[Soot-list] release of Rootbeer GPU Compiler

Phil Pratt-Szeliga pcpratts at chirrup.org
Sat Aug 11 19:14:41 EDT 2012


This is to announce that I have released the source to the Rootber GPU
Compiler today on github [1]. Rootbeer allows a developer to use
almost any Java code on a GPU. Internally Rootbeer uses Soot for
static analysis of bytecode.

Rootbeer is highly tested and will be maintained until the Java
Programming Language is no longer popular. We have 7k of test code
testing 20k of product code and all tests pass on Windows and Linux.
If bugs are found and a test case can be submitted, I will do my best
to fix them quickly.

Phil Pratt-Szeliga
Syracuse University

[1] https://github.com/pcpratts/rootbeer1

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