[Soot-list] Detecting all values passed to a method

sltz slayerz at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 11:48:24 EDT 2016

I'm trying to analyze a program so I can detect all values passed to a 
method. I've been reading and playing with Soot for a while now, but I just 
can't seem to figure the right way to do this.
I even resorted to making the initial values "final" in hope of using the 
ConstantPropagatorAndFolder, which didn't seem to detect them at all.

I have the following program:

*package* main;

*public* *class* Main


  *public* *static* *final* *int* toFind = 11;

  *public* *static* *final* *int* toFindTwo = 15;


  *public* *static* *void* main(String[] args)


    secondMethod(11, 15);



  *public* *static* *void* secondMethod(*int* x, *int* y)


    thirdMethod(x, y);



  *public* *static* *void* thirdMethod(*int* x, *int* y)


    TestClass testClass = *new* TestClass();






And I'd like to be able to analyze all calls to "testMethod" and output the 
values of [11, 15].

Could anyone please point me in the right direction as to which 
techniques/classes/analyses I should use? Is it possible at all?

As the next step, I'd like to be able to do this even if toFind and 
toFindTwo are not "final".

Thank you!
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