Interface IBinaryAFAState

All Superinterfaces:
IAFAState, IBinaryTerm, IFormula
All Known Implementing Classes:
And, BinaryAFAState, CommutativeBinaryAFAState, Or, Release, Until

public interface IBinaryAFAState
extends IBinaryTerm, IAFAState

IBinaryAFAState - Common interface for all binary AFA states.

Eric Bodden

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.interfaze.IAFAState
IAFAState.ValidationException, IAFAState.VariableKind
Method Summary
 IAFAState reconstruct(IFormula subformula1, IFormula subformula2)
          Creates a formula with the same operator as this but different subformulae.
Methods inherited from interface rwth.i2.ltlrv.formula.interfaze.IBinaryTerm
getSubformula1, getSubformula2
Methods inherited from interface rwth.i2.ltlrv.formula.interfaze.IFormula
negationNormalForm, symbol
Methods inherited from interface rwth.i2.ltlrv.afastate.interfaze.IAFAState
isFinalStateInAFA, provides, providesNeg, providesPos, requires, specializeBindings, transition, unboundVariablesAtCurrentJoinpoint, validate
Methods inherited from interface rwth.i2.ltlrv.formula.interfaze.IFormula
negationNormalForm, symbol

Method Detail


IAFAState reconstruct(IFormula subformula1,
                      IFormula subformula2)
Creates a formula with the same operator as this but different subformulae. This is used for recursion with nondestructive updates.

subformula1 - left subformula
subformula2 - right subformula
the new instance