[Soot-list] Pointer analysis for precise call graph generation

ASHISH MISHRA ashish123.mishragkp at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 14:45:35 EST 2013

Dear All,

I am confused about the pointer analysis provided by SPARK which can be
used for Call graph generation. I understand the concept of on-the-fly call
graph generation but for other type of call graph generation like CHA based
Call graph or the VTA I have following doubts-

1) As is evident for a precise pointer analysis we again need a precise
call graph , thus if I am not wrong there is a cyclic dependence, how does
these approaches handle this.

Basically, If I wish to generate a call graph using the output of Spark's
points to analysis , without using the CallGraphBuilder used to build the
Graph , and without on the fly option , I will also face the same problem
as above. My aim is to use the Points to analysis and then build a Precise
call graph using the output. Please help me on this.

Please pardon me if my question doesn't suite the discussion forum.

Ashish Mishra
Graduate Student,
Computer Science and Automation Department,IISc
Cell : +91-9611194714
Mailto : ashishmishra at csa.iisc.ernet.in
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