Uses of Class

Packages that use MethodPAG
soot Base Soot classes, shared by different intermediate representations. 

Uses of MethodPAG in soot

Fields in soot with type parameters of type MethodPAG
 HashMap<SootMethod,MethodPAG> G.MethodPAG_methodToPag
 HashMap<SootMethod,MethodPAG> G.MethodPAG_methodToPag

Uses of MethodPAG in soot.jimple.spark.builder

Fields in soot.jimple.spark.builder declared as MethodPAG
protected  MethodPAG MethodNodeFactory.mpag
protected  MethodPAG MethodNodeFactory.mpag

Constructors in soot.jimple.spark.builder with parameters of type MethodPAG
MethodNodeFactory(PAG pag, MethodPAG mpag)
MethodNodeFactory(PAG pag, MethodPAG mpag)

Uses of MethodPAG in soot.jimple.spark.pag

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.pag that return MethodPAG
static MethodPAG MethodPAG.v(PAG pag, SootMethod m)
static MethodPAG MethodPAG.v(PAG pag, SootMethod m)

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.pag with parameters of type MethodPAG
 void PAG.addCallTarget(MethodPAG srcmpag, MethodPAG tgtmpag, Stmt s, Context srcContext, Context tgtContext, Edge e)
          Adds method target as a possible target of the invoke expression in s.
 void PAG.addCallTarget(MethodPAG srcmpag, MethodPAG tgtmpag, Stmt s, Context srcContext, Context tgtContext, Edge e)
          Adds method target as a possible target of the invoke expression in s.