Re: [abc-dev] Extension of abc

From: Pavel Avgustinov <>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 13:25:32 +0000

I don't think this is implemented. Some AST nodes may have reasonable
prettyprint methods, but we're a long way off being able to produce a source
representation of a complete AST.

The conversion to Java source that you refer to is simply done by the Dava
decompiler; to the best of my knowledge there is no decompiler for AspectJ.

What exactly are you trying to achieve? Maybe we can help in some other way...

- Pavel

On Friday 14 March 2008 13:04:17 Léonard Babineaux wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have read the documentation and the publication of extension of the abc
> compiler. Is it possible to parse aspectj source files, alter the AST of
> the aspectj form and then make it back into a new aspectj (.aj) file? The
> extension documentation reads that it is possible to reconvert to .java
> file but not say anything about to .aj. I would be sincerely grateful if
> you could tell me if this is possible with abc compiler.
> Thank you,
> Léo
Received on Fri Mar 14 2008 - 13:25:50 GMT

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