Package soot.jimple.spark.sets

Interface Summary
EqualsSupportingPointsToSet A points-to set supporting deep equals and hashCode operations.

Class Summary
AllSharedHybridNodes A singleton to hold the hash table for SharedHybridSet
AllSharedListNodes A singleton to hold the hash table for SharedListSet
BitPointsToSet Implementation of points-to set using a bit vector.
DoublePointsToSet Implementation of points-to set that holds two sets: one for new elements that have not yet been propagated, and the other for elements that have already been propagated.
EmptyPointsToSet Implementation of an empty, immutable points-to set.
HashPointsToSet HashSet implementation of points-to set.
HybridPointsToSet Hybrid implementation of points-to set, which uses an explicit array for small sets, and a bit vector for large sets.
P2SetFactory Abstract base class for points-to set factory.
P2SetVisitor Abstract base class for points-to set visitors used to enumerate points-to sets.
PointsToBitVector An extension of a bit vector which is convenient to use to represent points-to sets.
PointsToSetEqualsWrapper A decorator that implements equals/hashCode for PointsToSet supporting the EqualsSupportingPointsToSet interface.
PointsToSetInternal Abstract base class for implementations of points-to sets.
PointsToSetInternal.P2SetVisitorDefaultTrue A P2SetVisitor with a default return value of true.
PointsToSetInternal.P2SetVisitorInt A P2SetVisitor with an int value.
SharedHybridSet A shared representation of a points-to set which uses a bit vector + a list of extra elements, an "overflow list", to make adding single elements fast in most cases.
SharedListSet Implementation of a points-to set as a sorted list of elements, but where similar lists share parts of their data.
SortedArraySet Implementation of points-to set using a sorted array.