Package soot.tagkit

Classes supporting classfile annotation in Soot.


Interface Summary
Attribute Tags that are attached to the class file, field, method, or method body should implement this interface.
Host A "taggable" object.
Tag Represents a tag; these get attached to implementations of Host.
TagPrinter Interface to allow display of tags.

Class Summary
AbstractHost This class is the reference implementation for the Host interface, which allows arbitrary taggable data to be stored with Soot objects.
AnnotationAnnotationElem Represents the base class of annotation elements each annotation can have several elements for Java 1.5.
AnnotationArrayElem Represents the base class of annotation elements each annotation can have several elements for Java 1.5.
AnnotationClassElem Represents the base class of annotation elements each annotation can have several elements for Java 1.5.
AnnotationConstants Represents the annotation constants for Java 1.5.
AnnotationDefaultTag Represents the annotation default attribute attatched method - could have at most one annotation default each for Java 1.5.
AnnotationDoubleElem Represents the int annotation element each annotation can have several elements for Java 1.5.
AnnotationElem Represents the base class of annotation elements each annotation can have several elements for Java 1.5.
AnnotationEnumElem Represents the base class of annotation elements each annotation can have several elements for Java 1.5.
AnnotationFloatElem Represents the int annotation element each annotation can have several elements for Java 1.5.
AnnotationIntElem Represents the int annotation element each annotation can have several elements for Java 1.5.
AnnotationLongElem Represents the int annotation element each annotation can have several elements for Java 1.5.
AnnotationStringElem Represents the base class of annotation elements each annotation can have several elements for Java 1.5.
AnnotationTag Represents the annotation attribute attatched to a class, method, field, method param - they could have many annotations each for Java 1.5.
Base64 Provides encoding of raw bytes to base64-encoded characters, and decoding of base64 characters to raw bytes.
BytecodeOffsetTag This class represents a tag for byte-code offset of instructions that correspond to Jimple statements.
CodeAttribute A CodeAttribute object holds PC -> Tag pairs.
DebugTypeTag Represents the signature attribute used by fields, methods and classes for dealing with generics in Java 1.5.
DeprecatedTag Represents the deprecated attribute used by fields, methods and classes
EnclosingMethodTag Represents the enclosing method attribute attatched to anon and inner classes to indicate the class and method it is declared in for Java 1.5.
EnclosingTag Represents the synthetic attribute.
FirstTagAggregator A tag aggregator that associates a tag with the first instruction that is tagged with it.
GenericAttribute Represents a general attribute which can be attached to implementations of Host.
ImportantTagAggregator A tag aggregator that associates a tag with the most important instruction that is tagged with it.
InnerClassAttribute Represents an inner class attribute which can be attatched to implementations of Host.
InnerClassTagAggregator The aggregator for LineNumberTable attribute.
JasminAttribute This class must be extended by Attributes that can be emitted in Jasmin.
LineNumberTagAggregator The aggregator for LineNumberTable attribute.
LinkTag Represents a tag that just has a string to be printed with the code.
LoopInvariantTag Represents a tag that just has a string to be printed with the code.
ParamNamesTag Represents a tag that just has a string to be printed with the code.
QualifyingTag Represents the synthetic attribute.
SignatureTag Represents the signature attribute used by fields, methods and classes for dealing with generics in Java 1.5.
StdTagPrinter Default tag printer.
StringTag Represents a tag that just has a string to be printed with the code.
SyntheticParamTag Represents the synthetic attribute.
SyntheticTag Represents the synthetic attribute.
TagAggregator Interface to aggregate tags of units.
TagManager Utility functions for tags.
ThrowCreatedByCompilerTag Represents a tag that just has a string to be printed with the code.
VisibilityAnnotationTag Represents the visibility of an annotation attribute attatched to a class, field, method or method param (only one of these each) has one or more annotations for Java 1.5.
VisibilityParameterAnnotationTag Represents the visibility of an annotation attribute attatched to a class, field, method or method param (only one of these each) has one or more annotations for Java 1.5.

Exception Summary

Package soot.tagkit Description

Classes supporting classfile annotation in Soot.