[Soot-list] Decompiling Class file

mbatch at cs.mcgill.ca mbatch at cs.mcgill.ca
Tue Jun 6 15:27:43 EDT 2006

> Also I wanted to check if somebody on this list has to decompile
> soot-generated class files and has any recommendation on the decompiler to
>  use.

I use soot to decompile soot-generated classes all the time. I rarely, if
ever, have any issues. Perhaps your version of soot is not quite up to
date? I know Nomair was working on Dava a lot these last few months
(jan-april) so it may be worth getting your own copy of soot from the
repository. It's got all the latest and greatest.

More details as to the java.lang.String problem could be helpful in
figuring out what went wrong.

Finally, the latest version of dava has an option to specifically tell the
decompiler that input classes were not compiled by a javac variant. I
can't recall the exact syntax right now but it's in the db options. If you
have trouble finding it, let me know.


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