[Soot-list] TamiFlex

Jochen Huck jochen.huck at student.kit.edu
Tue Feb 8 08:42:48 EST 2011

Hi Eric,

currentry I try to use TamiFlex because I want to analyze a project 
using reflection with Soot and I need a complete call graph. I run my 
application with the playout agend enabled. It generates the desired 
output but I get the following exception:

TamiFlex Play-Out Agent Version 1.1
Found 86 new log entries.
Log file written to: 
Exception in thread "Thread-0" 
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
     at java.lang.String.substring(Unknown Source)
     at de.bodden.tamiflex.playout.Agent$1.run(Agent.java:130)

The folder ...\out\tamiflex contains some *.class files. What is the 
intension of these files?



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