Uses of Class

Packages that use EarliestnessComputation
soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.pre Particial redundency elimination. 

Uses of EarliestnessComputation in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.pre

Constructors in soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.pre with parameters of type EarliestnessComputation
DelayabilityAnalysis(DirectedGraph dg, EarliestnessComputation earliest, Map equivRhsMap)
          automaticly performs the Delayability-analysis on the graph dg and the Earliest-computation earliest.
the equivRhsMap is only here to avoid doing these things again...
DelayabilityAnalysis(DirectedGraph dg, EarliestnessComputation earliest, Map equivRhsMap)
          automaticly performs the Delayability-analysis on the graph dg and the Earliest-computation earliest.
the equivRhsMap is only here to avoid doing these things again...
DelayabilityAnalysis(DirectedGraph dg, EarliestnessComputation earliest, Map equivRhsMap, BoundedFlowSet set)
          automaticly performs the Delayability-analysis on the graph dg and the Earliest-computation earliest.
the equivRhsMap is only here to avoid doing these things again...
as set-operations are usually more efficient, if the sets come from one source, sets should be shared around analyses, if the analyses are to be combined.
DelayabilityAnalysis(DirectedGraph dg, EarliestnessComputation earliest, Map equivRhsMap, BoundedFlowSet set)
          automaticly performs the Delayability-analysis on the graph dg and the Earliest-computation earliest.
the equivRhsMap is only here to avoid doing these things again...
as set-operations are usually more efficient, if the sets come from one source, sets should be shared around analyses, if the analyses are to be combined.