[Soot-list] Build Eclipse-Plugin

wii w1zagr33n at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 08:51:14 EDT 2014

Hi list,

I made some changes on the plugin for eclipse.
But I encounter some problems with its build. And I'd like to ask for 
any help, if you have already faced the same problem:

Although the external eclipse packages are already declared on the 
I get errors like:

$ant eclipse-plugin
error: package org.eclipse.gef.editparts does not exist
error: package org.eclipse.gef does not exist
error: cannot find symbol import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;

I tried even to add these packages manually on the plugin.xml, but 
errors still remain.
Do you have idea for this problem??

With the chance, I'd like to ask - as it's not clear enough to me- how 
exactly I can use the eclipse-plugin.jar after its build.
As I see in the '/usr/share/eclipse/plugins ... / '  the downloaded soot 
plugin uses only the jar of the classes. Is the eclipse-plugin.jar useful?

Thank you very much,


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