[Soot-list] [Beginner] CFG questions

Eric Bodden bodden at st.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Fri Feb 25 07:25:53 EST 2011


> 1. I´m using the Eclipse plugin, when I run SOOT with the source I get
> a "normal" CFG. But when i run from the class. i just get a
> "specialinvoke <java.lang.Object: void <init>()>. How can I get the
> same one from the source but running SOOT with the .class?

The difference is that when you analyze source code then there will be
no constructor ("<init>") to analyze, but when you analyze bytecode
then there is an implicit constructor, which Soot will show you. If
you use the buttons to proceed to the next method then you should see
the same methods as in the source-code case.

> 2. Is the CFG that SOOT creates, iterable? How can I manipulate the
> CFG by code?

This would be the UnitGraph API (see JavaDoc) and our tutorials.


Dr. Eric Bodden, http://bodden.de/
Principal Investigator in Secure Services at CASED
Coordinator of the CASED Advisory Board of Study Affairs
PostDoc at Software Technology Group, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Tel: +49 6151 16-5478    Fax: +49 6151 16-5410
Mailing Address: S2|02 A209, Hochschulstraße 10, 64289 Darmstadt

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