[Soot-list] Local variable scopes in Jimple

Rohan Padhye rohanpadhye at cse.iitb.ac.in
Tue Mar 19 02:11:47 EDT 2013


Does Soot provide any mechanism of determining when a JimpleLocal goes 
out of a scope in a JimpleBody?

For example consider a method with the following lines:

try {
   // Something
} catch(Exception e) {
   // Handle e
// Some 100 more lines...

I am performing data flow analysis on such methods and would like to 
determine that I can "kill" whatever
information I am keeping for the local 'e' when it goes out of scope. 
Note that this is not limited to
try-catch blocks but a general question regarding scope blocks.

Rohan Padhye

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