Package abc.weaving.aspectinfo

Interface Summary
AdviceSpec An advice specification.
ClassnamePattern A classname pattern.
ConstructorPattern A constructor pattern.
FieldPattern A field pattern.
MethodPattern A method pattern.
TypePattern A type pattern.

Class Summary
AbcClass A Java class handled by the ABC compiler.
AbcType A Java type handled by the ABC compiler.
AbstractAdviceDecl The base class for any kind of 'advice' declaration This can include both real advice declared directly in the aspect and other kinds of advice needed by abc for implementation reasons.
AbstractAdviceSpec Skeleton implementation of the AdviceSpec interface.
AbstractAfterAdvice Abstract base class for all forms of "after" advice
AdviceDecl A concrete advice declaration.
AfterAdvice Advice specification for after advice.
AfterReturningAdvice Advice specification for after returning advice without return variable binding.
AfterReturningArgAdvice Advice specification for after returning advice with return variable binding.
AfterThrowingAdvice Advice specification for after throwing advice without exception variable binding.
AfterThrowingArgAdvice Advice specification for after throwing advice with exception variable binding.
AndPointcut Pointcut conjunction.
ArgAny An argument pattern denoting any type.
ArgFill An argument pattern denoting any number of arbitrary arguments.
ArgPattern A pattern for a single argument.
Args Handler for args condition pointcut.
ArgType An argument pattern denoting a specific type.
ArgVar An argument pattern denoting a pointcut variable.
AroundAdvice Advice specification for around advice.
Aspect An aspect in the program.
BeforeAdvice Advice specification for before advice.
BeforeAfterAdvice Advice specification for advice that applies both before and after a joinpoint.
CastPointcutVar Cast from one pointcut variable to another.
Cflow Handler for cflow condition pointcut.
CflowBelow Handler for cflowbelow condition pointcut.
CflowPointcut Any Cflow-like pointcut.
CflowSetup Manufactured advice that is responsible for setting up cflow stacks/counters
ClassInitialization Handler for initialization shadow pointcut.
ConstructorCall Handler for call shadow pointcut with a constructor pattern.
DeclareMessage A declare warning or declare error declaration.
DeclareParents A declare parents declaration
DeclareParentsExt A declare parents ..
DeclareParentsImpl A declare parents ..
DeclarePrecedence A declare precedence declaration
DeclareSoft A declare soft declaration.
DirectlyWithin Handler for "directlywithin" condition pointcut.
DynamicValuePointcut A pointcut designator that inspects a dynamic value (this,target,args)
EmptyPointcut A pointcut designator representing no join points at all
Execution Handler for execution shadow pointcut with a method pattern.
FieldSig A field signature.
Formal A formal parameter to a method or constructor.
FullPointcut A pointcut designator representing every join point
GetField Handler for get shadow pointcut.
GlobalAspectInfo All aspect-specific information for an entire program.
Handler Handler for handler shadow pointcut.
If Handler for if condition pointcut.
InAspect A base class for things that have an aspect associated with them.
InterfaceInitialization Handler for initialization shadow pointcut.
IntertypeConstructorDecl An intertype constructor declaration.
IntertypeFieldDecl An intertype field declaration.
IntertypeMethodDecl An intertype method declaration.
LexicalPointcut A pointcut designator representing a condition on the lexical context
LocalPointcutVars Declare local pointcut variables.
MethodCall Handler for call shadow pointcut with a method pattern.
MethodCategory Decide what a field or method in jimple really is
MethodSig A method signature.
NotPointcut Pointcut negation.
OrPointcut Pointcut disjunction.
Per A per clause.
PerCflow A percflow per clause.
PerCflowBelow A percflowbelow per clause.
PerCflowSetup Synthetic advice to support instantiation of percflow aspects
PerPointcut Base class for a per clause that contains a pointcut.
PerTarget A pertarget per clause.
PerTargetSetup Synthetic advice to support instantiation of pertarget aspects
PerThis A perthis per clause.
PerThisSetup Synthetic advice to support instantiation of perthis aspects
Pointcut This is the base class for pointcut designators; it is constructed by the frontend.
Pointcut.DNF This class is used to calculate the disjunctive normal form of pointcuts.
PointcutDecl A pointcut declaration.
PointcutRef Handler for a pointcut reference.
Preinitialization Handler for preinitialization shadow pointcut.
SetField Handler for set shadow pointcut.
ShadowPointcut A pointcut designator representing a set of joinpoint shadows at which the pointcut will match.
Sig A method or field signature.
Singleton A singleton per clause.
SuperDispatch represent super dispatch calls in target of intertype declarations
SuperFieldGet represent dispatch methods to access fields in super class when referenced from intertype declaration
Syntax Base class for anything that corresponds to some syntax in the program.
TargetAny Handler for target condition pointcut with a universal pattern argument.
TargetType Handler for target condition pointcut with a type argument.
TargetVar Handler for target condition pointcut with a variable argument.
ThisAny Handler for this condition pointcut with a universal pattern argument.
ThisType Handler for this condition pointcut with a type argument.
ThisVar Handler for this condition pointcut with a variable argument.
Unification A class for representing the unification of two Syntax objects.
Var A pointcut variable.
VarBox A wrapper class for an optional Var value.
Within Handler for within condition pointcut.
WithinAdvice Handler for withinadvice lexical pointcut
WithinConstructor Handler for withincode lexical pointcut with a constructor pattern
WithinMethod Handler for withincode lexical pointcut with a method pattern.
WithinStaticInitializer Handler for withinstaticinitializer lexical pointcut