Uses of Class

Packages that use DelayabilityAnalysis
soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.pre Particial redundency elimination. 

Uses of DelayabilityAnalysis in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.pre

Constructors in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.pre with parameters of type DelayabilityAnalysis
LatestComputation(UnitGraph unitGraph, DelayabilityAnalysis delayed, Map equivRhsMap)
          given a DelayabilityAnalysis and the computations of each unit, calculates the latest computation-point for each expression.
LatestComputation(UnitGraph unitGraph, DelayabilityAnalysis delayed, Map equivRhsMap)
          given a DelayabilityAnalysis and the computations of each unit, calculates the latest computation-point for each expression.
LatestComputation(UnitGraph unitGraph, DelayabilityAnalysis delayed, Map equivRhsMap, BoundedFlowSet set)
          given a DelayabilityAnalysis and the computations of each unit, calculates the latest computation-point for each expression.
the equivRhsMap could be calculated on the fly, but it is very likely that it already exists (as similar maps are used for calculating Earliestness, Delayed,...
the shared set allows more efficient set-operations, when they the computation is merged with other analyses/computations.
LatestComputation(UnitGraph unitGraph, DelayabilityAnalysis delayed, Map equivRhsMap, BoundedFlowSet set)
          given a DelayabilityAnalysis and the computations of each unit, calculates the latest computation-point for each expression.
the equivRhsMap could be calculated on the fly, but it is very likely that it already exists (as similar maps are used for calculating Earliestness, Delayed,...
the shared set allows more efficient set-operations, when they the computation is merged with other analyses/computations.