[Soot-list] [Beginner] CFG questions

Pedro Louro pedrolour at gmail.com
Fri Feb 25 07:13:39 EST 2011


I´m Pedro Louro and I´m starting now my MSc at IST (www.ist.utl.pt).
One of my goals is to analyse the CFG of a .class file in order to
discover multiple paths with same same end point. I´m trying to use
SOOT to achieve that but I have some questions:
1. I´m using the Eclipse plugin, when I run SOOT with the source I get
a "normal" CFG. But when i run from the class. i just get a
"specialinvoke <java.lang.Object: void <init>()>. How can I get the
same one from the source but running SOOT with the .class?
2. Is the CFG that SOOT creates, iterable? How can I manipulate the
CFG by code?

Thank you in advance!

Best Regards
Pedro Louro

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