[Soot-list] Generate Program Dependency Graph

nie nie at informatik.uni-kiel.de
Mon Mar 18 13:58:09 EDT 2013


I am trying to generate a program dependency graph using Soot. My 
attempt was to add an own BodyTransformer to intercept the graph and to 
use HashMutablePDG to generate the PDG:

protected void internalTransform(final Body b, final String phaseName, 
final Map options) {
	final UnitGraph cfg = new ExceptionalUnitGraph(b);
	final HashMutablePDG pdg = new HashMutablePDG(cfg);

	final CFGToDotGraph cfgToDot = new CFGToDotGraph();
	final DotGraph dotGraph = cfgToDot.drawCFG(pdg, cfg.getBody());
	dotGraph.plot(b.getMethod().getName() + ".out");

The resulting graph seems to contain usually only two nodes though. Is 
this an user error or isn't the PDG part of Soot implemented yet?



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