[Soot-list] functionality of "enableCallbackSources"

H S aras_h1988 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 15 21:49:34 EDT 2014

I came to this "enableCallbackSources": does the following javaDoc(*) mean, it would add the callBackFunctions to the source list? According what will be executed(**) if this boolean is true, the answer is "no".

	 (*) Sets whether callback parameters shall be considered as sources
  @param enableCallbackSources True if callback parameters shall be considered
  as sources, otherwise false.

Should I implement my own method to take the values stored in callbackMethods and add them to sources of SourceSinkManager?

Or setupApplication.getEntryPointCreator().getCallbackFunctions() I get from here these callBackMethods, and then use addSink method from the SourceSinkManager?

(**)if (enableCallbackSources) {

final String callSiteSignature = cfg.getMethodOf(sCallSite).getSignature();
if (sCallSite instanceof IdentityStmt) {
IdentityStmt is = (IdentityStmt) sCallSite;
if (is.getRightOp() instanceof ParameterRef)
if (this.callbackMethods.containsKey(callSiteSignature))
return SourceType.Callback;

Thank you for your hints
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