Uses of Class

Packages that use Hierarchy
soot Base Soot classes, shared by different intermediate representations. 

Uses of Hierarchy in soot

Methods in soot that return Hierarchy
 Hierarchy Scene.getActiveHierarchy()
          Retrieves the active hierarchy
 Hierarchy Scene.getActiveHierarchy()
          Retrieves the active hierarchy

Methods in soot with parameters of type Hierarchy
 void Scene.setActiveHierarchy(Hierarchy hierarchy)
          Sets the active hierarchy
 void Scene.setActiveHierarchy(Hierarchy hierarchy)
          Sets the active hierarchy

Uses of Hierarchy in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.mhp

Constructors in soot.jimple.toolkits.thread.mhp with parameters of type Hierarchy
PegGraph(CallGraph callGraph, Hierarchy hierarchy, PAG pag, Set<Object> methodsNeedingInlining, Set<AllocNode> allocNodes, List inlineSites, Map synchObj, Set<AllocNode> multiRunAllocNodes, Map allocNodeToObj, Body unitBody, SootMethod sm, boolean addExceptionEdges, boolean dontAddEdgeFromStmtBeforeAreaOfProtectionToCatchBlock)
          Constructs a graph for the units found in the provided Body instance.
PegGraph(CallGraph callGraph, Hierarchy hierarchy, PAG pag, Set<Object> methodsNeedingInlining, Set<AllocNode> allocNodes, List inlineSites, Map synchObj, Set<AllocNode> multiRunAllocNodes, Map allocNodeToObj, Body unitBody, SootMethod sm, boolean addExceptionEdges, boolean dontAddEdgeFromStmtBeforeAreaOfProtectionToCatchBlock)
          Constructs a graph for the units found in the provided Body instance.
PegGraph(CallGraph callGraph, Hierarchy hierarchy, PAG pag, Set methodsNeedingInlining, Set allocNodes, List<List> inlineSites, Map<SootMethod,String> synchObj, Set multiRunAllocNodes, Map<AllocNode,String> allocNodeToObj, Body unitBody, String threadName, SootMethod sm, boolean addExceEdge, boolean dontAddEdgeFromStmtBeforeAreaOfProtectionToCatchBlock)
          Constructs a graph for the units found in the provided Body instance.
PegGraph(CallGraph callGraph, Hierarchy hierarchy, PAG pag, Set methodsNeedingInlining, Set allocNodes, List<List> inlineSites, Map<SootMethod,String> synchObj, Set multiRunAllocNodes, Map<AllocNode,String> allocNodeToObj, Body unitBody, String threadName, SootMethod sm, boolean addExceEdge, boolean dontAddEdgeFromStmtBeforeAreaOfProtectionToCatchBlock)
          Constructs a graph for the units found in the provided Body instance.