Interface Summary | |
Chain<E> | Augmented data type guaranteeing O(1) insertion and removal from a set of ordered, unique elements. |
Heap.Keys | |
IterableNumberer<E> | A numberer which also supports an iterator on newly-added objects. |
MultiMap | A map with sets as values. |
Numberable | A class that numbers objects, so they can be placed in bitsets. |
Numberer<E> | A numberer converts objects to unique non-negative integers, and vice-versa. |
Switch | Basic interface used in the implementation of the Visitor design patterm. |
Switchable | Basic interface used for visited objects in the Visitor design patterm. |
Class Summary | |
ArrayNumberer<E> | A class that numbers objects, so they can be placed in bitsets. |
ArraySet<E> | Provides an implementation of the Set object using java.util.Array |
BitSetIterator | A fast enumerator for sparse bit sets. |
BitVector | This is the Soot internal implementation of java.util.BitSet with Felix and Jerome's clever efficient iterator. |
Cons | A Lisp-style cons cell. |
Debug | Provides utility methods for debugging, including assertions. |
DeterministicHashMap | Implementation of HashMap which guarantees a stable (between executions) order for its elements upon iteration. |
EscapedReader | A FilterReader which catches escaped characters (\\unnnn ) in the
input and de-escapes them. |
EscapedWriter | A FilterWriter which catches to-be-escaped characters (\\unnnn ) in the
input and substitutes their escaped representation. |
HashChain<E> | Reference implementation of the Chain interface, using a HashMap as the underlying structure. |
HashMultiMap | A map with sets as values, HashMap implementation. |
Heap | A heap (priority queue) implementation. |
IdentityHashSet<E> | Implements a hashset with comparison over identity. |
IntegerNumberer | A numberer that associates each number with the corresponding Long object. |
IterableMap | |
IterableSet | |
JasminOutputStream | An output stream that wraps an existing output stream, and converts Jasmin code written into a class file that gets written to the original output stream. |
LargeNumberedMap | A java.util.Map-like map with Numberable objects as the keys. |
MapNumberer | |
NumberedSet | Holds a set of Numberable objects. |
NumberedString | A class that assigns integers to java.lang.Strings. |
PhaseDumper | The PhaseDumper is a debugging aid. |
SharedBitSet | |
SharedBitSetCache | |
SingletonList | A list containing exactly one object, immutable. |
SmallNumberedMap | A java.util.Map-like map with Numberable objects as the keys. |
StationaryArrayList | This class implements an ArrayList where the equality and hashCode use object equality, not list equality. |
StringNumberer | A class that numbers strings, so they can be placed in bitsets. |
StringTools | Utility methods for string manipulations commonly used in Soot. |
UnitMap | Maps each unit to the result of mapTo . |
Generally useful utility classes for Soot.