[Soot-list] about custom entry points

Arzt, Steven steven.arzt at sit.fraunhofer.de
Wed Mar 8 05:26:48 EST 2017


Soot’s callgraph algorithms usually analyze programs starting from the entry point which is expected to be some main method. In the case of servlets, you need to provide a main method that emulates calls to the servlet methods. To automatically generate such a dummy main method, you can have a look at the DefaultEntryPointCreator class from FlowDroid (soot-infoflow on Github) that was exactly designed to create dummy main methods for such cases. The method it generates will not be executable, but equivalent to a real implementation for the purpose of callgraph construction.

Best regards,

From: Soot-list [mailto:soot-list-bounces at cs.mcgill.ca] On Behalf Of liujiefeng
Sent: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 4:57 AM
To: soot-list at CS.McGill.CA
Subject: [Soot-list] about custom entry points

Hi, there!

I’ve got some problems with custom entry points.
I’ve learned from https://github.com/Sable/soot/wiki/Using-Soot-with-custom-entry-points to analyze from custom entry point.
SootClass c = Scene.v().forceResolve("MyEntryPoint", SootClass.BODIES);
SootMethod method = c.getMethodByName("myMethod");
List entryPoints = new ArrayList();

But I can’t use

To get to my method, it just always analyze from main method.
Since my project is using servlet, so I can’t just make a call in main method since request and response is not easy to new.

So I’m wondering:

1.       Is it possible to analyze from custom entry point throw the method above?

2.       If so, what is my problem? Does “myMethod” cannot just be String of method name?

Looking forward & with best regards.
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