[Soot-list] My first SPARK example from the survivor's guide runs out of memory

Z zell08v at orange.fr
Tue Feb 7 11:27:43 EST 2012

I must be configuring something wrong, but my 1st Spark example runs
out of memory, any idea?
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

It is just an example given by the "Soot survivor's guide" (Fig 7 - 10
at page 34-37). It is the example with a class Container and Item with
<20 lines.  And it took me 3 mins and it finished with the above
exception. I probably set something wrong there?  For info, I am using
Eclipse Indigo with the OS Mac 10.5

By the way, I used to use Jchord for similar analysis, which seemed to
be much more fast (<15 secs for small programs like the above
mentioned). Would you like to explain? Is that because Jchord is
BDDBDDB based that it is faster or simply because I am making some
wrong configuration?



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