Uses of Interface

Packages that use IAFAState
rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.base Abstract base classes for all AFA states. 
rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.impl Implementing classes of AFA states. 
rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.interfaze Common interfaces for all AFA states. 
rwth.i2.ltlrv.formula.impl Implementing classes for LTL term constructors. 
rwth.i2.ltlrv.formula.interfaze Common interfaces for LTL term constructors. Holds classes for configuration management and formula creation. 
rwth.i2.ltlrv.util Holds utility classes. 

Uses of IAFAState in rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.base

Classes in rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.base that implement IAFAState
 class AbstractAFAState
          Abstract superclass of all formulae.
 class BinaryAFAState
          BinaryAFAState - Abstract superclass of all binary formulae.
 class CommutativeBinaryAFAState
          Represents a binary formula, which is commutative.
 class NullaryAFAState
          NullaryAFAState - Abstract base class of all nullary AFA states.
 class UnaryAFAState
          UnaryAFAState - Abstract superclass of all unary formulae.

Fields in rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.base declared as IAFAState
protected  IAFAState BinaryAFAState.substate1
protected  IAFAState BinaryAFAState.substate2

Methods in rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.base that return IAFAState
 IAFAState UnaryAFAState.negationNormalForm()
          Produces a formula in negation normal form, where negations occur only in front of propositions.
 IAFAState NullaryAFAState.negationNormalForm()
          Produces a formula in negation normal form, where negations occur only in front of propositions.
 IAFAState BinaryAFAState.negationNormalForm()
          Produces a formula in negation normal form, where negations occur only in front of propositions.
 IAFAState UnaryAFAState.specializeBindings(WeakValuesMap<String,Object> bindings)
          Returns a fresh copy of this subformula with bindings in propositions specialized by the bindings of propositions, which are passed in as argument.
 IAFAState NullaryAFAState.specializeBindings(WeakValuesMap<String,Object> bindings)
          Returns a fresh copy of this subformula with bindings in propositions specialized by the bindings of propositions, which are passed in as argument.
 IAFAState BinaryAFAState.specializeBindings(WeakValuesMap<String,Object> bindings)
          Returns a fresh copy of this subformula with bindings in propositions specialized by the bindings of propositions, which are passed in as argument.

Method parameters in rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.base with type arguments of type IAFAState
protected abstract  void AbstractAFAState.doTransition(Set<String> context, PropositionSet currentProps, WeakValuesMap<String,Object> currentBinding, Set<Set<IAFAState>> result)
          Performs the actual transition based on the current context.
 void AbstractAFAState.transition(Set<String> context, PropositionSet currentProps, WeakValuesMap<String,Object> currentBinding, Set<Set<IAFAState>> result)
          Performs a transition on this term under the given propositions and bindings.

Uses of IAFAState in rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.impl

Classes in rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.impl that implement IAFAState
 class And
          And - Implements a conjunct.
 class FF
          FF - Implements the sink state / formula representing false.
 class Next
          Next - Implements the Next formula constructor of LTL.
 class Not
          Not - Implements the Not operator.
 class Or
          Or - Implements a disjunct.
 class Proposition
          Proposition - Implements a proposition.
 class Release
          Release - Implements the Release operator in LTL.
 class TT
          TT - Implements the sink state / formula representing true.
 class Until
          Until - Implements the Until operator in LTL.

Methods in rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.impl that return IAFAState
 IAFAState Until.negationNormalForm()
          Produces a formula in negation normal form, where negations occur only in front of propositions. This form also holds only IUntil, IRelease, IAnd, IOr, INot, IProposition subformulae. This must return a copy of the original formula. The major work is done in Not.negationNormalForm().
 IAFAState Release.negationNormalForm()
          Produces a formula in negation normal form, where negations occur only in front of propositions. This form also holds only IUntil, IRelease, IAnd, IOr, INot, IProposition subformulae. This must return a copy of the original formula. The major work is done in Not.negationNormalForm().
 IAFAState Not.negationNormalForm()
          Produces a formula in negation normal form, where negations occur only in front of propositions. This form also holds only IUntil, IRelease, IAnd, IOr, INot, IProposition subformulae. This must return a copy of the original formula. The major work is done in Not.negationNormalForm().
 IAFAState Not.reconstruct(IFormula t)
          Creates a formula with the same operator as this but a different subformula.
 IAFAState Next.reconstruct(IFormula t)
          Creates a formula with the same operator as this but a different subformula.
 IAFAState Until.reconstruct(IFormula t1, IFormula t2)
          Creates a formula with the same operator as this but different subformulae.
 IAFAState Release.reconstruct(IFormula t1, IFormula t2)
          Creates a formula with the same operator as this but different subformulae.
 IAFAState Or.reconstruct(IFormula t1, IFormula t2)
          Creates a formula with the same operator as this but different subformulae.
 IAFAState And.reconstruct(IFormula t1, IFormula t2)
          Creates a formula with the same operator as this but different subformulae.

Method parameters in rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.impl with type arguments of type IAFAState
 void Until.doTransition(Set<String> context, PropositionSet currentProps, WeakValuesMap<String,Object> currentBinding, Set<Set<IAFAState>> result)
          Performs the actual transition based on the current context.
 void TT.doTransition(Set<String> context, PropositionSet currentProps, WeakValuesMap<String,Object> currentBinding, Set<Set<IAFAState>> result)
          Performs the actual transition based on the current context.
 void Release.doTransition(Set<String> context, PropositionSet currentProps, WeakValuesMap<String,Object> currentBinding, Set<Set<IAFAState>> result)
          Performs the actual transition based on the current context.
 void Proposition.doTransition(Set<String> context, PropositionSet currentProps, WeakValuesMap<String,Object> currentBinding, Set<Set<IAFAState>> result)
          Performs the actual transition based on the current context.
 void Or.doTransition(Set<String> context, PropositionSet currentProps, WeakValuesMap<String,Object> currentBinding, Set<Set<IAFAState>> result)
          Performs the actual transition based on the current context.
 void Not.doTransition(Set<String> context, PropositionSet currentProps, WeakValuesMap<String,Object> currentBinding, Set<Set<IAFAState>> result)
          Performs the actual transition based on the current context.
 void Next.doTransition(Set<String> context, PropositionSet currentProps, WeakValuesMap<String,Object> currentBinding, Set<Set<IAFAState>> result)
          Performs the actual transition based on the current context.
 void FF.doTransition(Set<String> context, PropositionSet currentProps, WeakValuesMap<String,Object> currentBinding, Set<Set<IAFAState>> result)
          Performs the actual transition based on the current context.
 void And.doTransition(Set<String> context, PropositionSet currentProps, WeakValuesMap<String,Object> currentBinding, Set<Set<IAFAState>> result)
          Performs the actual transition based on the current context.

Uses of IAFAState in rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.interfaze

Subinterfaces of IAFAState in rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.interfaze
 interface IAnd
          IAnd represents a conjunct.
 interface IBinaryAFAState
          IBinaryAFAState - Common interface for all binary AFA states.
 interface IFF
          IFF represents FF = false
 interface INext
          INext represents the Next operator
 interface INot
          INot represents the negation operator
 interface INullaryAFAState
          INullaryAFAState - Common interface for nullary AFA states.
 interface IOr
          IOr represents a disjunct
 interface IProposition
          IProposition represents a proposition
 interface IRelease
          IRelease - Interface representing the binary Release operator in LTL.
 interface ITT
          ITT represents TT = true
 interface IUnaryAFAState
          IUnaryAFAState - Common interface for unary AFA states.
 interface IUntil
          IUntil - Interface representing the binary Until operator in LTL.

Methods in rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.interfaze that return IAFAState
 IAFAState IUnaryAFAState.reconstruct(IFormula subformula)
          Creates a formula with the same operator as this but a different subformula.
 IAFAState IBinaryAFAState.reconstruct(IFormula subformula1, IFormula subformula2)
          Creates a formula with the same operator as this but different subformulae.
 IAFAState IAFAState.specializeBindings(WeakValuesMap<String,Object> bindings)
          Returns a fresh copy of this subformula with bindings in propositions specialized by the bindings of propositions, which are passed in as argument.

Method parameters in rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.interfaze with type arguments of type IAFAState
 void IAFAState.transition(Set<String> context, PropositionSet currentProps, WeakValuesMap<String,Object> currentBinding, Set<Set<IAFAState>> result)
          Performs a transition on this term under the given propositions and bindings.

Constructors in rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.interfaze with parameters of type IAFAState
IAFAState.ValidationException(String variableName, IAFAState subformula)

Uses of IAFAState in rwth.i2.ltlrv.formula.impl

Methods in rwth.i2.ltlrv.formula.impl that return IAFAState
 IAFAState Implies.negationNormalForm()
          Produces a formula in negation normal form, where negations occur only in front of propositions.
 IAFAState Globally.negationNormalForm()
          Produces a formula in negation normal form, where negations occur only in front of propositions.
 IAFAState Finally.negationNormalForm()
          Produces a formula in negation normal form, where negations occur only in front of propositions.
 IAFAState Equivalent.negationNormalForm()
          Produces a formula in negation normal form, where negations occur only in front of propositions.

Uses of IAFAState in rwth.i2.ltlrv.formula.interfaze

Methods in rwth.i2.ltlrv.formula.interfaze that return IAFAState
 IAFAState IFormula.negationNormalForm()
          Produces a formula in negation normal form, where negations occur only in front of propositions.

Uses of IAFAState in

Fields in with type parameters of type IAFAState
private  Set<Set<IAFAState>> Configuration.globalState
          The current global state as a disjunct of conjuncts of terms.
private static Map<IAFAState,Integer> Configuration.termToNumber
          Maps a term to a number.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type IAFAState
private static Set<Set<IAFAState>> Configuration.subsumptionReduction(Set<Set<IAFAState>> set)
          Removes sets which contain another set (in order to find the smallest model)
private static Set<Set<IAFAState>> Configuration.transition(Set<Set<IAFAState>> globalState, PropositionSet currentProps)
          Performs a transition from the given state (set of clauses) to the sucessor state for the given set of propositions.

Methods in with parameters of type IAFAState
private static int Configuration.numberOf(IAFAState term)
          Returns a (possibly new) number for a term, based on equality.
private static String Configuration.numberStringOf(IAFAState term)
          Returns a unique number string for the term, based on equality.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type IAFAState
private static String Configuration.clauseSetToString(Set<Set<IAFAState>> clauseSet)
private static boolean Configuration.isClauseSetFinal(Set<Set<IAFAState>> clauseSet)
private static Set<Set<IAFAState>> Configuration.subsumptionReduction(Set<Set<IAFAState>> set)
          Removes sets which contain another set (in order to find the smallest model)
private static Set<Set<IAFAState>> Configuration.transition(Set<Set<IAFAState>> globalState, PropositionSet currentProps)
          Performs a transition from the given state (set of clauses) to the sucessor state for the given set of propositions.

Constructors in with parameters of type IAFAState
Configuration(IAFAState initialState)
          Constructs a new configuration for an initial state.

Uses of IAFAState in rwth.i2.ltlrv.util

Methods in rwth.i2.ltlrv.util that return types with arguments of type IAFAState
static Set<IAFAState> SetUtils.clauseTT()
          Constructs an empty clause which represents TT (true).
static Set<Set<IAFAState>> SetUtils.emptyClauseSet()
          Constructs an empty clause set.
static Set<Set<IAFAState>> SetUtils.FF()
          Constructs an empty clause set, representing FF.
static Set<Set<IAFAState>> SetUtils.singletonClauseSet(IAFAState... elements)
          Constructs a set holding one single clause holding the given terms.
static Set<IAFAState> SetUtils.termClause(IAFAState... elements)
          Constructs a term clause/set for the given elements.
static Set<Set<IAFAState>> SetUtils.TT()
          Constructs an empty clause set, which represents TT (true).

Methods in rwth.i2.ltlrv.util with parameters of type IAFAState
static Set<Set<IAFAState>> SetUtils.singletonClauseSet(IAFAState... elements)
          Constructs a set holding one single clause holding the given terms.
static Set<IAFAState> SetUtils.termClause(IAFAState... elements)
          Constructs a term clause/set for the given elements.