[Soot-list] Following method call parameters to detect possible values

slayer slayerz at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 08:19:54 EDT 2016

I have the following test program:


package main;

public class Main {

    public final static int toFind = 11;

    public final static int toFindTwo = 15;

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        secondMethod(toFind, toFindTwo);


    public static void secondMethod(int x, int y) {



    public static void thirdMethod(int x, int y) {

    TestClass testClass = new TestClass();






I'd like to be able to get all edges into testMethod and either use an
existing analysis to try and detect their values (through the nested
calls), or simply backtrace through the statements leading to the call.

So in short, I want my analysis to get 'testMethod' as input, and for it to
be able to output 11, 15.

Could someone please point me towards the right classes/examples?
Thank you!
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