[Soot-list] (no subject)

Zeinab Lashkaripour lashkaripour at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 7 03:25:28 EST 2013

Hi every one,

I have some questions that are related to transformation and I would be grateful if anyone could help me.
I have used Soot to perform Data Flow Analysis and extract the UD chains from it.
After getting the chains I process the source code and extract some information from it in order to instrument the original code and insert the instrumentation.

The questions I have are:
1. Some of the information that I need to insert in the code (my instrumentation) are based on the source code line number and I don't know where the related Statement is, so that I could add my instrumentation after or before it. This is hard for those parts that use temp variables because one line of source code is turned into more that one line of Jimple, What can I do?

2. Can I insert a String variable with the value of what I have extracted from my processing?

3. With the code below I can add a local to Jimple:
    Local arg = Jimple.v().newLocal("str", RefType.v("java.lang.String"));
How can I give it a default value?
Can I add something like: String s1="v1", s2="v2"; to my code or not?
Thank you very much in advance.

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