[Soot-list] (no subject)

Marc-André Laverdière marc-andre.laverdiere-papineau at polymtl.ca
Thu Mar 7 21:53:57 EST 2013

Hello, I don't think soot has an option to do source code transformations, so I do not understand what you mean...
Marc-André Laverdière
PhD Candidate - Doctorant
Sent from a mobile device - please excuse the brevity

Zeinab Lashkaripour <lashkaripour at yahoo.com> wrote:

>Hi every one,
>I have some questions that are related to transformation and I would be
>grateful if anyone could help me.
>I have used Soot to perform Data Flow Analysis and extract the UD
>chains from it.
>After getting the chains I process the source code and extract some
>information from it in order to instrument the original code and insert
>the instrumentation.
>The questions I have are:
>1. Some of the information that I need to insert in the code (my
>instrumentation) are based on the source code line number and I don't
>know where the related Statement is, so that I could add my
>instrumentation after or before it. This is hard for those parts that
>use temp variables because one line of source code is turned into more
>that one line of Jimple, What can I do?
>2. Can I insert a String variable with the value of what I have
>extracted from my processing?
>3. With the code below I can add a local to Jimple:
>    Local arg = Jimple.v().newLocal("str",
>     body.getLocals().add(arg);
>How can I give it a default value?
>Can I add something like: String s1="v1", s2="v2"; to my code or not?
>Thank you very much in advance.
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>Soot-list at sable.mcgill.ca

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