4 = $r3;
        r4.<TestcaseForSoot2: int myint> = 5;
        r5 = r4;                                                          //
<================================ Problem line

    public static void main(java.lang.String[])
        java.lang.String[] r0;
        TestcaseForSoot2 $r1, r2;

        r0 := @parameter0: java.lang.String[];
        $r1 = new TestcaseForSoot2;
        specialinvoke $r1.<TestcaseForSoot2: void <init>()>();
        r2 = $r1;
        virtualinvoke r2.<TestcaseForSoot2: void
Method1(TestcaseForSoot2,TestcaseForSoot2)>(r2, r2);
======================End Jimple Representation==================

My question is about a line "r5 = r4;" with red color and with a label
"Problem line" shown above. I think it should be "r1=r4". Otherwise the
semantic meaning of Method1() between Java and Jimple is different. In Java,
it says the first parameter "a" is pointing to a newly created object "x",
and then it further implies that the "x" escapes from Method1(); in Jimple,
it says one local reference variable "r5" is pointing to a newly created
object "x", and it says nothing about the parameter "a" and then the implied
"escape" meaning.

Any hints are highly appreciated.

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