Uses of Package

Packages that use soot.toolkits.exceptions
soot Base Soot classes, shared by different intermediate representations. 
soot.toolkits.graph Toolkit to produce and manipulate various types of control flow graphs. 

Classes in soot.toolkits.exceptions used by soot
          A ThrowAnalysis that says that every unit can throw every possible exception type.
          Singleton class for fields and initializers common to all ThrowableSet objects (i.e., these would be static fields and initializers, in the absence of soot's G and Singletons classes).
          A source of information about the exceptions that Units might throw.
          A BodyTransformer that shrinks the protected area covered by each Trap in the Body so that it begins at the first of the Body's Units which might throw an exception caught by the Trap and ends just after the last Unit which might throw an exception caught by the Trap.
          A ThrowAnalysis which returns the set of runtime exceptions and errors that might be thrown by the bytecode instructions represented by a unit, as indicated by the Java Virtual Machine specification.

Classes in soot.toolkits.exceptions used by soot.toolkits.exceptions
          Abstract class implementing parts of the ThrowAnalysis interface which may be common to multiple concrete ThrowAnalysis classes.
          A ThrowAnalysis that says that every unit can throw every possible exception type.
          A class for representing the set of exceptions that an instruction may throw.
          Singleton class for fields and initializers common to all ThrowableSet objects (i.e., these would be static fields and initializers, in the absence of soot's G and Singletons classes).
          The return type for ThrowableSet.whichCatchableAs(RefType), consisting of a pair of ThrowableSets.
          A source of information about the exceptions that Units might throw.
          A BodyTransformer that shrinks the protected area covered by each Trap in the Body so that it begins at the first of the Body's Units which might throw an exception caught by the Trap and ends just after the last Unit which might throw an exception caught by the Trap.
          A ThrowAnalysis which returns the set of runtime exceptions and errors that might be thrown by the bytecode instructions represented by a unit, as indicated by the Java Virtual Machine specification.

Classes in soot.toolkits.exceptions used by soot.toolkits.graph
          A class for representing the set of exceptions that an instruction may throw.
          A source of information about the exceptions that Units might throw.