[Soot-list] Using soot as a library

Eric Bodden eric.bodden at ec-spride.de
Sat Jul 7 09:17:07 EDT 2012

> That is exactly the point I guess. So far, I've only tried to do
> something simple - adding custom entry points - and I've been bashing my
> head on the wall for more than a week.

That is actually not a simple task because Soot was never really set
up to do dynamic entry-point computation.

> I'm thinking about my next requirement - doing some syntax-directed
> modifications. I could be doing it in JastAddJ, which is soot's Java
> front-end, but I'm afraid of how I'm gonna make this get hooked together
> without breaking apart.

That actually should be simple. As an example, you can look at the
AspectBench Compiler.

> I'd really vote for a major refactoring, so that we don't have to ever
> see on the ML something along the lines of "well, just use soot main".

Then what would you refactor?

> Soot is great - don't get me wrong. It is just designed for a narrower
> set of use cases than needed.

It's designed so that common tasks can be done easily and painlessly,
and uncommon tasks require more work but are still doable. Your use
case was quite uncommon.


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