[Soot-list] Problem in adding methods to newly created class from existing methods in Java classes

RASIKA LIMJE rasika1103 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 25 08:42:24 EST 2011

         I'v recently studied soot and found it interesting. I was trying to
explore it. I tried creating new class using SootClass and other Soot
classes. I am being able to create class and add fields from existing java
files( the simple working java codes that i had written earlier). However I
am not being able to add methods from those classes. It is giving me a
NullPointerException whenever I am trying to do it by different ways. I
tried using getMethodSource() and then the ActiveBody, I tried
GetActiveBody() or RetrieveActiveBody() but the code is not being able to
get Active body of Methods in my existing (running) Java code.
         I'm stuck up on the same thing since many days so finally trying to
get some outside help. Please help me out. I'm losing my morale.
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