[Soot-list] Possible to run Soot analysing Java library?

Marc-André Laverdière marc-andre.laverdiere-papineau at polymtl.ca
Thu Mar 7 21:51:37 EST 2013


By default, soot has java, java and a few more as exclusions, so if you put any options related to exclusions, you won't have anything.

Also, soot needs a main class, which the JDK jars will not provide.

But it I'd hard to help you without knowing what is it you want to do on the library ;)
Marc-André Laverdière
PhD Candidate - Doctorant
Sent from a mobile device - please excuse the brevity

Yi Lin <qinsoon at gmail.com> wrote:

>Hi all,
>I am trying to use Soot to analyse the Java library, for example, 
>I assume, with the following options, Soot might be able to treat the 
>library as normal application classes:
>    * set "java" package as include application classees
>    * set app
>    * do not set 'jce.jar'/'rt.jar' as Soot classpath
>but it seems not working.
>With stable version 2.5, Soot reports no error, but sees those classes 
>as having no class members: no field, no methods.
>With nightly build, Soot (actually JastAdd) reports: Semantic Error: 
>duplicate member Object in compilation unit.
>I am wondering if Soot implies there is a java.lang.Object even if it
>not provided in its classpath.
>Any help would be appreciated.
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