[Soot-list] integer ClassHierarchy for Integer1Type

Heejong Lee heejong at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 03:53:56 EDT 2012

Hi Eric,

I've got an InternalTypingException thrown by
soot.jimple.toolkits.typing.integer.ClassHierarchy.typeNode(Type) method.
I found that when the parameter of typeNode(Type) is an instance of
typeNodeMap.get(type) returns null.

Currently, it seems that typeNodeMap only has 5 keys from the constructor:
    typeNodeMap.put(BooleanType.v(), BOOLEAN);
    typeNodeMap.put(ByteType.v(), BYTE);
    typeNodeMap.put(ShortType.v(), SHORT);
    typeNodeMap.put(CharType.v(), CHAR);
    typeNodeMap.put(IntType.v(), INT);

But I see that predefined nodes for Integer1Type, Integer127Type,
also exist in the code:
  public final TypeNode R0_1 = new TypeNode(6, null);         //eventually
becomes boolean
  public final TypeNode R0_127 = new TypeNode(7, null); //eventually
becomes byte
  public final TypeNode R0_32767 = new TypeNode(8, null); //eventually
becomes short

Could typeNode method have an Integer1Type parameter?
Could you suspect anything that why this exception happens?


-- Heejong

Heejong Lee

Associate Research Engineer
Program Analysis Division
Fasoo.com, Inc. (www.spa-arrow.com)
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