[Soot-list] Soot needs better documentation

Aaloan Miftah aaloanmiftah at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 29 10:49:51 EST 2012

I actually find the javadoc quiet helpful, and the code itself is documented very well.

 From: Prashant Deva <prashant.deva at gmail.com>
To: soot-list at sable.mcgill.ca 
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 5:30 PM
Subject: [Soot-list] Soot needs better documentation

Current I dont think there is good enough documentation for Soot for real commercial projects to spend time and money to use it.

If you look at the asm framework, I have no doubt that a large part of why its popular is due to its excellent Developer Guide:

It serves as a great book and a great reference and doumentation for whoever wants to use asm.

I see that nothing of that sort exists for Soot.
If I go to the 'Resources' page, all i see are tons and tons of academic papers.

I think if a good comprehensive guide for Soot was put together, it would see a lot more usage and even contributions.

We ourselves tried to use and even contribute to Soot, but the lack of proper documentation made things so tough that we rather wrote the algorithms by hand which probably are already implemented in Soot.

There is no point in having a great library if you don't have great documentation to accompany it.

I would rather take a less functional, fully documented library which I can atleast use.


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