Uses of Class

Packages that use ThisRef
soot.baf Public classes for the Baf intermediate representation. 
soot.grimp Public classes for the Grimp intermediate representation. 
soot.jimple Public classes for the Jimple intermediate representation. 

Uses of ThisRef in soot.baf

Methods in soot.baf that return ThisRef
 ThisRef Baf.newThisRef(RefType t)
          Constructs a ThisRef(RefType) grammar chunk.
 ThisRef Baf.newThisRef(RefType t)
          Constructs a ThisRef(RefType) grammar chunk.

Uses of ThisRef in soot.dava.internal.javaRep

Subclasses of ThisRef in soot.dava.internal.javaRep
 class DThisRef

Uses of ThisRef in soot.grimp

Methods in soot.grimp that return ThisRef
 ThisRef Grimp.newThisRef(RefType t)
          Constructs a ThisRef(RefType) grammar chunk.
 ThisRef Grimp.newThisRef(RefType t)
          Constructs a ThisRef(RefType) grammar chunk.

Uses of ThisRef in soot.jbco.util

Methods in soot.jbco.util with parameters of type ThisRef
static Local BodyBuilder.buildThisLocal(PatchingChain units, ThisRef tr, Chain locals)
static Local BodyBuilder.buildThisLocal(PatchingChain units, ThisRef tr, Chain locals)

Uses of ThisRef in soot.jimple

Methods in soot.jimple that return ThisRef
 ThisRef Jimple.newThisRef(RefType t)
          Constructs a ThisRef(RefType) grammar chunk.
 ThisRef Jimple.newThisRef(RefType t)
          Constructs a ThisRef(RefType) grammar chunk.

Methods in soot.jimple with parameters of type ThisRef
 void AbstractJimpleValueSwitch.caseThisRef(ThisRef v)
 void AbstractRefSwitch.caseThisRef(ThisRef v)
 void RefSwitch.caseThisRef(ThisRef v)
 void RefSwitch.caseThisRef(ThisRef v)
 void AbstractRefSwitch.caseThisRef(ThisRef v)
 void AbstractJimpleValueSwitch.caseThisRef(ThisRef v)

Uses of ThisRef in soot.jimple.spark.builder

Methods in soot.jimple.spark.builder with parameters of type ThisRef
 void MethodNodeFactory.caseThisRef(ThisRef tr)
 void MethodNodeFactory.caseThisRef(ThisRef tr)

Uses of ThisRef in soot.sootify

Methods in soot.sootify with parameters of type ThisRef
 void ValueTemplatePrinter.caseThisRef(ThisRef v)
 void ValueTemplatePrinter.caseThisRef(ThisRef v)

Uses of ThisRef in soot.toolkits.exceptions

Methods in soot.toolkits.exceptions with parameters of type ThisRef
 void UnitThrowAnalysis.ValueSwitch.caseThisRef(ThisRef v)
 void UnitThrowAnalysis.ValueSwitch.caseThisRef(ThisRef v)