[Soot-list] Handling Try/Catch in Soot

Daniel Ott danielott.m at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 14:57:03 EDT 2019


I'm trying to instrument codes in try/catch block in soot but I get the
following error whenever the unit is something like this: *$r1 :=

*[Thread-13] ERROR heros.solver.CountingThreadPoolExecutor - Worker thread
execution failed: Trap handler does start with caught exception reference*
*Trap handler does start with caught exception reference*

I'm using the following code:
tmpRef, Jimple.v().newStaticFieldRef(
Scene.v().getField("<java.lang.System: java.io.PrintStream
out>").makeRef())), u);

It is working for any other types of units but for units of type
caughtexception, I get the above error.

Any idea on this?
Thanks. Regards.
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