[Soot-list] Generate DFG and PDG using command line

Patrick Lam prof.lam at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 19:44:18 EDT 2020

Hi Jing,

The CFGViewer produces a dump of the control-flow graph, which is the basic
Soot intermediate representation (namely, three-address Jimple code). I'm
not sure exactly which graphs you are hoping to see, but you would have to
write more code to have graphs that have nodes that are variables rather
than statements. Some of the statements are an operator, like the one in
your example, temp$7 = x1 + 1. Basically I don't really understand what you
are trying to get.


On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 2:22 AM 1530129650 <enshengshi at qq.com> wrote:

> Hi  Admin
>       I'd like to use soot to generate CFG(control flow graph) , DFG(data
> flow graph) or PDG (Program dependence graph) based on IR in command
> line. However,  I just could generate  CFG using
> " java -cp sootclasses-trunk-jar-with-dependencies.jar
>  soot.tools.CFGViewer --soot-classpath .;"%JAVA_HOME%"\jre\lib\rt.jar
> --graph=BriefBlockGraph  ****".
> The node in generated CFG is an instruction rather than a variable or
> operator as following , which is I  want to get.
> I look through the soot tutorial, issue,  and google again and again.
> However, I fail to generate DFG and PDF.
> Could you please help me to generate CFG, DFG or PDG based on IR in
> command line.
> Thanks
> Jing
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