[Soot-list] Summary of Post-workshop discussion at SOAP

Eric Bodden eric.bodden at ec-spride.de
Mon Jun 18 10:04:30 EDT 2012

Dear all,

following this year's SOAP workshop
(http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soap/), we had an interesting discussion
about the future of Soot. Thanks for all who contributed to the lively

In general, there seemed to be the wish for a less monolithic version
of Soot that would support analysis and instrumentation on a
pay-as-you-go basis. As Patrick already mentioned in the other thread,
this could mean either a complete rewrite of Soot or at least some
major refactorings. We agreed to first go ahead with creating a wish
list on the wiki, to solicit the community's requirements. I have put
online this list here:
TO EDIT this page, you can just log in using any CamelCase user name.
There is no need for a password.

We also discussed that part of those future extensions to Soot could
be integrated as a Google Summer of Code project:
It would be great if some people would volunteer to supervise such a project.

Further, we plan to move Soot from SVN to Git on Github in the near
future. This will allow users to more easily spawn custom versions of
Soot and keep them up to date, to then later re-contribute code to the
Soot project.

At this point I would like to ask everyone who is interested to add
requirements to the wish list, and/or to volunteer for looking into
implementing the one or other requirement.

Best wishes,

Eric Bodden, Ph.D., http://bodden.de/
Head of Secure Software Engineering Group at EC SPRIDE
Principal Investigator in Secure Services at CASED
Tel: +49 6151 16-75422    Fax: +49 6151 16-72051
Room 3.2.14, Mornewegstr. 30, 64293 Darmstadt

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