[Soot-list] Mavenized Jasmin

Patrick Lam plam at sable.mcgill.ca
Tue Jun 26 12:35:29 EDT 2012

On 06/26/12 12:32, Marc-Andre Laverdiere-Papineau wrote:
> Hello,
> One of the nice things about Maven is how easy it is to get started.
> Instead of "download this thing, and we have those deps that we can't
> bundle", it becomes a few lines of XML and the Maven infrastructure
> handles it.
> Another nice benefit is that it means that we don't need to maintain a
> bunch of Jars in the git repo, or having to ask others to download them.
> It also lowers the risk of someone downloading a wrong version of a
> dependency that is incompatible, etc.
> Overall, considering your comments, I would suggest to keep the ant
> build as it is, but to add some Ivy glue to it. Best of both worlds :)

It seems to me that well-written Maven can be usable, but I've 
encountered too much bad Maven to be enthusiastic about it. It is a 
large and complicated system and messing around with it is not my idea 
of fun. Do we have the expertise to maintain this stuff?

I would much rather maintain jars in the git repo than have links to 
jars that don't exist anymore, which is extremely frustrating (from 
firsthand experience!)

I don't think we've ever experienced the incompatible dependency problem 
with Soot.


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