[Soot-list] Soot-Java9 Updates

Myles Frantz frantzme at vt.edu
Wed Mar 27 20:52:54 EDT 2019

To whomever it concerns,

We would like to thank you for your active support on the Soot project.
It is being used for several of our active research projects and we have
found it very useful.

I have recently read through the activity on Github, and I am happy to hear
about the recent upgrades of ASM and the ability to compile the project
with Java 11.
I would however like to ask if there are any plans to remove the runtime
("hard coded") dependency upon the rt.jar and the jce.jar files?

If there is any extra information you need or concerns you have, please
feel free to ask.

Myles Frantz
frantzme at vt.edu
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