Package soot.util

Generally useful utility classes for Soot.


Interface Summary
Chain<E> Augmented data type guaranteeing O(1) insertion and removal from a set of ordered, unique elements.
IterableNumberer<E> A numberer which also supports an iterator on newly-added objects.
MultiMap A map with sets as values.
Numberable A class that numbers objects, so they can be placed in bitsets.
Numberer<E> A numberer converts objects to unique non-negative integers, and vice-versa.
Switch Basic interface used in the implementation of the Visitor design patterm.
Switchable Basic interface used for visited objects in the Visitor design patterm.

Class Summary
ArrayNumberer<E> A class that numbers objects, so they can be placed in bitsets.
ArraySet<E> Provides an implementation of the Set object using java.util.Array
BitSetIterator A fast enumerator for sparse bit sets.
BitVector This is the Soot internal implementation of java.util.BitSet with Felix and Jerome's clever efficient iterator.
Cons A Lisp-style cons cell.
Debug Provides utility methods for debugging, including assertions.
DeterministicHashMap Implementation of HashMap which guarantees a stable (between executions) order for its elements upon iteration.
EscapedReader A FilterReader which catches escaped characters (\\unnnn) in the input and de-escapes them.
EscapedWriter A FilterWriter which catches to-be-escaped characters (\\unnnn) in the input and substitutes their escaped representation.
HashChain<E> Reference implementation of the Chain interface, using a HashMap as the underlying structure.
HashMultiMap A map with sets as values, HashMap implementation.
Heap A heap (priority queue) implementation.
IdentityHashSet<E> Implements a hashset with comparison over identity.
IntegerNumberer A numberer that associates each number with the corresponding Long object.
JasminOutputStream An output stream that wraps an existing output stream, and converts Jasmin code written into a class file that gets written to the original output stream.
LargeNumberedMap A java.util.Map-like map with Numberable objects as the keys.
NumberedSet Holds a set of Numberable objects.
NumberedString A class that assigns integers to java.lang.Strings.
PhaseDumper The PhaseDumper is a debugging aid.
SingletonList A list containing exactly one object, immutable.
SmallNumberedMap A java.util.Map-like map with Numberable objects as the keys.
StationaryArrayList This class implements an ArrayList where the equality and hashCode use object equality, not list equality.
StringNumberer A class that numbers strings, so they can be placed in bitsets.
StringTools Utility methods for string manipulations commonly used in Soot.
UnitMap Maps each unit to the result of mapTo.

Package soot.util Description

Generally useful utility classes for Soot.