[Soot-list] [Android][FlowDroid] Using FlowDroid to analyze data passed from Dalvik to Native Code

Arzt, Steven steven.arzt at sit.fraunhofer.de
Wed Mar 13 09:02:12 EDT 2019

Hi Sumaya,

FYlowDroid processes all taints that are passed to native methods to an 
INativeCallHandler implementation. If you want to apply any sort of reasoning 
about the native code, such as integrating a native code analysis framework 
into FlowDroid, that is indeed the interface you need to implement. In that 
interface, FlowDroid calls the getTaintedValues method with the current 
statement that invokes the native method, the current taint abstractions, and 
the parameters that are passed to the native method. Note that the sources are 
not immediately available here. However, you can always register a taint 
abstraction as a result (a leak) through the InfoflowManager. In the end, 
FlowDroid collects all the registered results (which are essentials taint 
abstractions at statements) and identifies the corresponding sources.

Best regards,


From: Soot-list <soot-list-bounces at cs.mcgill.ca> On Behalf Of Sumaya Abdullah 
A Almanee
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 3:02 AM
To: soot-list at cs.mcgill.ca
Subject: [Soot-list] [Android][FlowDroid] Using FlowDroid to analyze data 
passed from Dalvik to Native Code

Hi Everyone,

I have recently started reading about and experimenting with FlowDroid. I was 
wondering if FlowDroid (or a combination of FlowDroid and other tools) can be 
used to track the sources of data passed to the native code (whether it is 
custom or existing native libraries).

For example, in the following function of an Android app:

private native void nativeNotifyError(int var1, String var2);

I want to track the sources of the variables var1 and var2 to know what values 
are passed to the nativeNotifyError function.

It seems that FlowDroid has a Native Call Handling component but I'm not quite 
sure if it serves this purpose?



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