Package abc.weaving.matching

Interface Summary
SJPInfo An internal representation of the information needed to construct thisJoinPointStaticPart at runtime, plus some helper methods for generating the information.
WeavingEnv Provides the mapping from named variables in pointcuts to the weaving position and type.

Class Summary
AbcSJPInfo An internal representation of the information needed to construct thisJoinPointStaticPart at runtime, plus some helper methods for generating the information.
AdviceApplication The data structure the pointcut matcher computes.
AdviceFormals A weaving environment that can handle named pointcut variables corresponding to formal arguments to a piece of advice
BodyShadowMatch A base class for shadow types that are associated with the whole body or a section of it (i.e. execution and [pre]initialisation shadows), rather than with a specific jimple statement.
ClassInitializationAdviceApplication For initialization pointcuts
ClassInitializationShadowMatch The results of matching at an class initialization shadow
ConstructorAdviceApplication A base class for initialization and pre-initialization advice
ConstructorCallShadowMatch The results of matching at a new+constructor call shadow
ConstructorCallShadowType A joinpoint shadow that applies at "new"+constructor call
EmptyFormals An empty weaving environment, for use in contexts where named pointcut variables aren't supported.
ExecutionAdviceApplication Advice applying at an execution shadow
ExecutionShadowMatch An execution join point shadow.
ExecutionShadowType A joinpoint shadow that applies at "execution"
GetFieldShadowMatch A get field join point shadow.
GetFieldShadowType A joinpoint shadow that applies at a field get
HandlerAdviceApplication Application of advice at a handler joinpoint
HandlerShadowMatch The results of matching at a handler shadow
HandlerShadowType A joinpoint shadow that applies at an exception handler
InterfaceInitializationAdviceApplication for initialization pointcuts
InterfaceInitializationShadowMatch The results of matching at an interface initialization shadow
LocalsDecl A weaving environment that handles locally scoped named pointcut variables
MethodAdviceList The lists of AdviceApplication structures applying to a method
MethodCallShadowMatch The results of matching at a method call shadow
MethodCallShadowType A joinpoint shadow that applies at a method call
MethodPosition Used to specify that we are currently looking at the "whole" method during matching
NewStmtAdviceApplication Application of advice at a constructor call joinpoint
NewStmtMethodPosition Specifies matching at a particular new statement
PreinitializationAdviceApplication Application of advice at a preinitialization joinpoint
PreinitializationShadowMatch The results of matching at an preinitialization shadow
PreinitializationShadowType A joinpoint shadow that applies at "preinitialization"
SetFieldShadowMatch The results of matching at a field set shadow
SetFieldShadowType A joinpoint shadow that applies at a field set
ShadowMatch A specific join point shadow
ShadowType Each possible joinpoint shadow type extends this class and registers a singleton instance with it; the sole purpose of the hierarchy is to provide something for the matcher to iterate over.
StmtAdviceApplication Application of advice at a standard statement joinpoint
StmtMethodPosition Specifies matching at a particular statement
StmtShadowMatch A base class for join point shadows that apply to a single statement (or pair of statements in the case of constructor calls)
TrapMethodPosition Specifies matching at a particular exception trap
WholeMethodPosition The "position" of the whole method