[Soot-list] After constructcallgraph changing Jimple body in PackManager

umang78agarwal at gmail.com umang78agarwal at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 10:48:29 EST 2019

I have constructed callgraph using

SetupApplication ap = new SetupApplication(androidJarPath, apkPath);
InfoflowCFG icfg=new InfoflowCFG();
we perform some processing on result of this icfg.

But after this, when i do internalTransform, it misses some classes. To 
avoid this, I re-initialize soot options along with soot.G.reset(); So now 
we are able to get all the classes in internalTransform.
But we are facing other issue that the Jimple body gets changed....The 
units which were present earlier with some Local $r2 now gets completely 
changed... we want to access the same body that was while processing icfg 
control paths. How can we avoid changing body even after re-initialization.

Please help...we are stuck due to the issue.
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