[Soot-list] Generate DFG and PDG using command line

1530129650 enshengshi at qq.com
Thu Oct 22 02:54:44 EDT 2020

Hi  Admin

      I'd like to use soot to generate CFG(control flow graph) , DFG(data flow graph) or PDG (Program dependence graph) based on IR in command line. However,  I just could generate  CFG using

" java -cp sootclasses-trunk-jar-with-dependencies.jar  soot.tools.CFGViewer --soot-classpath .;"%JAVA_HOME%"\jre\lib\rt.jar --graph=BriefBlockGraph  ****".
The node in generated CFG is an instruction rather than a variable or operator as following , which is I  want to get.

I look through the soot tutorial, issue,  and google again and again. However, I fail to generate DFG and PDF. 
Could you please help me to generate CFG, DFG or PDG based on IR in command line.



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