Uses of Class

Packages that use DownSafetyAnalysis
soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.pre Particial redundency elimination. 

Uses of DownSafetyAnalysis in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.pre

Constructors in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.pre with parameters of type DownSafetyAnalysis
EarliestnessComputation(UnitGraph unitGraph, UpSafetyAnalysis upSafe, DownSafetyAnalysis downSafe, SideEffectTester sideEffect)
          given an UpSafetyAnalysis and a DownSafetyAnalysis, performs the earliest-computation.
EarliestnessComputation(UnitGraph unitGraph, UpSafetyAnalysis upSafe, DownSafetyAnalysis downSafe, SideEffectTester sideEffect)
          given an UpSafetyAnalysis and a DownSafetyAnalysis, performs the earliest-computation.
EarliestnessComputation(UnitGraph unitGraph, UpSafetyAnalysis upSafe, DownSafetyAnalysis downSafe, SideEffectTester sideEffect, FlowSet set)
          given an UpSafetyAnalysis and a DownSafetyAnalysis, performs the earliest-computation.
allows to share sets over multiple analyses (set-operations are usually more efficient, if the sets come from the same source).
EarliestnessComputation(UnitGraph unitGraph, UpSafetyAnalysis upSafe, DownSafetyAnalysis downSafe, SideEffectTester sideEffect, FlowSet set)
          given an UpSafetyAnalysis and a DownSafetyAnalysis, performs the earliest-computation.
allows to share sets over multiple analyses (set-operations are usually more efficient, if the sets come from the same source).