[Soot-list] Need help on an example

Zeinab Lashkaripour lashkaripour at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 17 14:39:39 EST 2013

Hi dear Reader,
Before using Soot I wanted to do the Reaching Def for computing UD chains on paper. I was working on an example like the one below but lots of questions came up:I searched (from Wiki to ...) but could not find a good example that helped.

if (x != null ) {
        y = true;
        z += "x=" + x;
if (y) {     z= "z_constant" + z;    }
p = "p_constant";
p = p+ z;
q = fn(p);

The questions are:
1. Does Kill[d] contain all the reaching defs of  d whether a) before it or after it, b) in a branch or not, that d kills?
2. What about the kills inside a block?
If I write my answers for the above example would anyone help me?? or if there is a good example that could help I would be really grateful.

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