abc.aspectj - package abc.aspectj
AspectJeton language extension.
abc.aspectj.ast - package abc.aspectj.ast
AST nodes for the aspectjeton language extension.
abc.aspectj.extension - package abc.aspectj.extension
AST extensions and delegates for the aspectjeton language extension.
abc.aspectj.parse - package abc.aspectj.parse
Parser for the aspectjeton language extension.
abc.aspectj.types - package abc.aspectj.types
Type objects for the aspectjeton language extension.
abc.aspectj.visit - package abc.aspectj.visit
Visitors for the aspectjeton language extension.
abc.eaj - package abc.eaj
Extended-AspectJ language extension.
abc.eaj.ast - package abc.eaj.ast
AST nodes for the Extended-AspectJ language extension.
abc.eaj.extension - package abc.eaj.extension
AST extensions and delegates for the Extended-AspectJ language extension.
abc.eaj.types - package abc.eaj.types
Type objects for the Extended-AspectJ language extension.
abc.eaj.util - package abc.eaj.util
abc.eaj.visit - package abc.eaj.visit
Visitors for the Extended-AspectJ language extension.
abc.eaj.weaving.aspectinfo - package abc.eaj.weaving.aspectinfo
abc.eaj.weaving.matching - package abc.eaj.weaving.matching
abc.ltl - package abc.ltl
Language extension for LTL Runtime Verification.
abc.ltl.ast - package abc.ltl.ast
AST nodes for the LTL Runtime Verification language extension.
abc.ltl.ast.override - package abc.ltl.ast.override
abc.ltl.formulaextraction - package abc.ltl.formulaextraction
Classes for retrieving and managing LTL formulas.
abc.ltl.visit.override - package abc.ltl.visit.override
abc.ltl.visit.transform - package abc.ltl.visit.transform
abc.main - package abc.main
abc.main.options - package abc.main.options
abc.polyglot.util - package abc.polyglot.util
abc.soot.util - package abc.soot.util
abc.weaving.aspectinfo - package abc.weaving.aspectinfo
abc.weaving.matching - package abc.weaving.matching
abc.weaving.residues - package abc.weaving.residues
abc.weaving.weaver - package abc.weaving.weaver
AbcClass - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A Java class handled by the ABC compiler.
AbcClass(ClassType) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcFactory
AbcClass(ClassType, String) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcFactory
AbcExtension - Class in abc.eaj
AbcExtension() - Constructor for class abc.eaj.AbcExtension
AbcExtension - Class in abc.ltl
AbcExtension() - Constructor for class abc.ltl.AbcExtension
AbcExtension - Class in abc.main
This class should be sub-classed to extend the behaviour of abc A sub-class, with overriden methods to effect some new behaviour, can be loaded at runtime by using the "-ext" switch to abc.
AbcExtension() - Constructor for class abc.main.AbcExtension
AbcFactory - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
AbcFactory() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcFactory
AbcLexer - Interface in abc.aspectj.parse
The interface implemented by abc's lexer, exposing some additional functionality to allow for extensibility.
abcPrintHelp() - Static method in class abc.main.Usage
abcPrintVersion() - Method in class abc.main.Main
AbcSJPInfo - Class in abc.weaving.matching
An internal representation of the information needed to construct thisJoinPointStaticPart at runtime, plus some helper methods for generating the information.
AbcSJPInfo(String, String, String, String, Host) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
AbcTimer - Class in abc.main
Provide timing for Abc.
AbcTimer() - Constructor for class abc.main.AbcTimer
abcTimer - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
AbcType(polyglot.types.Type) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcFactory
AbcType - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A Java type handled by the ABC compiler.
AbstractAdviceDecl - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
The base class for any kind of 'advice' declaration This can include both real advice declared directly in the aspect and other kinds of advice needed by abc for implementation reasons.
AbstractAdviceDecl(Aspect, AdviceSpec, Pointcut, List, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
AbstractAdviceDecl(Aspect, AdviceSpec, Pointcut, List, Position, boolean) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
AbstractAdviceSpec - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Skeleton implementation of the AdviceSpec interface.
AbstractAdviceSpec(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceSpec
AbstractAfterAdvice - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Abstract base class for all forms of "after" advice
AbstractAfterAdvice(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAfterAdvice
abstractPointcutLookup - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
acceptCFG(CFGBuilder, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
Visit this term in evaluation order.
acceptCFG(CFGBuilder, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareDecl_c
acceptCFG(CFGBuilder, List) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
acceptCFG(CFGBuilder, List) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLGeneral_c
accessChange(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
accessChange() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
accessChange() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
ACCESSOR_GET - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
An accessor method to get the value of a field.
ACCESSOR_SET - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
An accessor method to set the value of a field.
accessorDispatch(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem, Call, ClassType, Expr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
AccessorDispatch - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
AccessorDispatch(String, MethodInstance, ClassType, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorDispatch
AccessorGet - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
AccessorGet(String, FieldInstance, ClassType, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorGet
accessorGetter(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem, Field, ClassType, Expr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
AccessorMethod - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
AccessorMethod(String, ClassType, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorMethod
accessorMethods - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AspectType_c
AccessorMethods - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Container class for storing accessor methods related to an aspect.
AccessorMethods() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
accessorQualSpecial(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem, ClassType, Expr, ClassType) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
accessorQualSpecial(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem, ClassType, Expr, ClassType, boolean) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
AccessorQualSpecial - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
AccessorQualSpecial(String, MethodInstance, ClassType, ClassType, Position, boolean) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorQualSpecial
AccessorSet - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
AccessorSet(String, FieldInstance, ClassType, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorSet
accessorSetter(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem, Field, ClassType, Expr, Expr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
add(Stmt, Stmt) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.ConstructorInliningMap
add(Map) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.ConstructorInliningMap
addAdviceApplication(MethodAdviceList, AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
Add a new advice application to the appropriate bit of a method advice list
addAdviceDecl(AbstractAdviceDecl) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
addAdviceLocalMethod(SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass
addAllSootMethods() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
addArgfiles() - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
addAspect(Aspect) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
addAspectJContextKeyword(String, LexerAction) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.parse.AbcLexer
Adds a keyword with the specified action to the ASPECTJ and POINTCUTIFEXPR lexer states.
addAspectJKeyword(String, LexerAction) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.parse.AbcLexer
Adds a keyword with the specified action to the ASPECTJ lexer state.
addAspectMembers(NodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
add the aspectOf and hasAspect methods to the aspect class, but only if it is concrete
addBasicClassesToSoot() - Method in class abc.eaj.AbcExtension
addBasicClassesToSoot() - Method in class abc.ltl.AbcExtension
addBasicClassesToSoot() - Method in class abc.main.AbcExtension
Call Scene.v().addBasicClass for each runtime class that the backend might generate code for.
addBasicClassesToSoot() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils
Register all the classes that Cflow codegen might use with Soot
addBindingsCode(Position, Block, Formal) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.AdviceGeneration
addBodyAdvice(AdviceApplication) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
addClassNotWeavableError(ErrorInfo) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
addClassToMakePublic(ClassType) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
addDeclareMessage(DeclareMessage) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
addDeclareParents(DeclareParents) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
addDeclarePrecedence(DeclarePrecedence) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
addDeclareSoft(DeclareSoft) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
addDecls(Context) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceFormal_c
advice formals are not automatically added to the context, unlike ordinary formals: they are not in scope in the pointcut, but they are visible in the advice body.
addDefaultParameters() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass
addDependencyToCurrentJob(Source) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
addDerived(MethodInstance) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
addDispatch(int, soot.SootClass, boolean) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorDispatch
addExclude(ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.CPEUniversal
addExclude(ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEUniversal_c
addGlobalKeyword(String, LexerAction) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.parse.AbcLexer
Adds a keyword with the specified action to all four lexer states.
addGlobalPointcut(ClassnamePatternExpr, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.eaj.visit.GlobalPointcuts
callback to allow a GlobalPoincutDecl to register itself
addIfNecessary() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
addInitializationAdvice(AdviceApplication) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
addIntertypeConstructorDecl(IntertypeConstructorDecl) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
addIntertypeFieldDecl(IntertypeFieldDecl) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
addIntertypeMethodDecl(IntertypeMethodDecl) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
addITMembers(ReferenceType) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
add all the members from the intertype host that are accessible
addITMembers(ReferenceType) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
addJarsToClasspath() - Method in class abc.main.Main
addJavaKeyword(String, LexerAction) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.parse.AbcLexer
Adds a keyword with the specified action to the JAVA lexer state.
addJimplePacks() - Method in class abc.main.AbcExtension
This method adds optimisation passes specificially required for abc.
addMembersEnter(AddMemberVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
addMembersEnter(AddMemberVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
addMembersEnter(AddMemberVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
addMembersEnter(AddMemberVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
addMethod(MethodDecl) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
addParameterToMethod(SootMethod, Type, String) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure
Adds a new parameter to a method and creates the matching identity statement.
addParent(PCNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCNode
addPath(String, Path) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
addPointcutDecl(PointcutDecl) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
addPointcutIfExprKeyword(String, LexerAction) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.parse.AbcLexer
Adds a keyword with the specified action to the POINTCUTIFEXPR lexer state.
addPointcutKeyword(String, LexerAction) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.parse.AbcLexer
Adds a keyword with the specified action to the POINTCUT lexer state.
addPosition(Position) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorMethod
Register the position of a further reference to this accessor method.
addPreinitializationAdvice(AdviceApplication) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
addProceed(MethodInstance) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
addProceed(MethodInstance) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
addShadowMatch(SootMethod, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
addShadowMethod(SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AfterBeforeInliner
addSJPInfo(SootMethod, SJPInfo) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
addSootMethod(int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorDispatch
addSootMethod(int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorGet
addSootMethod() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorMethod
Get the SootMethod representing this accessor method with the default modifiers (i.e.
addSootMethod(int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorMethod
Get the SootMethod representing this accessor method with the given modifiers.
addSootMethod(int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorQualSpecial
addSootMethod(int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorSet
addSrc() - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
addStmtAdvice(AdviceApplication) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
addSuperDependencies(ClassType, Job) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassDecl_c
addTarget(AbcClass) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents
addTarget(AbcClass) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents_c
addToSootResolve(long) - Static method in class abc.main.AbcTimer
keep a total of all time spent in Soot resolving
addUse(CflowPointcut) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
addWarning(String) - Method in class abc.main.Options
add a warning to list that should be emitted.
addWeavableClass(AbcClass) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
adjust() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster
advancedOptions() - Static method in class abc.main.Usage
advice() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
advice - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AdviceApplication
The advice to be applied.
ADVICE_BODY - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
An advice body
adviceAppl - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod.AdviceApplicationInfo
AdviceApplication - Class in abc.weaving.matching
The data structure the pointcut matcher computes.
AdviceApplication(AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.AdviceApplication
adviceBody(int) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
adviceBody(MethodSig) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
adviceBody - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
AdviceDecl - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
AdviceDecl(Position, Flags, AdviceSpec, List, Pointcut, Block) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
AdviceDecl(Position, Flags, AdviceSpec, List, Pointcut, Block) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
AdviceDecl(Position, Flags, AdviceSpec, List, Pointcut, Block) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.EAJNodeFactory_c
AdviceDecl - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A concrete advice declaration.
AdviceDecl(AdviceSpec, Pointcut, MethodSig, Aspect, int, int, int, List, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
AdviceDecl_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
Declarations of advice, for example before(int x) // the "advice spec" : call(* fac(*)) && args(x) // pointcut { System.out.println(x);} // body
AdviceDecl_c(Position, Flags, AdviceSpec, List, Pointcut, Block) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
AdviceFormal - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A class for representing special advice formals like the return value of afterreturning or afterthrowing.
AdviceFormal(Position, Flags, TypeNode, String) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
AdviceFormal(Position, Flags, TypeNode, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
AdviceFormal - Class in abc.weaving.residues
A weaving variable that represents a formal parameter to be passed to an advice body
AdviceFormal(int, Type) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.AdviceFormal
AdviceFormal_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
A class for representing special advice formals like the return value of afterreturning or afterthrowing.
AdviceFormal_c(Position, Flags, TypeNode, String) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceFormal_c
AdviceFormals - Class in abc.weaving.matching
A weaving environment that can handle named pointcut variables corresponding to formal arguments to a piece of advice
AdviceFormals(AdviceDecl) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.AdviceFormals
AdviceGeneration - Class in abc.ltl.visit.transform
AdviceGeneration(AJNodeFactory, TypeSystem) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.visit.transform.AdviceGeneration
adviceInliner - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
AdviceInliner - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AdviceInliner() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AdviceInliner
AdviceInliner.IfMethodInlineOptions - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AdviceInliner.IfMethodInlineOptions() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AdviceInliner.IfMethodInlineOptions
AdviceInliner.InlineOptions - Interface in abc.weaving.weaver
adviceInstance(Position, ReferenceType, Flags, Type, String, List, List, AdviceSpec) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem
adviceInstance(Position, ReferenceType, Flags, Type, String, List, List, AdviceSpec) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
AdviceInstance_c - Class in abc.aspectj.types
AdviceInstance_c() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.types.AdviceInstance_c
Used for deserializing types.
AdviceInstance_c(TypeSystem, Position, ReferenceType, Flags, Type, String, List, List, AdviceSpec) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.types.AdviceInstance_c
adviceLocalClass - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod.NestedInitCall
adviceLocalClasses - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
adviceMethodInvocationStmts - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
AdviceSpec - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
An advice specification states the kind of advice and the formals.
AdviceSpec - Interface in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
An advice specification.
AdviceSpec_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
An advice specification states the kind of advice and the formals.
AdviceSpec_c(Position, List, TypeNode, AdviceFormal) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec_c
adviceStatements - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
AdviceWeavingContext - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
Keep track of the "weaving context" for a concrete advice decl
AdviceWeavingContext(Vector) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AdviceWeavingContext
AFA_STATE_INTERFACE_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
interface name for states of the alternating finite automaton
After - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
specification part of after advice.
After(Position, List, TypeNode) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
After(Position, List, TypeNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
After_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
specification part of after advice.
After_c(Position, List, TypeNode) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.After_c
AfterAdvice - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Advice specification for after advice.
AfterAdvice(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterAdvice
afterBeforeInliner - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
AfterBeforeInliner - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AfterBeforeInliner() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AfterBeforeInliner
AfterReturning - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
specification part of afterreturning advice.
AfterReturning(Position, List, AdviceFormal, TypeNode) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
AfterReturning(Position, List, AdviceFormal, TypeNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
AfterReturning_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
specification part of afterreturning advice.
AfterReturning_c(Position, List, AdviceFormal, TypeNode) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.AfterReturning_c
AfterReturningAdvice - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Advice specification for after returning advice without return variable binding.
AfterReturningAdvice(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterReturningAdvice
AfterReturningArgAdvice - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Advice specification for after returning advice with return variable binding.
AfterReturningArgAdvice(Formal, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterReturningArgAdvice
afterReturningWeaver - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
AfterThrowing - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
specification part of afterthrowing advice.
AfterThrowing(Position, List, AdviceFormal, TypeNode) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
AfterThrowing(Position, List, AdviceFormal, TypeNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
AfterThrowing_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
specification part of afterthrowing advice.
AfterThrowing_c(Position, List, AdviceFormal, TypeNode) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.AfterThrowing_c
AfterThrowingAdvice - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Advice specification for after throwing advice without exception variable binding.
AfterThrowingAdvice(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterThrowingAdvice
AfterThrowingArgAdvice - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Advice specification for after throwing advice with exception variable binding.
AfterThrowingArgAdvice(Formal, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterThrowingArgAdvice
afterThrowingWeaver - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
AJ_METHOD_FLAGS - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
All flags allowed for a method.
AJAbstractDelFactory_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
Delegate factory.
AJAbstractDelFactory_c() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
AJAbstractDelFactory_c(AJAbstractDelFactory_c) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
AJAbstractExtFactory_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
Extension factory.
AJAbstractExtFactory_c() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
AJAbstractExtFactory_c(AJAbstractExtFactory_c) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
AJAmbExpr_c - Class in abc.aspectj.extension
AJAmbExpr_c(Position, String) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.extension.AJAmbExpr_c
AJAmbiguityRemover - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
AJAmbiguityRemover(Job, TypeSystem, NodeFactory, Kind) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.AJAmbiguityRemover
AJAmbiguityRemover.AJKind - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
AJAmbiguityRemover.AJKind(String) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.AJAmbiguityRemover.AJKind
ajc120Compliance - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
AJCall_c - Class in abc.aspectj.extension
Override the typechecking of method calls, to delegate to the host in certain cases when the call occurs from within an intertype declaration.
AJCall_c(Position, Receiver, String, List) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.extension.AJCall_c
ajcCompliance - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
AJClassBody_c - Class in abc.aspectj.extension
AJClassBody_c(Position, List) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassBody_c
AJClassDecl_c - Class in abc.aspectj.extension
AJClassDecl_c(Position, Flags, String, TypeNode, List, ClassBody) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassDecl_c
AJConstructorCall_c - Class in abc.aspectj.extension
AJConstructorCall_c(Position, Kind, Expr, List) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.extension.AJConstructorCall_c
AJConstructorDecl_c - Class in abc.aspectj.extension
AJConstructorDecl_c(Position, Flags, String, List, List, Block) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.extension.AJConstructorDecl_c
AJContext - Interface in abc.aspectj.types
AJContext_c - Class in abc.aspectj.types
AJContext_c(TypeSystem) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
AJDelFactory - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
Delegate factory.
AJDisamb_c - Class in abc.aspectj.extension
when creating missing field targets, check whether this is a reference to an intertype host.
AJDisamb_c() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.extension.AJDisamb_c
AJExtFactory - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
Extension factory.
AJField_c - Class in abc.aspectj.extension
AJField_c(Position, Receiver, String) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.extension.AJField_c
AJFlags - Class in abc.aspectj.types
AJFlags() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
AJMethodDecl_c - Class in abc.aspectj.extension
AJMethodDecl_c(Position, Flags, TypeNode, String, List, List, Block) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.extension.AJMethodDecl_c
AJNew_c - Class in abc.aspectj.extension
AJNew_c(Position, Expr, TypeNode, List, ClassBody) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.extension.AJNew_c
AJNodeFactory - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
NodeFactory for aspectj extension.
AJNodeFactory_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
NodeFactory for aspectj extension.
AJNodeFactory_c() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
AJNodeFactory_c(AJExtFactory) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
AJNodeFactory_c(AJExtFactory, AJDelFactory) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
AJSpecial_c - Class in abc.aspectj.extension
disambiguate this and super in intertype method declarations
AJSpecial_c(Position, Special.Kind, TypeNode) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.extension.AJSpecial_c
AJTypeBuilder - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
AJTypeBuilder(Job, TypeSystem, NodeFactory) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.AJTypeBuilder
AJTypeSystem - Interface in abc.aspectj.types
AJTypeSystem_c - Class in abc.aspectj.types
AJTypeSystem_c() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
allAdvice() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
allowDynamicTests - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
ALLWARNINGS - Static variable in class abc.main.Options
AlwaysMatch - Class in abc.weaving.residues
A "dynamic" residue that always matches.
AlwaysMatch() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.AlwaysMatch
AmbAssign(Position, Expr, Assign.Operator, Expr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
AmbExpr(Position, String) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
AmbExpr(Position, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
AmbTypeOrLocal(Position, TypeNode) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
AmbTypeOrLocal(Position, TypeNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
AmbTypeOrLocal - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
Represents either a type or a local.
AmbTypeOrLocal_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
Represents either a type or a local.
AmbTypeOrLocal_c(Position, TypeNode) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.AmbTypeOrLocal_c
and(Pointcut.DNF, Pointcut.DNF) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Pointcut.DNF
AndPointcut - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Pointcut conjunction.
AndResidue - Class in abc.weaving.residues
The conjunction of two dynamic residues
ANON_ITDS - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
AnonBodyITDs - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
AnonBodyITDs(Job, TypeSystem, NodeFactory) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.AnonBodyITDs
AntTask - Class in abc.main
Ant abc task.
AntTask() - Constructor for class abc.main.AntTask
applications - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethodInlineInfo
applyMatchingGlobals(PCNode, EAJAdviceDecl) - Method in class abc.eaj.visit.GlobalPointcuts
ArgAny - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
An argument pattern denoting any type.
ArgAny(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgAny
ArgDotDot(Position) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
ArgDotDot(Position) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
ArgDotDot - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
Fillers for args(x,..) etc.
ArgDotDot_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
Fillers for args(x,..) etc.
ArgDotDot_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.ArgDotDot_c
ArgFill - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
An argument pattern denoting any number of arbitrary arguments.
ArgFill(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgFill
ArgList - Class in abc.main.options
A list of command-line arguments.
ArgList(String[]) - Constructor for class abc.main.options.ArgList
arglist - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AdviceWeavingContext
ArgPattern - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
argument patterns for args, this, target and named pointcuts
ArgPattern - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A pattern for a single argument.
ArgPattern(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgPattern
ArgPattern_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
argument patterns for args, this, target and named pointcuts
ArgPattern_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.ArgPattern_c
args - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
Args - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for args condition pointcut.
Args(List, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Args
Create an args pointcut.
ArgStar(Position) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
ArgStar(Position) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
ArgStar - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
Wildcard argument for args,this,target and named pointcuts.
ArgStar_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
Wildcard argument for args,this,target and named pointcuts.
ArgStar_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.ArgStar_c
argTo() - Method in class abc.main.options.ArgList
Return the argument of the current argument, or throw an exception if there isn't one.
ArgType - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
An argument pattern denoting a specific type.
ArgType(AbcType, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgType
arguments() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
Get the actual arguments of the reference.
arguments(List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
Set the actual arguments of the reference.
ArgVar - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
An argument pattern denoting a pointcut variable.
ArgVar(Var, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgVar
Around(Position, TypeNode, List) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
Around(Position, TypeNode, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
Around - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
specification part of around advice.
Around_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
specification part of around advice.
Around_c(Position, TypeNode, List) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.Around_c
AroundAdvice - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Advice specification for around advice.
AroundAdvice(AbcType, MethodSig, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AroundAdvice
aroundInliner - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
AroundInliner - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AroundInliner() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundInliner
AroundShadowInfoTag - Class in abc.soot.util
AroundShadowInfoTag(AroundWeaver.ShadowInlineInfo) - Constructor for class abc.soot.util.AroundShadowInfoTag
aroundWeaver - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
AroundWeaver - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
Handle around weaving.
AroundWeaver() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver
AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass(SootClass) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass
AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod(AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod, SootMethod) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod
AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod.NestedInitCall - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod.NestedInitCall(Stmt, AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass, Local) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod.NestedInitCall
AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod.ProceedInvocation - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod.ProceedInvocation(List, Stmt) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod.ProceedInvocation
AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.InterfaceInfo - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.InterfaceInfo() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.InterfaceInfo
AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod.AdviceApplicationInfo - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AroundWeaver.AdviceMethodInlineInfo - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AroundWeaver.AdviceMethodInlineInfo() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethodInlineInfo
AroundWeaver.ObjectBox - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AroundWeaver.ObjectBox() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.ObjectBox
AroundWeaver.ProceedMethodInlineInfo - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AroundWeaver.ProceedMethodInlineInfo() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.ProceedMethodInlineInfo
AroundWeaver.ShadowInlineInfo - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AroundWeaver.ShadowInlineInfo(int, int) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.ShadowInlineInfo
AroundWeaver.State - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AroundWeaver.State() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.State
AroundWeaver.Util - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
AroundWeaver.Util() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.Util
ArrayAccessAssign(Position, ArrayAccess, Assign.Operator, Expr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
Aspect - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
An aspect in the program.
Aspect(AbcClass, Per, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Aspect
ASPECT_FLAGS - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
ASPECT_INSTANCE - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
A special aspect method, i.e.
ASPECT_METHODS - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
aspect_names - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
ASPECT_PREPARE - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
ASPECT_REFLECTION_INSPECT - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
ASPECT_REFLECTION_REWRITE - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
aspect_sources - Variable in class abc.main.Main
AspectBody(Position, List) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
AspectBody(Position, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
AspectBody - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
An AspectBody represents the body of an aspect declaration.
AspectBody_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
An AspectBody represents the body of an aspect declaration
AspectBody_c(Position, List) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectBody_c
ASPECTCLASS - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
aspectclass(Flags) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
aspectCodeGen - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
AspectCodeGen - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
Adds fields and methods to classes representing aspects.
AspectCodeGen() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.AspectCodeGen
AspectDecl(Position, boolean, Flags, String, TypeNode, List, PerClause, AspectBody) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
AspectDecl(Position, boolean, Flags, String, TypeNode, List, PerClause, AspectBody) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
AspectDecl - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A AspectDecl represents a top-level, member, or local class declaration.
AspectDecl_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
A AspectDecl is the definition of an aspect, abstract aspect, or privileged.
AspectDecl_c(Position, boolean, Flags, String, TypeNode, List, PerClause, AspectBody) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
aspectInfo - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
AspectInfoHarvester - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Picks up all AST nodes that implement ContainsAspectInfo and tells them to put their information into the GlobalAspectInfo.
AspectInfoHarvester(Job, TypeSystem, NodeFactory) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectInfoHarvester
aspectinstance - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AdviceWeavingContext
aspectj - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.Topics
aspectj_state() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.parse.AbcLexer
Returns the integer constant representing the ASPECTJ lexer state.
AspectJExceptionChecker - Class in abc.soot.util
An AspectJ specific exception checker that understands information passed by the weaver about redirecting or suppressing exception checks
AspectJExceptionChecker(ExceptionCheckerErrorReporter) - Constructor for class abc.soot.util.AspectJExceptionChecker
AspectMethods - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
AspectMethods(Job, NodeFactory, TypeSystem) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.HostConstructorCall_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.HostSpecial_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.MakesAspectMethods
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerClause_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PointcutDecl_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ProceedCall_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJCall_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassBody_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassDecl_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJConstructorCall_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJNew_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.FieldDel_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.LocalDel_c
aspectMethodsEnter(AspectMethods) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCLocalVars_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.HostConstructorCall_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.HostSpecial_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.MakesAspectMethods
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerClause_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PointcutDecl_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ProceedCall_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJCall_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassBody_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassDecl_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJConstructorCall_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJNew_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.FieldDel_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.LocalDel_c
aspectMethodsLeave(AspectMethods, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCLocalVars_c
AspectNameCollector - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Collects the names of all aspects to make them available to early phases that need them.
AspectNameCollector(Collection) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectNameCollector
AspectOf - Class in abc.weaving.residues
A residue that puts the relevant aspect instance into a local variable in the weaving context
AspectOf(SootClass, ContextValue) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.AspectOf
aspectOfInstance - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
AspectReflectionInspect - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Check whether all instances of thisJoinPoint in an advice body can be transformed to thisJoinPointStaticPart
AspectReflectionInspect() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectReflectionInspect
AspectReflectionRewrite - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Rewrite all instances of thisJoinPoint to thisJoinPointStaticPart in any aspect body where this is appropriate.
AspectReflectionRewrite(NodeFactory, TypeSystem) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectReflectionRewrite
AspectType - Interface in abc.aspectj.types
AspectType_c - Class in abc.aspectj.types
AspectType_c() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.types.AspectType_c
AspectType_c(TypeSystem, LazyClassInitializer, Source, int) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.types.AspectType_c
AssertResidue - Class in abc.weaving.residues
A dynamic residue that throws an exception when tested.
AssertResidue() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.AssertResidue
AssertResidue(String) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.AssertResidue
AssignDel_c - Class in abc.aspectj.extension
AssignDel_c() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.extension.AssignDel_c
assignObject() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo


bAlwaysStaticProceedMethod - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
BARRIER_1 - Static variable in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
BARRIER_2 - Static variable in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
base() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotId
base - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotId_c
base() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotId_c
base() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotNew
base - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotNew_c
base() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotNew_c
base() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray
base - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray_c
base() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray_c
baseLocal - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod.NestedInitCall
Before(Position, List, TypeNode) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
Before(Position, List, TypeNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
Before - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
specification part of before advice
Before_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
specification part of before advice
Before_c(Position, List, TypeNode) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.Before_c
BeforeAdvice - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Advice specification for before advice.
BeforeAdvice(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.BeforeAdvice
BeforeAfterAdvice - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Advice specification for advice that applies both before and after a joinpoint.
BeforeAfterAdvice(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.BeforeAfterAdvice
BeforeAfterAdvice.ChoosePhase - Interface in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
beforeWeaver - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
begin - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod.ProceedInvocation
begin - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod.AdviceApplicationInfo
begin - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.ShadowPoints
bHasBeenWovenInto - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
Bind - Class in abc.weaving.residues
Bind a context value to a local or argument
bindException(WeavingContext, AbstractAdviceDecl, Local) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterThrowingAdvice
bindException(WeavingContext, AbstractAdviceDecl, Local) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterThrowingArgAdvice
bindException(WeavingContext, AbstractAdviceDecl, Local) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareSoft.SoftenAdvice
bindingNameToType(String, Formal...) - Static method in class abc.ltl.ast.PointcutUtils
BINDINGS_MAP_ACTUAL_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
actual type of bindings map
BINDINGS_MAP_DECLARED_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
declared type of bindings map
BINDINGS_MAP_LOCAL_VARIABLE_GET_METHOD - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
method to retrieve a binding
BINDINGS_MAP_LOCAL_VARIABLE_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
label for local variable holding the bindings
BINDINGS_MAP_LOCAL_VARIABLE_PUT_METHOD - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
method to map a binding
bindMaskParamLocal - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod
BindMaskResidue - Class in abc.weaving.residues
body - Variable in class abc.soot.util.RedirectedExceptionSpecTag
The body containing the replacement statements
bodyAdvice - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
Advice that would apply to the whole body, i.e. at execution joinpoints
bodyAdviceP - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
BodyShadowMatch - Class in abc.weaving.matching
A base class for shadow types that are associated with the whole body or a section of it (i.e. execution and [pre]initialisation shadows), rather than with a specific jimple statement.
BodyShadowMatch(SootMethod) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.BodyShadowMatch
booleanType - Static variable in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
boundFormals(Collection<Formal>, Pointcut, boolean) - Static method in class abc.ltl.ast.PointcutUtils
bounds - Variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup.CflowSetupWeavingContext
Box - Class in abc.weaving.residues
Box a weaving variable (if necessary) into another one
Box(WeavingVar, WeavingVar) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.Box
boxingRemover - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
BoxingRemover - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
BoxingRemover() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.BoxingRemover
bStaticProceedMethod - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod
bStaticShadowMethod - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod.AdviceApplicationInfo
BUILD_HIERARCHY - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
buildAspectHierarchy() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
This method builds the aspect_visibility structure, which is a mapping from classes and abstract aspects to the concrete aspects that extend them.
buildTypes(TypeBuilder) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
build the type; the spec is included in the advice instance to give intelligible error messages - see adviceInstance overrides
buildTypes(TypeBuilder) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
build the types
buildTypes(TypeBuilder) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PointcutDecl_c
build the type
buildTypesEnter(TypeBuilder) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
bUseClosureObject - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod
ByteCodePosition(String, String, int) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory
ByteCodePosition(String, String, int) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory_c
byteCodePosition - Variable in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
byteType - Static variable in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo


calculateBitMaskLayout() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue.Bindings
Calculate the mask layout for the bindings
Call(Position, Receiver, String, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
canMatchEmptyArgumentList() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern
canMatchEmptyArgumentList() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern_c
canOverrideImpl(MethodInstance, boolean) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance
canOverrideImpl(MethodInstance, boolean) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c
canRewriteThisJoinPoint - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
canRewriteThisJoinPoint - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
Cast - Class in abc.eaj.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for cast shadow pointcut.
Cast(TypePattern, Position) - Constructor for class abc.eaj.weaving.aspectinfo.Cast
CAST_INSERTION - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
CastPointcutVar - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Cast from one pointcut variable to another.
CastPointcutVar(Var, Var, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CastPointcutVar
CastShadowMatch - Class in abc.eaj.weaving.matching
The result of matching at a cast
Cflow - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for cflow condition pointcut.
Cflow(Pointcut, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Cflow
cflowAnalysis - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
CflowAnalysis - Interface in abc.weaving.weaver
Bridge between abc and Soot Paddle cflow analysis.
cflowAnalysisStats - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
CflowBelow - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for cflowbelow condition pointcut.
CflowBelow(Pointcut, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowBelow
CflowCodeGenUtils - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
A class for generating code for the cflow operations.
CflowCodeGenUtils() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils
CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGenFactory - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
A factory class for constructing Cflow CodeGen objects.
CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGenFactory() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGenFactory
CflowIntraAggregate - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
Cflow Intraprocedural analysis phase I: aggregates all the local variables that access the same CflowStack/Counter field of an aspect into one variable, assigned at the beginning of the method.
CflowIntraproceduralAnalysis - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
cflowMustBind - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
CflowPointcut - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Any Cflow-like pointcut.
CflowPointcut(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowPointcut
CflowResidue - Class in abc.weaving.residues
A dynamic residue for cflow and cflow below
CflowResidue(CflowSetup, List) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.CflowResidue
CflowSetup - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Manufactured advice that is responsible for setting up cflow stacks/counters
CflowSetup.CflowBoundVars - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
CflowSetup.CflowBoundVars() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup.CflowBoundVars
CflowSetup.CflowSetupBound - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
CflowSetup.CflowSetupBound(int, Type) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup.CflowSetupBound
CflowSetup.CflowSetupWeavingContext - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
CflowSetup.CflowSetupWeavingContext(int) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup.CflowSetupWeavingContext
CflowStackCounter - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
Counts cflow stacks and counters.
CflowStackCounter() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowStackCounter
cgu - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
ChainStmtBox - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
A container class for a Chain of Stmts generated for a cflow operation.
ChainStmtBox(Chain) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.ChainStmtBox
ChainStmtBox(Chain, Stmt) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.ChainStmtBox
CharLit(Position, char) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
CharLit(Position, char) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
charType - Static variable in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
CHECK_DEPENDS - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
CHECK_PACKAGE_NAMES - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
checkAbstract(AJContext) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance
checkAbstract(AJContext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c
checkCflowOpt - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
checkClassConformance(ClassType) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
Assert that ct implements all abstract methods required; that is, if it is a concrete class, then it must implement all interfaces and abstract methods that it or it's superclasses declare, and if it is an abstract class then any methods that it overrides are overridden correctly.
checkDepends(DependsChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
checkDepends(DependsChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PointcutDecl_c
checkDepends(DependsChecker) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.visit.DependsCheck
checkDuplicates(ClassType) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassBody_c
checkDynamic(AJContext) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance
checkDynamic(AJContext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c
checkExceptions() - Method in class abc.main.Main
checkFormals(List) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.Pointcut
checkFormals(List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.Pointcut_c
CHECKING_DONE - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
checkMemberClassFlags(Flags) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
checkMethodFlags(Flags) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
CheckPackageNames - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Check that public classes are declared in an appropriate file.
CheckPackageNames(Pass.ID, Job) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.CheckPackageNames
CheckPackageNames - Class in abc.ltl.visit.override
Custom version of this pass.
CheckPackageNames(Pass.ID, Job) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.visit.override.CheckPackageNames
checkPointcutFlags(Flags) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem
checkPointcutFlags(Flags) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
checkTopLevelClassFlags(Flags) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
CheckType - Class in abc.weaving.residues
Check the type of a context value
childExpectedType(Expr, AscriptionVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
chooseName() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
Get a name to denote fields, methods etc that involve cflow classes.
class_to_ast - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
class_to_ast - Variable in class abc.aspectj.visit.CollectJimplifyVisitor
classAccessible(ClassType, ClassType) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
ClassBody(Position, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
ClassDecl(Position, Flags, String, TypeNode, List, ClassBody) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
CLASSES - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.visit.AJAmbiguityRemover
classes - Variable in class abc.aspectj.visit.NamePatternEvaluator
classes_destdir - Variable in class abc.main.Main
ClassInitialization - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for initialization shadow pointcut.
ClassInitialization(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ClassInitialization
ClassInitializationAdviceApplication - Class in abc.weaving.matching
For initialization pointcuts
ClassInitializationAdviceApplication(AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.ClassInitializationAdviceApplication
ClassInitializationShadowMatch - Class in abc.weaving.matching
The results of matching at an class initialization shadow
classKinds - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
ClassnamePattern - Interface in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A classname pattern.
ClassnamePatternExpr - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
Class name pattern expressions can combine name patterns with logical operators.
ClassnamePatternExpr_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
Class name pattern expressions can combine name patterns with logical operators.
ClassnamePatternExpr_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassnamePatternExpr_c
classResolving - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
ClassTypeDotId(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr, SimpleNamePattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
ClassTypeDotId(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr, SimpleNamePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
ClassTypeDotId - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
represent ClassnamePatternExpr.SimpleNamePattern in pointcuts.
ClassTypeDotId_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
represent ClassnamePatternExpr.SimpleNamePattern in pointcuts.
ClassTypeDotId_c(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr, SimpleNamePattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotId_c
ClassTypeDotNew(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
ClassTypeDotNew(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
ClassTypeDotNew - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
represent (ClassNamePatternExpr.new) in pointcuts
ClassTypeDotNew_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
represent (ClassNamePatternExpr.new) in pointcuts
ClassTypeDotNew_c(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotNew_c
classTypeToSootClass(ClassType) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcFactory
CLEAN_CLASSES - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
CLEAN_DECLARE - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
CLEAN_MEMBERS - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
CleanAspectMembers - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
This visitor cleans up the AST prior to Jimplification, turning it into a Java tree.
CleanAspectMembers(NodeFactory, TypeSystem) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.CleanAspectMembers
CLEANUP - Static variable in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
CleanUp - Class in abc.ltl.visit.transform
CleanUp() - Constructor for class abc.ltl.visit.transform.CleanUp
clearAspectclass(Flags) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
clearInterfaceorigin(Flags) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
clearIntertype(Flags) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
clearPrivilegedaspect(Flags) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
clearUnifyWithFirst() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Set the unifyWithFirst() property to false.
clearUses() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
clone() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
close() - Method in class abc.ltl.formulaextraction.SyntheticSource
codeGen() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AlwaysMatch
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AndResidue
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AspectOf
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AssertResidue
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Bind
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.BindMaskResidue
Generates code to set the bits in the mask, then generates the Bind code.
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Box
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.CflowResidue
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.CheckType
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Copy
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.HasAspect
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.IfResidue
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.IsNull
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Load
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.NeverMatch
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.NotResidue
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.OrResidue
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue
Generate the code for this dynamic residue.
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SeqResidue
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SetResidue
codeGen(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.TestResidue
CodeGenException - Exception in abc.weaving.weaver
A runtime exception to throw a codegen error that we really did not expect to happen.
CodeGenException(String) - Constructor for exception abc.weaving.weaver.CodeGenException
col - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
COLLECT - Static variable in class abc.eaj.visit.GlobalPointcuts
COLLECT_ASPECT_NAMES - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
COLLECT_GLOBAL_POINTCUTS - Static variable in class abc.eaj.ExtensionInfo
COLLECT_JIMPLIFY_CLASSES - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
COLLECT_SOURCE_FILES - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
COLLECTED_GLOBAL_POINTCUTS - Static variable in class abc.eaj.ExtensionInfo
CollectJimplifyVisitor - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Collects the AST roots of all top-level weavable classes, to give to the later Jimplify pass.
CollectJimplifyVisitor(Job, TypeSystem, NodeFactory, Collection, Map) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.CollectJimplifyVisitor
CollectJimplifyVisitor - Class in abc.ltl.visit.override
CollectJimplifyVisitor(Job, TypeSystem, NodeFactory, Collection, Map) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.visit.override.CollectJimplifyVisitor
collectVersions(StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.eaj.AbcExtension
collectVersions(StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.ltl.AbcExtension
collectVersions(StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.main.AbcExtension
compile() - Method in class abc.main.Main
compileNamePattern(String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
CompilerAbortedException - Exception in abc.main
CompilerAbortedException(String) - Constructor for exception abc.main.CompilerAbortedException
CompilerFailedException - Exception in abc.main
CompilerFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception abc.main.CompilerFailedException
compilerName() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
compilerName() - Method in class abc.eaj.ExtensionInfo
compilerName() - Method in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
compilerOptionIgnored(String, String) - Static method in class abc.main.Main
compliance - Variable in class abc.main.Options
COMPUTE_PRECEDENCE_RELATION - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
computeAdviceLists() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
Computes the lists of advice application points for all weavable classes
computeAdviceLists(GlobalAspectInfo) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.AdviceApplication
Construct a hash table mapping each concrete soot.SootMethod in each weaveable class to a MethodAdviceList for that method.
computeMatches(NamePattern, PCNode, Set, Set) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
ComputePrecedenceRelation - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Compute the precedence relation between aspects from all declare precedence declarations in the program.
ComputePrecedenceRelation(Job, TypeSystem, NodeFactory, ExtensionInfo) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.ComputePrecedenceRelation
COND_AND - Static variable in interface abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary
COND_AND - Static variable in interface abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary
COND_AND - Static variable in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary
COND_OR - Static variable in interface abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary
COND_OR - Static variable in interface abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary
COND_OR - Static variable in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary
conflictWithParentCheck(InterTypeMethodInstance_c) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
Check whether an intertype declaration via an interface conflicts with a declaration in a parent.
CONJOIN - Static variable in class abc.eaj.visit.GlobalPointcuts
CONJOIN_GLOBAL_POINTCUTS - Static variable in class abc.eaj.ExtensionInfo
CONJOINED_GLOBAL_POINTCUTS - Static variable in class abc.eaj.ExtensionInfo
conjoinPointcuts(Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.eaj.visit.GlobalPointcuts
conjoinPointcutWith(GlobalPointcuts, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.eaj.extension.EAJAdviceDecl
conjoinPointcutWith(GlobalPointcuts, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.eaj.extension.EAJAdviceDecl_c
construct(Pointcut, Pointcut, Position) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AndPointcut
construct(Aspect, Pointcut, boolean, Hashtable, Position, int) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
construct(Aspect, Pointcut, boolean, Hashtable, Position, int) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalCflowSetupFactory
construct(Pointcut, Position) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.NotPointcut
construct(Pointcut, Pointcut, Position) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.OrPointcut
construct(Residue, Residue) - Static method in class abc.weaving.residues.AndResidue
Smart constructor; be careful about removing short-circuiting of "never" residues since the rest of the matcher relies on it
construct(ContextValue, Type, WeavingVar) - Static method in class abc.weaving.residues.Bind
construct(ContextValue, Type) - Static method in class abc.weaving.residues.CheckType
construct(SootMethod, List) - Static method in class abc.weaving.residues.IfResidue
construct(Residue) - Static method in class abc.weaving.residues.NotResidue
Smart constructor; some short-circuiting may need to be removed to mimic ajc behaviour
construct(Residue, Residue) - Static method in class abc.weaving.residues.OrResidue
Smart constructor; some short-circuiting may need to be removed to mimic ajc behaviour
construct(Residue, Residue) - Static method in class abc.weaving.residues.SeqResidue
Smart constructor
constructClassnamePatternFromTypePattern(TypePatternExpr) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
constructClassnamePatternFromTypePattern(TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
CONSTRUCTOR_DECL - Static variable in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
ConstructorAdviceApplication - Class in abc.weaving.matching
A base class for initialization and pre-initialization advice
ConstructorAdviceApplication(AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.ConstructorAdviceApplication
ConstructorCall(Position, ConstructorCall.Kind, Expr, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
ConstructorCall - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for call shadow pointcut with a constructor pattern.
ConstructorCall(ConstructorPattern, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ConstructorCall
ConstructorCallShadowMatch - Class in abc.weaving.matching
The results of matching at a new+constructor call shadow
ConstructorCallShadowType - Class in abc.weaving.matching
A joinpoint shadow that applies at "new"+constructor call
ConstructorCallShadowType() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.ConstructorCallShadowType
ConstructorDecl(Position, Flags, String, List, List, Block) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
ConstructorDeclaration - Class in abc.ltl.visit.transform
ConstructorDeclaration(NodeFactory) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.visit.transform.ConstructorDeclaration
constructorInliner - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
ConstructorInliner - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
Inlines constructor calls in constructors with initialization and preinitialization advice.
ConstructorInliner() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.ConstructorInliner
ConstructorInliningMap - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
Keeps a map from original stmts and locals to inlined ones.
ConstructorInliningMap(SootMethod, SootMethod) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.ConstructorInliningMap
ConstructorPattern(Position, List, ClassTypeDotNew, List, List) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
ConstructorPattern(Position, List, ClassTypeDotNew, List, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
ConstructorPattern - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
patterns to capture constructor joinpoints.
ConstructorPattern - Interface in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A constructor pattern.
ConstructorPattern_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
patterns to capture constructor joinpoints.
ConstructorPattern_c(Position, List, ClassTypeDotNew, List, List) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern_c
container() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
container - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
container - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.ShadowPoints
contains(Local) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue.Bindings
ContainsAspectInfo - Interface in abc.aspectj.visit
An AST node implements this interface to indicate that it contains information that should be put into the GlobalAspectInfo.
containsKey1(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Tests whether the first renaming contains a variable as a key
containsKey2(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Tests whether the second renaming contains a variable as a key
containsKeyAsString1(String) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Tests whether the first renaming contains this key, identified by its name
containsKeyAsString2(String) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Tests whether the second renaming contains this key, identified by its name
ContainsNamePattern - Interface in abc.aspectj.visit
Implemented by an AST node to indicate that the node contains a name pattern as a child but is itself not a name pattern.
containsValue1(VarBox) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Tests whether the first renaming contains a VarBox as a value
containsValue2(VarBox) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Tests whether the second renaming contains a VarBox as a value
containsVarValue1(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Test whether ren1 contains a key mapping to v (ie mapping to a VarBox containing v)
containsVarValue2(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Test whether ren2 contains a key mapping to v (ie mapping to a VarBox containing v)
context - Variable in class abc.aspectj.visit.NamePatternEvaluator
ContextValue - Class in abc.weaving.residues
The base class defining a value to be extracted from the context
ContextValue() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.ContextValue
CONVERT_NEGATIONS - Static variable in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
convertArgPatterns(List) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectInfoHarvester
Convert a list of polyglot nodes representing argument patterns.
convertFormals(List) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectInfoHarvester
Convert a list of polyglot formals into aspect info formals.
Copy - Class in abc.weaving.residues
Copy a weaving variable into another one
Copy(WeavingVar, WeavingVar) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.Copy
count() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowStackCounter
countCflowStacks - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
cpe - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPENot_c
CPEBinary(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr, CPEBinary.Operator, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
CPEBinary(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr, CPEBinary.Operator, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
CPEBinary - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
binary operators on classname pattern expressions.
CPEBinary.Operator - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
CPEBinary.Operator(String, Precedence) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary.Operator
CPEBinary_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
binary operators on classname pattern expressions.
CPEBinary_c(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr, CPEBinary.Operator, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary_c
CPEName(Position, NamePattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
CPEName(Position, NamePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
CPEName - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
ClassnamePatternExpr that is just a name pattern.
CPEName_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
ClassnamePatternExpr that is just a name pattern.
CPEName_c(Position, NamePattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEName_c
CPENot(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
CPENot(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
CPENot - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
negation of a ClassnamePatternExpr.
CPENot_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
negation of a ClassnamePatternExpr.
CPENot_c(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.CPENot_c
CPESubName(Position, NamePattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
CPESubName(Position, NamePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
CPESubName - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
a (class+) ClassnamePatternExpr that matches all subclasses.
CPESubName_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
a (class+) ClassnamePatternExpr that matches all subclasses.
CPESubName_c(Position, NamePattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.CPESubName_c
CPEUniversal(Position) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
CPEUniversal(Position) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
CPEUniversal - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
CPEUniversal_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
ClassnamePatternExpr that matches anything.
CPEUniversal_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEUniversal_c
create(PCStructure) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
createArgfiles() - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
createAspectType(Source, int) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem
createAspectType(Source, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
createAspectType(LazyClassInitializer, Source, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
createClasspath() - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
createCompiler(ExtensionInfo) - Method in class abc.main.Main
createContext() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
createDispatcherObject(String, MethodInstance, ClassType, Position) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
createField() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
createGetterObject(String, FieldInstance, ClassType, Position) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
createInjars() - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
createNewInvokeExpr(InvokeExpr, List, List) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.Util
Creates a new InvokeExpr based on an existing one but with new arguments.
createNodeFactory() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
createNodeFactory() - Method in class abc.eaj.ExtensionInfo
createNodeFactory() - Method in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
createQualSpecialObject(String, MethodInstance, ClassType, ClassType, Position, boolean) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
createSetterObject(String, FieldInstance, ClassType, Position) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
createSJPInfo(String, String, String, String, Host) - Method in class abc.eaj.AbcExtension
Create a (compile-time) static join point information object that generates code to initialize static join point fields with reflective information about a join point.
createSJPInfo(String, String, String, String, Host) - Method in class abc.main.AbcExtension
Create a (compile-time) static join point information object that generates code to initialize static join point fields with reflective information about a join point.
createSJPObject() - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.ExtendedSJPInfo
createSJPObject() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
createSoot() - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
createSourceroots() - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
createSrc() - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
createSrcdir() - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
createTypeSystem() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
createTypeSystem() - Method in class abc.eaj.ExtensionInfo
current_ast - Variable in class abc.aspectj.visit.CollectJimplifyVisitor
CURRENT_PROPOSITIONS_ADD_METHOD - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
method to add a proposition to the set
CURRENT_PROPOSITIONS_CLEAR_METHOD - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
method to clear the proposition set
CURRENT_PROPOSITIONS_LABEL - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
label of set of current propositions
currentAspect() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
Get enclosing aspect, or null
currentAspect - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
currentAspect() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
currentState() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.parse.AbcLexer
Obtain the integer constant representing the current state of the lexer.
cyclic() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance
cyclic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c


DEBUG - Static variable in class abc.main.AntTask
Debug - Class in abc.main
A class for storing debug flags.
Debug() - Constructor for class abc.main.Debug
debug(String) - Static method in class abc.weaving.residues.CflowResidue
debug(String) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.PointcutCodeGen
debugCflowSharing - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
debugInfo(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
debugInfo(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
debugInfo(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
debugInfo(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage
debugInfo(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareSoft
debugInfo(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflowSetup
debugInfo(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerTargetSetup
debugInfo(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerThisSetup
debugInfo(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.AdviceApplication
Add some information about the advice application to a string buffer, starting each line with the given prefix
debugInfo(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ClassInitializationAdviceApplication
debugInfo(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ExecutionAdviceApplication
debugInfo(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.InterfaceInitializationAdviceApplication
debugInfo(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
debugInfo(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.NewStmtAdviceApplication
debugInfo(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.PreinitializationAdviceApplication
debugInfo(String, StringBuffer) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.StmtAdviceApplication
debugOptions() - Static method in class abc.main.Usage
debugPhases - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
debugPointcutNormalization - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
debugPointcutUnification - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
debugUnweaver - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
declare(Pointcut.DNF, List) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Pointcut.DNF
Add a new formal that is in scope somewhere.
DECLARE_PARENTS - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
DeclareDecl - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A DeclareDecl represents a declare declaration.
DeclareDecl_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
base class for "declare X" declarations.
DeclareDecl_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareDecl_c
declaredStatic - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
DeclareError(Position, Pointcut, String) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
DeclareError(Position, Pointcut, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
DeclareError - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
declare error : pointcut : message
DeclareError_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
declare error : pointcut : message
DeclareError_c(Position, Pointcut, String) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareError_c
DeclareMessage - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A declare warning or declare error declaration.
DeclareMessage(int, Pointcut, String, Aspect, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage
DeclareMessage.MessageAdvice - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
DeclareMessage.MessageAdvice() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage.MessageAdvice
DeclareParents(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr, List, DeclareParents.Kind) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
DeclareParents(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr, List, DeclareParents.Kind) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
DeclareParents - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
declareParents - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
DeclareParents - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A declare parents declaration
DeclareParents(ClassnamePattern, Collection, Aspect, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareParents
Make a declare parents declaration.
DeclareParents.Kind - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
DeclareParents.Kind(String) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents.Kind
DeclareParents_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
declare parents : pat extends parents
DeclareParents_c(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr, List, DeclareParents.Kind) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents_c
DeclareParentsAmbiguityRemover - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Perform disambiguation of the parent classes of declare parents declarations.
DeclareParentsAmbiguityRemover(Job, TypeSystem, NodeFactory) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.DeclareParentsAmbiguityRemover
DeclareParentsConstructorFixup - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
Fixes up the superclass constructor calls in binary classes whose superclass have been changed by declare parents.
DeclareParentsConstructorFixup() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.DeclareParentsConstructorFixup
DeclareParentsExt - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A declare parents ..
DeclareParentsExt(ClassnamePattern, Collection, AbcClass, Aspect, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareParentsExt
Create a declare parents extending a class.
DeclareParentsImpl - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A declare parents ..
DeclareParentsImpl(ClassnamePattern, Collection, List, Aspect, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareParentsImpl
Create a declare parents implementing a list of interfaces.
DeclareParentsWeaver - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
Weave in the effects of declare parents declarations
DeclareParentsWeaver() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.DeclareParentsWeaver
DeclarePrecedence(Position, List) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
DeclarePrecedence(Position, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
DeclarePrecedence - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
DeclarePrecedence - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A declare precedence declaration
DeclarePrecedence(List, Aspect, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclarePrecedence
Create a new declare precedence.
DeclarePrecedence_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
DeclarePrecedence_c(Position, List) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclarePrecedence_c
DeclareSoft(Position, TypeNode, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
DeclareSoft(Position, TypeNode, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
DeclareSoft - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
DeclareSoft - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A declare soft declaration.
DeclareSoft(AbcType, Pointcut, Aspect, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareSoft
DeclareSoft.SoftenAdvice - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
DeclareSoft.SoftenAdvice(AbcType, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareSoft.SoftenAdvice
DeclareSoft_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
declare soft : :
DeclareSoft_c(Position, TypeNode, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareSoft_c
DeclareWarning(Position, Pointcut, String) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
DeclareWarning(Position, Pointcut, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
DeclareWarning - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
DeclareWarning_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
declare warning : : ;
DeclareWarning_c(Position, Pointcut, String) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareWarning_c
defaultFileExtension() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
defaultFileExtensions() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
delAdviceDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAdviceDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAdviceDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAdviceFormal() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAdviceFormal() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAdviceFormalImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAdviceSpec() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAdviceSpec() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAdviceSpecImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAfter() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAfter() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAfterImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAfterReturning() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAfterReturning() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAfterReturningImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAfterThrowing() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAfterThrowing() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAfterThrowingImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJAmbExpr() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJAmbExpr() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAJAmbExprImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJCall() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJCall() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAJCallImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJClassBody() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJClassBody() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAJClassBodyImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJClassDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJClassDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAJClassDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJConstructorCall() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJConstructorCall() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAJConstructorCallImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJConstructorDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJConstructorDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAJConstructorDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJField() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJField() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAJFieldImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJNew() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJNew() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAJNewImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJSpecial() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAJSpecial() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAJSpecialImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAmbTypeOrLocal() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAmbTypeOrLocal() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAmbTypeOrLocalImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delArgDotDot() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delArgDotDot() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delArgDotDotImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delArgPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delArgPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delArgPatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delArgStar() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delArgStar() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delArgStarImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAround() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAround() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAroundImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAspectBody() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAspectBody() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAspectBodyImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAspectDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAspectDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delAspectDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delAssignImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delBefore() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delBefore() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delBeforeImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delClassnamePatternExpr() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delClassnamePatternExpr() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delClassnamePatternExprImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delClassTypeDotId() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delClassTypeDotId() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delClassTypeDotIdImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delClassTypeDotNew() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delClassTypeDotNew() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delClassTypeDotNewImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delConstructorPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delConstructorPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delConstructorPatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delCPEBinary() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delCPEBinary() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delCPEBinaryImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delCPEName() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delCPEName() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delCPENameImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delCPENot() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delCPENot() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delCPENotImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delCPESubName() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delCPESubName() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delCPESubNameImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delCPEUniversal() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delCPEUniversal() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delCPEUniversalImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDeclareDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDeclareDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delDeclareDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDeclareError() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDeclareError() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delDeclareErrorImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDeclareParents() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDeclareParents() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delDeclareParentsImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDeclarePrecedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDeclarePrecedence() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delDeclarePrecedenceImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDeclareSoft() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDeclareSoft() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delDeclareSoftImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDeclareWarning() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDeclareWarning() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delDeclareWarningImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDotDotFormalPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDotDotFormalPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delDotDotFormalPatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDotDotNamePattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDotDotNamePattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delDotDotNamePatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDotNamePattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delDotNamePattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delDotNamePatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delFieldImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delFieldPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delFieldPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delFieldPatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delFixCharLit() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delFixCharLit() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delFixCharLitImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delHostConstructorCall() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delHostConstructorCall() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delHostConstructorCallImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delHostSpecial() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delHostSpecial() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delHostSpecialImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delIntertypeConstructorDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delIntertypeConstructorDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delIntertypeConstructorDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delIntertypeFieldDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delIntertypeFieldDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delIntertypeFieldDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delIntertypeMethodDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delIntertypeMethodDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delIntertypeMethodDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delIsSingleton() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delIsSingleton() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delIsSingletonImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delLocalImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delMethodPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delMethodPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delMethodPatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delModifierPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delModifierPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delModifierPatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delNamePattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delNamePattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delNamePatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCAdvice() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCAdvice() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCAdviceExecution() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCAdviceExecution() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCAdviceExecutionImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCAdviceImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCArgs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCArgs() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCArgsImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCBinary() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCBinary() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCBinaryImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCCall() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCCall() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCCallImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCCflow() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCCflow() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCCflowBelow() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCCflowBelow() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCCflowBelowImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCCflowImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCEmpty() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCEmpty() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCEmptyImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCExecution() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCExecution() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCExecutionImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCGet() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCGet() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCGetImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCHandler() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCHandler() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCHandlerImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCIf() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCIf() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCIfImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCInitialization() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCInitialization() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCInitializationImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCName() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCName() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCNameImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCNot() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCNot() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCNotImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCPreinitialization() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCPreinitialization() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCPreinitializationImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCSet() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCSet() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCSetImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCStaticInitialization() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCStaticInitialization() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCStaticInitializationImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCTarget() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCTarget() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCTargetImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCThis() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCThis() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCThisImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCWithin() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCWithin() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCWithinCode() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCWithinCode() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPCWithinCodeImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPCWithinImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPerCflow() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPerCflow() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPerCflowBelow() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPerCflowBelow() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPerCflowBelowImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPerCflowImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPerClause() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPerClause() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPerClauseImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPerTarget() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPerTarget() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPerTargetImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPerThis() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPerThis() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPerThisImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPointcut() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPointcutDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPointcutDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delPointcutDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delPointcutImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delProceedCall() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delProceedCall() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delProceedCallImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delRTPName() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delRTPName() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delRTPNameImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delRTPSubName() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delRTPSubName() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delRTPSubNameImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delSimpleNamePattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delSimpleNamePattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delSimpleNamePatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delThrowsPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delThrowsPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delThrowsPatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delTPEArray() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delTPEArray() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delTPEArrayImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delTPEBinary() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delTPEBinary() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delTPEBinaryImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delTPENot() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delTPENot() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delTPENotImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delTPERefTypePat() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delTPERefTypePat() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delTPERefTypePatImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delTPEType() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delTPEType() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delTPETypeImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delTPEUniversal() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delTPEUniversal() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delTPEUniversalImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delTypeFormalPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delTypeFormalPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delTypeFormalPatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delTypePatternExpr() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
delTypePatternExpr() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJDelFactory
delTypePatternExprImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
DependsCheck - Interface in abc.aspectj.visit
DependsChecker - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
check dependencies between named pointcuts, and also abstract flags.
DependsChecker(Job, TypeSystem, NodeFactory) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.DependsChecker
derivedMis - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
designator() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AdviceInstance_c
designator() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance
designator() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c
dims() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray
dims - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray_c
dims() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray_c
directInvocationStmts - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
DirectlyWithin - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for "directlywithin" condition pointcut.
DirectlyWithin(ClassnamePattern, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DirectlyWithin
DisableExceptionCheckTag - Class in abc.soot.util
DisableExceptionCheckTag() - Constructor for class abc.soot.util.DisableExceptionCheckTag
disableTransform() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectReflectionInspect
disamb() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
disamb(QualifierNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.DeclareParentsAmbiguityRemover
disambiguate(AmbiguityRemover) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AmbTypeOrLocal_c
Disambiguate the expression.
disambiguate(DeclareParentsAmbiguityRemover) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents
disambiguate(DeclareParentsAmbiguityRemover) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents_c
disambiguate(AmbiguityRemover) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassDecl_c
disambiguate(AmbiguityRemover) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJConstructorCall_c
Disambiguate the expression.
disambiguate(AmbiguityRemover) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJNew_c
disambiguate(AmbiguityRemover) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJSpecial_c
Disambiguate the expression.
disambiguateEnter(AmbiguityRemover) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
disambiguateEnter(AmbiguityRemover) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
disambiguateEnter(AmbiguityRemover) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PointcutDecl_c
disambiguateEnter(AmbiguityRemover) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJConstructorDecl_c
disambiguateEnter(AmbiguityRemover) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJMethodDecl_c
disambiguateSuperType(AmbiguityRemover) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassDecl_c
dnf() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AndPointcut
dnf() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Cflow
dnf() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowBelow
dnf() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LocalPointcutVars
dnf() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.NotPointcut
dnf() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.OrPointcut
dnf() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Pointcut
Return the DNF form of this pointcut.
doAddAdviceApplication(MethodAdviceList, AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ClassInitializationShadowMatch
doAddAdviceApplication(MethodAdviceList, AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ConstructorCallShadowMatch
doAddAdviceApplication(MethodAdviceList, AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ExecutionShadowMatch
doAddAdviceApplication(MethodAdviceList, AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.HandlerShadowMatch
doAddAdviceApplication(MethodAdviceList, AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.InterfaceInitializationShadowMatch
doAddAdviceApplication(MethodAdviceList, AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.PreinitializationShadowMatch
doAddAdviceApplication(MethodAdviceList, AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
doAddAdviceApplication(MethodAdviceList, AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.StmtShadowMatch
doBefore - Variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup.CflowSetupWeavingContext
doBefore - Variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflowSetup.PerCflowSetupWeavingContext
doCheck(Body, Iterator) - Method in class abc.soot.util.AspectJExceptionChecker
doInit(LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.JoinPointInfo
doInlining() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AfterBeforeInliner
doInlining() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Weaver
dontCheckExceptions - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
dontRemovePushPop - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
dontWeaveAfterAnalysis - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
doShadows(GlobalAspectInfo, MethodAdviceList, SootClass, SootMethod, MethodPosition) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.AdviceApplication
DotDotFormalPattern(Position) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
DotDotFormalPattern(Position) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
DotDotFormalPattern - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
wildcard formals, e.g. in "call(int foo(..))".
DotDotFormalPattern_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
wildcard for parameters, e.g.
DotDotFormalPattern_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.DotDotFormalPattern_c
DotDotNamePattern(Position, NamePattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
DotDotNamePattern(Position, NamePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
DotDotNamePattern - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
DotDotNamePattern_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
DotDotNamePattern_c(Position, NamePattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.DotDotNamePattern_c
DotNamePattern(Position, NamePattern, SimpleNamePattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
DotNamePattern(Position, NamePattern, SimpleNamePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
DotNamePattern - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
DotNamePattern_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
DotNamePattern_c(Position, NamePattern, SimpleNamePattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.DotNamePattern_c
doubleType - Static variable in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
doValidate - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
doValidateDumpCFG - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
doWeave(AdviceApplication, SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
doWeave() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod.AdviceApplicationInfo
doWeave(AdviceApplication, SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod
doWeave(SootClass, SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, AdviceApplication) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver
DUMMY_VARIABLE_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
variable name used for after returning/throwing if a type name is given
dumpAAWeave - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
duplicateConstructorCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassBody_c
duplicateFieldCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassBody_c
duplicateMethodCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassBody_c
DynamicValuePointcut - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A pointcut designator that inspects a dynamic value (this,target,args)
DynamicValuePointcut(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DynamicValuePointcut


eaj - Static variable in class abc.eaj.Topics
EAJAdviceDecl - Interface in abc.eaj.extension
EAJAdviceDecl_c - Class in abc.eaj.extension
EAJAdviceDecl_c(Position, Flags, AdviceSpec, List, Pointcut, Block) - Constructor for class abc.eaj.extension.EAJAdviceDecl_c
EAJNodeFactory - Interface in abc.eaj.ast
NodeFactory for Extended AspectJ extension.
EAJNodeFactory_c - Class in abc.eaj.ast
NodeFactory for Extended AspectJ extension.
EAJNodeFactory_c() - Constructor for class abc.eaj.ast.EAJNodeFactory_c
EAJTypeSystem - Interface in abc.eaj.types
EAJTypeSystem_c - Class in abc.eaj.types
EAJTypeSystem_c() - Constructor for class abc.eaj.types.EAJTypeSystem_c
emitWarning(String) - Method in class abc.main.Options
returns true if warning with type warningName should be emitted
emitXlintError() - Method in class abc.main.Options
returns true if Xlint errors should be emitted
emitXlintWarning() - Method in class abc.main.Options
returns true if Xlint warnings should be emitted
EmptyFormals - Class in abc.weaving.matching
An empty weaving environment, for use in contexts where named pointcut variables aren't supported.
EmptyFormals() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.EmptyFormals
EmptyPointcut - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A pointcut designator representing no join points at all
EmptyPointcut(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.EmptyPointcut
enclosingAspect - Variable in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.PointcutsVisitor
enclosingJoinPointPos() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
enclosingJoinPointPos() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.If
end - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod.ProceedInvocation
end - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod.AdviceApplicationInfo
end - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.ShadowPoints
endHostScope - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
endHostScope() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
enter(Node, Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectInfoHarvester
enter(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectNameCollector
enter(Node, Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectReflectionInspect
enter(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectReflectionRewrite
enter(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.HierarchyBuilder
enter(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.MangleNameComponents
enter(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.MangleNames
enter(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.NamePatternEvaluator
enter(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.SourceClasses
enter(Node, Node) - Method in class abc.eaj.visit.GlobalPointcuts
enter(Node) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.PointcutsVisitor
enterAdvice() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectReflectionInspect
enterAdvice(LocalInstance) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectReflectionRewrite
enterAspectReflectionInspect(AspectReflectionInspect, Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
enterAspectReflectionInspect(AspectReflectionInspect, Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
enterAspectReflectionInspect(AspectReflectionInspect, Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.LocalDel_c
enterAspectReflectionInspect(AspectReflectionInspect, Node) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.visit.TransformsAspectReflection
enterAspectReflectionRewrite(AspectReflectionRewrite, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
enterAspectReflectionRewrite(AspectReflectionRewrite, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
enterAspectReflectionRewrite(AspectReflectionRewrite, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.LocalDel_c
enterAspectReflectionRewrite(AspectReflectionRewrite, AJTypeSystem) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.visit.TransformsAspectReflection
enterCall(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AnonBodyITDs
enterCall(Node, Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
enterCall(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.CollectJimplifyVisitor
enterCall(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.ComputePrecedenceRelation
enterCall(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.DeclareParentsAmbiguityRemover
enterCall(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.ParentDeclarer
enterCall(Node) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.override.CollectJimplifyVisitor
enterLexerState(int) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.parse.AbcLexer
Makes the lexer change into the specified state, pushing the current state and some state-specific information onto its internal stack.
enterScope(Context) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
enterScope(Node, Context) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
enterScope(Node, Context) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
enterScope(Context) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
enterScope(Context) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareDecl_c
enterScope(Context) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
enterScope(Node, Context) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
enterScope(Context) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
enterScope(Context) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflow_c
enterScope(Context) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflowBelow_c
enterScope(Context) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
enterScope(Context) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCLocalVars_c
Add declarations of the variables which are local to this pointcut
entry() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
entry() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareDecl_c
entry(Pointcut) - Static method in class abc.ltl.ast.EntryExit
entry() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
entry() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLGeneral_c
EntryExit - Class in abc.ltl.ast
EntryExit() - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.EntryExit
EntryExit.Entry - Class in abc.ltl.ast
EntryExit.Entry() - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.EntryExit.Entry
EntryExit.EntryExitKind - Interface in abc.ltl.ast
EntryExit.Exit - Class in abc.ltl.ast
EntryExit.Exit.ExitKind - Enum in abc.ltl.ast
equals(Object) - Method in class abc.ltl.formulaextraction.SyntheticSource
equals(Object) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcClass
equals(Object) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcType
equals(Object) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Aspect
equals(Object) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FieldSig
Checks whether the two field signatures refer to the same field.
equals(Object) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Formal
equals(Object) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodSig
Checks whether the two method signatures refer to the same method.
equals(Object) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Var
equals(Object) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.VarBox
Test for equality.
equalsvar(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.VarBox
Tests whether the variable stored in this VarBox is equal to another Var object.
equivalent(ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ClassnamePatternExpr
equivalent(ClassTypeDotId) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotId
equivalent(ClassTypeDotId) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotId_c
equivalent(ClassTypeDotNew) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotNew
equivalent(ClassTypeDotNew) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotNew_c
equivalent(ConstructorPattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern
equivalent(ConstructorPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern_c
equivalent(ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary_c
equivalent(ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEName_c
equivalent(ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPENot_c
equivalent(ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPESubName_c
equivalent(ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEUniversal_c
equivalent(FormalPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DotDotFormalPattern_c
equivalent(NamePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DotDotNamePattern_c
equivalent(NamePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DotNamePattern_c
equivalent(FieldPattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.FieldPattern
equivalent(FieldPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.FieldPattern_c
equivalent(FormalPattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.FormalPattern
equivalent(MethodPattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern
equivalent(MethodPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern_c
equivalent(ModifierPattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ModifierPattern
equivalent(ModifierPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ModifierPattern_c
equivalent(NamePattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.NamePattern
equivalent(RefTypePattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.RefTypePattern
equivalent(RefTypePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPName_c
equivalent(RefTypePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPSubName_c
equivalent(NamePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.SimpleNamePattern_c
equivalent(ThrowsPattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ThrowsPattern
equivalent(ThrowsPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ThrowsPattern_c
equivalent(TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray_c
equivalent(TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
equivalent(TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPENot_c
equivalent(TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPERefTypePat_c
equivalent(TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEType_c
equivalent(TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEUniversal_c
equivalent(FormalPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TypeFormalPattern_c
equivalent(TypePatternExpr) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TypePatternExpr
equivalent(ClassnamePattern) - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ClassnamePattern
equivalent(ConstructorPattern) - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ConstructorPattern
equivalent(FieldPattern) - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FieldPattern
equivalent(MethodPattern) - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodPattern
equivalent(TypePattern) - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TypePattern
ERROR - Static variable in class abc.main.Options
ERROR - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage
error_queue - Variable in class abc.main.Main
errorInfo() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
Return a string describing the current piece of advice, for use in error messages
ErrorInfoFactory - Class in abc.polyglot.util
A helper class for constructing polyglot errors
ErrorInfoFactory() - Constructor for class abc.polyglot.util.ErrorInfoFactory
errorOptions() - Static method in class abc.main.Usage
EVALUATE_PATTERNS - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
EVALUATE_PATTERNS_AGAIN - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
EVALUATE_PATTERNS_FINALLY - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
exceptionCheck(ExceptionChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AmbTypeOrLocal_c
Check exceptions thrown by the expression.
execute() - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
Execution - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for execution shadow pointcut with a method pattern.
Execution(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Execution
ExecutionAdviceApplication - Class in abc.weaving.matching
Advice applying at an execution shadow
ExecutionAdviceApplication(AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.ExecutionAdviceApplication
ExecutionShadowMatch - Class in abc.weaving.matching
An execution join point shadow.
ExecutionShadowType - Class in abc.weaving.matching
A joinpoint shadow that applies at "execution"
ExecutionShadowType() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.ExecutionShadowType
exit(Pointcut) - Static method in class abc.ltl.ast.EntryExit
exit(Pointcut, EntryExit.Exit.ExitKind, TypeNode) - Static method in class abc.ltl.ast.EntryExit
explicitlyStatic() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
was the ITD itself declared static?
explicitlyStatic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
expr - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
expr() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TypeFormalPattern
expr() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TypeFormalPattern_c
exprMethod(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem, List, ParsedClassType) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf
exprMethod(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem, List, ParsedClassType) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
ext_info - Variable in class abc.aspectj.visit.NamePatternEvaluator
ext_info - Variable in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternTester
extAdviceDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAdviceDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAdviceDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAdviceFormal() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAdviceFormal() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAdviceFormalImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAdviceSpec() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAdviceSpec() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAdviceSpecImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAfter() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAfter() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAfterImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAfterReturning() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAfterReturning() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAfterReturningImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAfterThrowing() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAfterThrowing() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAfterThrowingImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJAmbExpr() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJAmbExpr() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAJAmbExprImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJCall() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJCall() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAJCallImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJClassBody() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJClassBody() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAJClassBodyImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJClassDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJClassDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAJClassDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJConstructorCall() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJConstructorCall() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAJConstructorCallImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJConstructorDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJConstructorDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAJConstructorDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJField() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJField() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAJFieldImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJNew() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJNew() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAJNewImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJSpecial() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAJSpecial() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAJSpecialImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAmbTypeOrLocal() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAmbTypeOrLocal() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAmbTypeOrLocalImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extArgDotDot() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extArgDotDot() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extArgDotDotImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extArgPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extArgPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extArgPatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extArgStar() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extArgStar() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extArgStarImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAround() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAround() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAroundImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAspectBody() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAspectBody() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAspectBodyImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAspectDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extAspectDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extAspectDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extBefore() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extBefore() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extBeforeImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extClassnamePatternExpr() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extClassnamePatternExpr() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extClassnamePatternExprImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extClassTypeDotId() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extClassTypeDotId() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extClassTypeDotIdImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extClassTypeDotNew() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extClassTypeDotNew() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extClassTypeDotNewImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extConstructorPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extConstructorPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extConstructorPatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extCPEBinary() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extCPEBinary() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extCPEBinaryImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extCPEName() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extCPEName() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extCPENameImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extCPENot() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extCPENot() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extCPENotImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extCPESubName() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extCPESubName() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extCPESubNameImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extCPEUniversal() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extCPEUniversal() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extCPEUniversalImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDeclareDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDeclareDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extDeclareDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDeclareError() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDeclareError() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extDeclareErrorImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDeclareParents() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDeclareParents() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extDeclareParentsImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDeclarePrecedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDeclarePrecedence() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extDeclarePrecedenceImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDeclareSoft() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDeclareSoft() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extDeclareSoftImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDeclareWarning() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDeclareWarning() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extDeclareWarningImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDotDotFormalPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDotDotFormalPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extDotDotFormalPatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDotDotNamePattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDotDotNamePattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extDotDotNamePatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDotNamePattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extDotNamePattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extDotNamePatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
ExtendedSJPInfo - Class in abc.eaj.weaving.matching
ExtendedSJPInfo(String, String, String, String, Host) - Constructor for class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.ExtendedSJPInfo
EXTENDS - Static variable in interface abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents
ExtensionInfo - Class in abc.aspectj
Extension information for aspectj extension.
ExtensionInfo(Collection, Collection) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
ExtensionInfo - Class in abc.eaj
Extension information for Extended AspectJ extension.
ExtensionInfo(Collection, Collection) - Constructor for class abc.eaj.ExtensionInfo
ExtensionInfo - Class in abc.ltl
Extension information for LTL extension.
ExtensionInfo(Collection, Collection) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
extFieldPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extFieldPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extFieldPatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extFixCharLit() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extFixCharLit() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extFixCharLitImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extHostConstructorCall() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extHostConstructorCall() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extHostConstructorCallImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extHostSpecial() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extHostSpecial() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extHostSpecialImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extIntertypeConstructorDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extIntertypeConstructorDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extIntertypeConstructorDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extIntertypeFieldDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extIntertypeFieldDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extIntertypeFieldDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extIntertypeMethodDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extIntertypeMethodDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extIntertypeMethodDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extIsSingleton() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extIsSingleton() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extIsSingletonImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extMethodPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extMethodPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extMethodPatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extModifierPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extModifierPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extModifierPatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extNamePattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extNamePattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extNamePatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCAdvice() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCAdvice() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCAdviceExecution() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCAdviceExecution() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCAdviceExecutionImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCAdviceImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCArgs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCArgs() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCArgsImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCBinary() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCBinary() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCBinaryImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCCall() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCCall() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCCallImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCCflow() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCCflow() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCCflowBelow() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCCflowBelow() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCCflowBelowImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCCflowImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCEmpty() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCEmpty() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCEmptyImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCExecution() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCExecution() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCExecutionImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCGet() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCGet() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCGetImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCHandler() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCHandler() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCHandlerImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCIf() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCIf() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCIfImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCInitialization() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCInitialization() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCInitializationImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCName() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCName() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCNameImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCNot() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCNot() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCNotImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCPreinitialization() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCPreinitialization() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCPreinitializationImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCSet() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCSet() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCSetImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCStaticInitialization() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCStaticInitialization() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCStaticInitializationImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCTarget() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCTarget() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCTargetImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCThis() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCThis() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCThisImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCWithin() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCWithin() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCWithinCode() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCWithinCode() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPCWithinCodeImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPCWithinImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPerCflow() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPerCflow() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPerCflowBelow() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPerCflowBelow() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPerCflowBelowImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPerCflowImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPerClause() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPerClause() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPerClauseImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPerTarget() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPerTarget() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPerTargetImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPerThis() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPerThis() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPerThisImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPointcut() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPointcutDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPointcutDecl() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extPointcutDeclImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extPointcutImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extProceedCall() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extProceedCall() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extProceedCallImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extRTPName() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extRTPName() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extRTPNameImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extRTPSubName() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extRTPSubName() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extRTPSubNameImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extSimpleNamePattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extSimpleNamePattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extSimpleNamePatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extThrowsPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extThrowsPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extThrowsPatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extTPEArray() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extTPEArray() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extTPEArrayImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extTPEBinary() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extTPEBinary() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extTPEBinaryImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extTPENot() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extTPENot() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extTPENotImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extTPERefTypePat() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extTPERefTypePat() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extTPERefTypePatImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extTPEType() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extTPEType() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extTPETypeImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extTPEUniversal() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extTPEUniversal() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extTPEUniversalImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extTypeFormalPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extTypeFormalPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extTypeFormalPatternImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extTypePatternExpr() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
extTypePatternExpr() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJExtFactory
extTypePatternExprImpl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c


FACTORY_INSTANTIATION_CALL - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
method to retrieve the factory instance
FACTORY_INTERFACE_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
declared type of factory
FACTORY_LABEL - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
label for the aspect-internal reference to the factory
factory_local - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
fakeType - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
fc - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
Field(Position, Receiver, String) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
Field(Position, Receiver, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
field - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
FieldAssign(Position, Field, Assign.Operator, Expr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
FieldDel_c - Class in abc.aspectj.extension
FieldDel_c() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.extension.FieldDel_c
FieldGetAccessorMethodSource - Class in abc.soot.util
FieldGetAccessorMethodSource(soot.Type, String, soot.SootClass, boolean) - Constructor for class abc.soot.util.FieldGetAccessorMethodSource
FieldPattern(Position, List, TypePatternExpr, ClassTypeDotId) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
FieldPattern(Position, List, TypePatternExpr, ClassTypeDotId) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
FieldPattern - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
FieldPattern - Interface in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A field pattern.
FieldPattern_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
FieldPattern_c(Position, List, TypePatternExpr, ClassTypeDotId) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.FieldPattern_c
FieldSetAccessorMethodSource - Class in abc.soot.util
FieldSetAccessorMethodSource(soot.Type, String, soot.SootClass, boolean) - Constructor for class abc.soot.util.FieldSetAccessorMethodSource
FieldSig(polyglot.ast.FieldDecl) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcFactory
FieldSig(polyglot.ast.FieldDecl, polyglot.types.ClassType) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcFactory
FieldSig - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A field signature.
FieldSig(int, AbcClass, AbcType, String, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FieldSig
fillInAspect(Aspect) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AspectCodeGen
fillInPerCflowAspect(Aspect) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AspectCodeGen
fillInPerObjectAspect(Aspect) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AspectCodeGen
top-level call to fill in per aspect with fields and methods
fillInSingletonAspect(Aspect) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AspectCodeGen
top-level call to fill in singleton aspect with fields and methods
findAcceptableMethods(ReferenceType, String, List, ClassType) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
findExistingAccessor(List, MemberInstance) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
findField(ReferenceType, String, ClassType) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
Requires: all type arguments are canonical.
findFieldInstances(ReferenceType, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
findFieldScopeInHost(String) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
if varInHost(name), find the class that introduced the field by name (this can be an outer class of the host.
findFieldScopeInHost(String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
Finds the class which added a field to the scope.
findFirstRealStmt(SootMethod, Chain) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure
Given a Chain for the body of a method, find the first "real" stmt (i.e. not an identity stmt or the copy of "this" we often make) and return a reference to it.
findFirstRealStmtOrNop(SootMethod, Chain) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure
findInitStmt(Chain) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure
Given a Chain for a body of an method, find the call to the corresponding to either a this() or super() call.
findInThisScope(String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
findMethod(String, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
Looks up a method with name "name" and arguments compatible with "argTypes".
findMethodContainerInThisScope(String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
findMethodScope(String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
Finds the class which added a method to the scope.
findMethodScopeInHost(String) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
if methodInHost(name), find the class that introduced it (this can be an outer class of the host.
findMethodScopeInHost(String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
Finds the class which added a method to the host scope.
findMethodShadows(GlobalAspectInfo, MethodAdviceList, SootClass, SootMethod) - Method in class abc.main.AbcExtension
This method is responsible for taking a method and calling AdviceApplication.doShadows for each "position" in the method that might have a join point associated with it.
findPointCutNamed(ClassType, String) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem
findPointCutNamed(ClassType, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
findPointcutScope(String) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
find the class that introduced a pointcut by the given name
findPointcutScope(String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
pointcut lookup
findVariableInThisScope(String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
finish() - Method in class abc.eaj.visit.GlobalPointcuts
finish() - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.PropositionLabels
FixCharLit_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
FixCharLit_c(Position, char) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.FixCharLit_c
floatType - Static variable in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
flush() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
AdviceApplication structures are added to the list for one shadow, then the next etc.
forceInline() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AdviceInliner
forceInline() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AfterBeforeInliner
forceInline() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundInliner
forceSingleThreadedCflow - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
forceStaticFieldCflow - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
Formal - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A formal parameter to a method or constructor.
Formal(AbcType, String, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Formal
FormalPattern - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
FormalPattern_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
FormalPattern_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.FormalPattern_c
formals() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec
formals - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec_c
formals() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec_c
formals() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
formals - Variable in class abc.eaj.ast.PCLocalVars_c
formals - Variable in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
Formula - Class in abc.ltl.formulaextraction
Formula(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.formulaextraction.Formula
formula - Variable in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.PointcutsVisitor
FORMULA_CONSTRUCTORS - Static variable in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
FORMULA_IDS - Static variable in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
FORMULA_INTERFACE_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
interface name for formulae
FORMULA_LABEL - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
label for the constant formula
FORMULA_TERM_CONSTRUCTOR - Static variable in class abc.ltl.AbcExtension
formulaConstructorExpr(PropositionLabels, Position) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula
formulaConstructorExpr(PropositionLabels, Position) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
formulaConstructorExpr(PropositionLabels, Position, Collection<Formal>) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLBinary_c
formulaConstructorExpr(PropositionLabels, Position, Collection<Formal>) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLGeneral
formulaConstructorExpr(PropositionLabels, Position, Collection<Formal>) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUnary_c
FormulaSource - Class in abc.ltl.formulaextraction
This represents a source object defining a formula.
FormulaSource(byte[], String) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.formulaextraction.FormulaSource
freshVar() - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Pointcut
Return a freshly named pointcut variable
from - Variable in class abc.weaving.residues.Box
from - Variable in class abc.weaving.residues.Copy
fromString(EAJNodeFactory, Position, String) - Static method in class abc.eaj.util.ToReceiver
FullPointcut - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A pointcut designator representing every join point
FullPointcut(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FullPointcut


GENERAL_FIELD_DECLS - Static variable in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
GeneralFieldDecls - Class in abc.ltl.visit.transform
GeneralFieldDecls(NodeFactory) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.visit.transform.GeneralFieldDecls
generalOptions() - Static method in class abc.main.Usage
generateClosure(String, SootMethod, List) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod.AdviceApplicationInfo
generateClosureCreation(SootClass, List) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod.AdviceApplicationInfo
generateInitialSourceUnitsFromFormulas(AbstractExtensionInfo) - Static method in class abc.ltl.formulaextraction.Specification
generateLocal(soot.Type, String) - Method in class abc.soot.util.LocalGeneratorEx
Generate a local with a given type, using a suggested name.
generateMessage(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage
generateProceed(AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod, String) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod.ProceedInvocation
generateProceeds(AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod, String) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod
generateProceeds(AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod, String) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass
genInitCflowField(LocalGeneratorEx, SootFieldRef) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
Generate code to initialise a field to contain the cflow state (in an aspect)
genInitLocal(LocalGeneratorEx, Local, Local) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
Generate code to initialise a local variable to the cflow thread-local
genInitLocalLazily(LocalGeneratorEx, Local, Local) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
Generate code to initialise a local variable to the cflow thread-local, if non-null
genInitLocalToNull(LocalGeneratorEx, Local) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
Generate code to initialise a cflow instance local to a dummy value if necessary
genIsValid(LocalGeneratorEx, Local, Local, Stmt, Stmt) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
Generate code for an isValid test.
genPeek(LocalGeneratorEx, Local, List) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
Generate code for a peek operation.
genPerCflowStackField(SootClass) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AspectCodeGen
genPop(LocalGeneratorEx, Local) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
Generate code for a pop operation.
genPush(LocalGeneratorEx, Local, List) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
Generate code for a push operation.
genStaticJoinPoints - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
GenStaticJoinPoints - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
The purpose of this class is to iterate over all SJPInfo instances for a Class and to insert the relevant code for the Static Join Points.
GenStaticJoinPoints() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.GenStaticJoinPoints
genStaticJoinPoints(SootClass) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.GenStaticJoinPoints
generate code for all the static join points in class sc
get() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup.CflowSetupBound
get() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AdviceFormal
get() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.LocalVar
get() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.PolyLocalVar
get() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SingleValueVar
get() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.WeavingVar
Get the soot local corresponding to this variable (only valid once it has been set)
get1(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Get the VarBox associated with a Var under the first renaming
get2(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Get the VarBox associated with a Var under the second renaming
get_JoinPointInfo_thisJoinPoint(JoinPointInfo) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.WeavingState
getAbcExtension() - Method in class abc.main.Main
getAbcType(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup.CflowBoundVars
getAbcType(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.AdviceFormals
getAbcType(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.EmptyFormals
getAbcType(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.LocalsDecl
getAbcType(Var) - Method in interface abc.weaving.matching.WeavingEnv
Return the declared type of the given named pointcut variable
getAccessorDispatchers() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
getAccessorGetters() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
getAccessorMethods() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AspectType
getAccessorMethods() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AspectType_c
getAccessorSetters() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
getAccessViolationCount(SootMethod, SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AdviceInliner
getActuals() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
getAdviceDecls() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
Returns the list of all advice declarations.
getAdviceFormal(WeavingVar) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AndResidue
getAdviceFormal(WeavingVar) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Box
getAdviceFormal(WeavingVar) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Copy
getAdviceFormalBindings(Residue.Bindings, AndResidue) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AndResidue
getAdviceFormalBindings(Residue.Bindings, AndResidue) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Bind
If this Bind binds an advice-formal, add the binding to the Bindings object
getAdviceFormalBindings(Residue.Bindings, AndResidue) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.BindMaskResidue
getAdviceFormalBindings(Residue.Bindings, AndResidue) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.NotResidue
getAdviceFormalBindings(Residue.Bindings, AndResidue) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.OrResidue
getAdviceFormalBindings(Residue.Bindings, AndResidue) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue
Fills the Bindings object with information of possible advice-formal bindings.
getAdviceFormalBindings(Residue.Bindings, AndResidue) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SeqResidue
getAdviceList(SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
Returns the list of AdviceApplication structures for the given method
getAdviceMethod(SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.State
getAdviceMethodInlineInfo(SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.State
getAdviceReturnType() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
getAdviceSpec() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
getAllProceedMethods() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
getApplCount() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
getArgPattern() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Returns the result of unification as an ArgPattern
getArgs() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Args
Get the list of argument patterns.
getArgs() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PointcutRef
Get the list of argument patterns.
getArgsContextValues() - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.CastShadowMatch
getArgsContextValues() - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.ThrowShadowMatch
getArgsContextValues() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.BodyShadowMatch
getArgsContextValues() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ConstructorCallShadowMatch
getArgsContextValues() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.GetFieldShadowMatch
getArgsContextValues() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.HandlerShadowMatch
getArgsContextValues() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodCallShadowMatch
getArgsContextValues() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.SetFieldShadowMatch
getArgsContextValues() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
Return a list of ContextValue that represent the runtime values that could be bound by an args() pointcut
getArguments() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeConstructorDecl
getAspect() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
getAspect() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
Every advice declaration is associated with a particular aspect.
getAspect(AbcClass) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getAspect() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.InAspect
getAspectInstance(Aspect, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Per
getAspectInstance(Aspect, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflow
getAspectInstance(Aspect, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflowBelow
getAspectInstance(Aspect, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerTarget
getAspectInstance(Aspect, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerThis
getAspectInstance(Aspect, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Singleton
getAspects() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
Returns the list of all aspects.
getBegin() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.RebindingShadowPoints
getBegin() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.ShadowPoints
getBody(soot.SootMethod, String) - Method in class abc.soot.util.FieldGetAccessorMethodSource
getBody(soot.SootMethod, String) - Method in class abc.soot.util.FieldSetAccessorMethodSource
getBody(soot.SootMethod, String) - Method in class abc.soot.util.MethodAccessorMethodSource
getBody(SootMethod, String) - Method in class abc.soot.util.QualSpecialAccessorMethodSource
getBody() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeConstructorDecl
getBoxingClass(Type) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
getBoxingClassMethodName(Type) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
getBoxingClassPrimType(SootClass) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
Given the boxing class, what was the primitive type?
getByteCodePosition() - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula
getByteCodePosition() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
getByValue1(VarBox) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Get the key mapping to a value in ren1, null if there is none
getByValue2(VarBox) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Get the key mapping to a value in ren2, null if there is none
getByVarValue1(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Get the key mapping to a Var value in ren1, null if there is none
getByVarValue2(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Get the key mapping to a Var value in ren2, null if there is none
getCall(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem, Receiver, ReferenceType) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance
getCall(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem, Receiver, ReferenceType) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance_c
getCastType() - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.CastShadowMatch
getCatchType() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterThrowingAdvice
getCatchType() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterThrowingArgAdvice
getCatchType() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareSoft.SoftenAdvice
getCategory(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
getCflowInstanceClass() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
Get the SootClass for the thread-local cflow class.
getCflowInstanceType() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
Get the Type of the thread-local cflow class.
getCflowMustBind() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
get the names of variables that are bound in the smallest enclosing cflow
getCflowMustBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
getCflowStack() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
getCflowType() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
Get the Type of the (global) cflow class
getChain() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.ChainStmtBox
getChildren() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCNode
getClass(ClassType) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCStructure
getClass(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
getClasses() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareParents
Get the classes whose parents are being declared.
getClassesToMakePublic() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getClassInitializationShadowMatch(SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getClassTypes() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCStructure
getContainer() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodPosition
getContainer() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
return the method that this ShadowMatch occurs within
getCpe() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.CPENot
getCpe() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPENot_c
getDecl(Aspect) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PointcutRef
getDeclareParents() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
Returns the list of all declare parents declarations.
getDeclarePrecedence() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
Returns the list of all declare precedence declarations.
getDeclaringClass() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FieldSig
getDeclaringClass() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodSig
getDeclaringClass() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Sig
getDefaultValue(Type) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
getDefiningAspect() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
Get the aspect an advice declaration was originally defined in.
getDepth() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Cflow
getDepth() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowBelow
getDepth() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
getEnclosing() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.BodyShadowMatch
getEnclosing() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
return the enclosing ShadowMatch
getEnclosing() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.StmtShadowMatch
getEnclosingAroundAdviceMethod(SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.State
getEnclosingClass() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass
getEnclosingFirstDegreeClass() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass
getEnclosingSootClass() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass
getEnd() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.RebindingShadowPoints
getEnd() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.ShadowPoints
getEntryExit(Pointcut) - Static method in class abc.ltl.ast.EntryExit
getEquivAssignStmt(SootMethod, InvokeStmt) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure
getException() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareSoft
Get the softened exception.
getException() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.HandlerShadowMatch
getExceptions() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeConstructorDecl
Get the exceptions thrown by the method.
getExceptions() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodSig
Get the exceptions thrown by the method.
getExceptions() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ClassInitializationShadowMatch
getExceptions() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ConstructorCallShadowMatch
getExceptions() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ExecutionShadowMatch
getExceptions() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.InterfaceInitializationShadowMatch
getExceptions() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodCallShadowMatch
getExceptions() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.PreinitializationShadowMatch
getExceptions() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
The list of exceptions that this shadow is declared to throw
getExcludes() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.CPEUniversal
getExcludes() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEUniversal_c
getExecutionShadowMatch(SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getExtendedClasses() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getExtensionInfo() - Method in class abc.ltl.AbcExtension
GetField - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for get shadow pointcut.
GetField(FieldPattern, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GetField
getField(MethodSig) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getField(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
getFieldRef(SootMethodRef) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
getFieldRef() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.GetFieldShadowMatch
getFieldRef() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.SetFieldShadowMatch
GetFieldShadowMatch - Class in abc.weaving.matching
A get field join point shadow.
GetFieldShadowType - Class in abc.weaving.matching
A joinpoint shadow that applies at a field get
GetFieldShadowType() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.GetFieldShadowType
getFieldSig() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SuperFieldGet
getFieldSig() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SuperFieldSet
getFormal() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterReturningArgAdvice
getFormal() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterThrowingArgAdvice
getFormalIndex(String) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
getFormals() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern
getFormals() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern_c
getFormals() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern
getFormals() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern_c
getFormals() - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula
getFormals() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
getFormals() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
getFormals() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LocalPointcutVars
getFormals() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodSig
Get the formals of the method.
getFormals() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PointcutDecl
Get the formals of the pointcut declaration.
getFormalType(String) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
getFormalTypes() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeConstructorDecl
Get the formal types of the intertype constructor.
getFormulaId() - Static method in class abc.ltl.formulaextraction.Specification
getFormulas() - Static method in class abc.ltl.formulaextraction.Specification
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AndPointcut
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgAny
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgFill
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgPattern
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Args
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgVar
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CastPointcutVar
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Cflow
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowBelow
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.If
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LexicalPointcut
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LocalPointcutVars
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.NotPointcut
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.OrPointcut
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Pointcut
Get a list of free variables bound by this pointcut
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PointcutRef
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ShadowPointcut
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetAny
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetVar
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisAny
getFreeVars(Set) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisVar
getFrom() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CastPointcutVar
getFromString1(String) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Get the VarBox bound to a variable of this name (if any, null otherwise) under ren1
getFromString2(String) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Get the VarBox bound to a variable of this name (if any, null otherwise) under ren2
getGet() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance
getGet() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance_c
getGetter() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeFieldDecl
getHost() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.BodyShadowMatch
getHost() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ConstructorCallShadowMatch
getHost() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodPosition
getHost() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.NewStmtMethodPosition
getHost() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
Get the host that this ShadowMatch corresponds to, for positional information
getHost() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.StmtMethodPosition
getHost() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.StmtShadowMatch
getHost() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.TrapMethodPosition
getIdentifier() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance
getIdentifier() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance_c
getIdentifier() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance
getIdentifier() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance_c
getImpl() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
Get the signature of the placeholder method that contains the body of this advice.
getImpl() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.If
Get the signature of the method implementing the if condition.
getImpl() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeMethodDecl
Get the signature of the placeholder method that contains the implementation of this intertype method declaration.
getInit() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.DotDotNamePattern
getInit() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DotDotNamePattern_c
getInit() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.DotNamePattern
getInit() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DotNamePattern_c
getInit() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeFieldDecl
Get the signature of the method to initialise this field This is a static method of aspect, with one parameter for the "this" of the target class.
getInnerPc() - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula
getInnerPc() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
getInners() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCNode
getInstance - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance_c
getInstanceClass() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Aspect
getInterface() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.InterfaceInitializationShadowMatch
getInterfaceInitializationShadowMatchList(SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getInterfaces() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareParentsImpl
Get the list of implemented interfaces.
getIntertypeConstructorDecls() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
Returns the list of all intertype constructor declarations.
getIntertypeFieldDecls() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
Returns the list of all intertype field declarations.
getIntertypeMethodDecls() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
Returns the list of all intertype method declarations.
getIsValidStmt() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.CflowResidue
Returns the statement that was woven to test isValid().
getJavaName() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcClass
getJPSP() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectReflectionRewrite
getJvmName() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcClass
getKind() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.EntryExit.Exit
getKind() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeConstructorDecl
getLast() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.DotNamePattern
getLast() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DotNamePattern_c
getLastTokenWasDot() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.parse.AbcLexer
Indicates whether the last token consumed was a dot.
getLeft() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary
getLeft() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary_c
getLeftOp() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AndResidue
Get the left operand
getLeftOp() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.OrResidue
Get the left operand
getLeftOp() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SeqResidue
Get the left operand
getLeftOpBox() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AndResidue
Get the left box
getLeftOpBox() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.OrResidue
Get the left box
getLeftOpBox() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SeqResidue
Get the left box
getLeftPointcut() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AndPointcut
getLeftPointcut() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.OrPointcut
getLocalMethods() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
getLocalSootMethods() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
getMaskBits(int) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue.Bindings
Sets the bits of the mask which belong to the advice-formal at position index
getMaskPos(int) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue.Bindings
Position of the bits of the mask that belong to the advice-formal at position index
getMaskValue(Local, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue.Bindings
Calculate bits to be or'd into the mask if this local is bound.
getMemberInstance() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorMethod
Get the MemberInstance associated with this accessor method (can be MethodInstance or FieldInstance).
getMessage() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage
Get the message to give if the pointcut matches anything.
getMethod() - Method in class abc.soot.util.LocalGeneratorEx
getMethod() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.QualThis
getMethodCategory(MethodSig) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getMethodCflowLocal(LocalGeneratorEx, SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
getMethodCflowThreadLocal(LocalGeneratorEx, SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
getMethodRef() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ConstructorCallShadowMatch
getMethodRef() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodCallShadowMatch
getMethodSig() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SuperDispatch
getModifiers() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern
getModifiers() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern_c
getModifiers() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.FieldPattern
getModifiers() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.FieldPattern_c
getModifiers() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern
getModifiers() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern_c
getModifiers() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FieldSig
getModifiers() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeConstructorDecl
Get the modifiers of intertype constructor
getModifiers(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
getModifiers() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodSig
getModifiers() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Sig
getName() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern
getName() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern_c
getName() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.FieldPattern
getName() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.FieldPattern_c
getName() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern
getName() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern_c
getName() - Method in class abc.soot.util.AroundShadowInfoTag
getName() - Method in class abc.soot.util.DisableExceptionCheckTag
getName() - Method in class abc.soot.util.InPreinitializationTag
getName() - Method in class abc.soot.util.RedirectedExceptionSpecTag
getName() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorMethod
getName() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Aspect
getName() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FieldSig
getName() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Formal
getName(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
getName() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodSig
getName() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PointcutDecl
getName() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Sig
getName() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SuperDispatch
getName() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SuperFieldGet
getName() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SuperFieldSet
getName() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Var
getName() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster.InterfaceInitNopTag
getName() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster.ITDInitEndNopTag
getNamePattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.CPEName
getNamePattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEName_c
getNamePattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.CPESubName
getNamePattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPESubName_c
getNamePattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.RTPName
getNamePattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPName_c
getNamePattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.RTPSubName
getNamePattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPSubName_c
getNamePattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.visit.ContainsNamePattern
getNextStmt() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.NewStmtMethodPosition
getNonWeavableClassErrors() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
Returns the list of errors about classes which are not currently being woven, but which we would really need to insert accessor methods into.
getOp() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.BindMaskResidue
getOp() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.NotResidue
Get the operand
getOperator() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary
getOperator() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary_c
getOriginalAdviceFormals(AdviceDecl) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
getOriginalModifiers() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeConstructorDecl
Get the modifiers of intertype constructor
getOrigName() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeMethodDecl
getParameterIdentityStatement(SootMethod, int) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure
Retrieves the identity statement of the argument at position arg
getParameterLocals(Body) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.Util
getParent() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareParentsExt
Get the extended class.
getParents() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCNode
getPasses() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.NoSourceJob
getPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.SimpleNamePattern
getPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.SimpleNamePattern_c
getPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TPERefTypePat
getPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPERefTypePat_c
getPattern() - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.aspectinfo.Cast
getPattern() - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.aspectinfo.Throw
getPattern() - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ClassnamePattern
getPattern() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ConstructorCall
getPattern() - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ConstructorPattern
getPattern() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareParents
getPattern() - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FieldPattern
getPattern() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GetField
getPattern() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Handler
getPattern() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.InterfaceInitialization
getPattern() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCall
getPattern() - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodPattern
getPattern() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SetField
getPattern() - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TypePattern
getPattern() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Within
getPattern() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinConstructor
getPattern() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinMethod
getPatterns() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclarePrecedence
Get the patterns matching the aspects to be ordered.
getPatternString() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.SimpleNamePattern
getPatternString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.SimpleNamePattern_c
getPer() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Aspect
getPointcut() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
getPointcut() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowPointcut
getPointcut() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LocalPointcutVars
getPointcut() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.NotPointcut
getPointcut() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerPointcut
getPointcut() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PointcutDecl
getPointcut() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Returns the result of unification as a Pointcut
getPointcutDecl(String, Aspect) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getPointcutDecls() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
Returns the list of all pointcut declarations.
getPolyglotType() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcClass
getPosition(SootMethod, Host) - Static method in class abc.polyglot.util.ErrorInfoFactory
getPosition() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Syntax
getPrecedence(AbstractAdviceDecl, AbstractAdviceDecl) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
Get the precedence relationship between two aspects.
getPrecedence(AdviceDecl, AdviceDecl) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
getPrecedence(CflowSetup, CflowSetup) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
getPrecedence(AdviceDecl, AdviceDecl) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareSoft
getPrecedence(String, String) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
Get the precedence relationship between two aspect names, just using declare precedence relations
getPrecedence(Aspect, Aspect) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
Get the precedence relationship between two aspects, using both declare precedence relations and aspect inheritance
getPreClinit(SootClass) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AspectCodeGen
getPreinitializationShadowMatch(SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getProceedImpl() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AroundAdvice
get the signature of the dummy placeholder method that is called as a representation of proceed calls inside this around advice.
getProceedMethod(String, boolean) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
getProceedMethodInlineInfo(SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.State
getQualifier() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeConstructorDecl
getQualifier() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.QualThis
getQualSpecials() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
getRealClass(MethodSig) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getRealClass(FieldSig) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getRealModifiers(MethodSig, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getRealModifiers(FieldSig, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getRealName(MethodSig) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getRealName(FieldSig) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getRefersTo() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance
getRefersTo() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c
getRen1() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Returns the renaming ren1 taking the result s to the first syntax s1
getRen2() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Returns the renaming ren2 taking the result s to the first syntax s2
getRenaming() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowPointcut
getRepresentationForGrammar() - Method in class abc.ltl.formulaextraction.Formula
getResidue() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.AdviceApplication
getResidue() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.ResidueBox
Returns the residue contained in this box.
getResidueBoxes() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.AdviceApplication
getResidueBoxes() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AndResidue
getResidueBoxes() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.BindMaskResidue
getResidueBoxes() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.NotResidue
getResidueBoxes() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.OrResidue
getResidueBoxes() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue
getResidueBoxes() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SeqResidue
getReturningContextValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ConstructorCallShadowMatch
getReturningContextValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ExecutionShadowMatch
getReturningContextValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.GetFieldShadowMatch
getReturningContextValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodCallShadowMatch
getReturningContextValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
Return a ContextValue that represents the runtime value that is bound by after returning() advice
getReturnType() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AroundAdvice
getReturnType() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodSig
getRight() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary
getRight() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary_c
getRightOp() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AndResidue
Get the right operand
getRightOp() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.OrResidue
Get the right operand
getRightOp() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SeqResidue
Get the right operand
getRightOpBox() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AndResidue
Get the right box
getRightOpBox() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.OrResidue
Get the right box
getRightOpBox() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SeqResidue
Get the right box
getRightPointcut() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AndPointcut
getRightPointcut() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.OrPointcut
getRoot() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCNode
getSet() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance
getSet() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance_c
getSetter() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeFieldDecl
getSeverity() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage
Get the severity of the message.
getSeverityName() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage
Get the name of the severity of the message.
getShadowMatch() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.ShadowPoints
getShadowMatchList(SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getShadowSize() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod.AdviceApplicationInfo
getSimpleTypeBoxingClassMethodName(Type) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
getSimpleTypeConversionInfo(Type, Type) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
getSJPInfo() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
Retrieve the sjpInfo structure, creating it if necessary
getSJPInfoList(SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getSkipFirst(MethodSig) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getSkipFirst(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
getSkipLast(MethodSig) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getSkipLast(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
getSootClass() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcClass
getSootExceptions() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodSig
Get the exceptions thrown by the method.
getSootField() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FieldSig
getSootFieldRef() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FieldSig
getSootMember() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FieldSig
getSootMember() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodSig
getSootMember() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Sig
getSootMethod() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodSig
getSootMethodRef() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodSig
getSootType() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcType
getSootType() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.ContextValue
getSootType() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.JimpleValue
getSootType() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.JoinPointInfo
getSootType() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.StaticJoinPointInfo
getSootValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.ContextValue
get a soot value corresponding to this contextvalue
getSootValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.JimpleValue
getSootValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.JoinPointInfo
getSootValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.StaticJoinPointInfo
getStaticDispatchTypeID(Type) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
getStmt() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.NewStmtMethodPosition
getStmt() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.StmtMethodPosition
getStmt() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.StmtShadowMatch
getStmt() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.ChainStmtBox
getStmtShadowMatchList(SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
getSymbol() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLAnd_c
getSymbol() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLBinary_c
getSymbol() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLEquiv_c
getSymbol() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLFinally_c
getSymbol() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLGlobally_c
getSymbol() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLImplies_c
getSymbol() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLNext_c
getSymbol() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLNot_c
getSymbol() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLOr_c
getSymbol() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLRelease_c
getSymbol() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUnary_c
getSymbol() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUntil_c
getSyntax() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Returns the result of unification.
getTarget() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorMethod
getTarget() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeConstructorDecl
Get the target where of the intertype decl
getTarget() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeFieldDecl
Get the field signature that this intertype field declaration will end up having when it is woven in.
getTarget() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeMethodDecl
Get the method signature that this intertype method declaration will end up having when it is woven in.
getTarget() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.QualThis
getTarget() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SuperDispatch
getTarget() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SuperFieldGet
getTarget() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SuperFieldSet
getTargetContextValue() - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.CastShadowMatch
getTargetContextValue() - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.ThrowShadowMatch
getTargetContextValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.BodyShadowMatch
getTargetContextValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ConstructorCallShadowMatch
getTargetContextValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.GetFieldShadowMatch
getTargetContextValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.HandlerShadowMatch
getTargetContextValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodCallShadowMatch
getTargetContextValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.SetFieldShadowMatch
getTargetContextValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
Return a ContextValue that represents the runtime value that is bound by a target() pointcut
getThisContextValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.PreinitializationShadowMatch
getThisContextValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
Return a ContextValue that represents the runtime value that is bound by a this() pointcut
getThisContextValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.StmtShadowMatch
getThisLocal(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure
Restructure the method to place a copy of 'this' in a new local variable.
getThrowspats() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern
getThrowspats() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern_c
getThrowspats() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern
getThrowspats() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern_c
getThrowType() - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.ThrowShadowMatch
getTo() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CastPointcutVar
getToken(AbcLexer) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.parse.LexerAction
This function is called when the keyword that is associated with this action is encountered in the lexer.
getToken(AbcLexer) - Method in class abc.aspectj.parse.LexerAction_c
getToken(AbcLexer) - Method in class abc.aspectj.parse.PerClauseLexerAction_c
getTpe() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TPENot
getTpe() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPENot_c
getTrap() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.TrapMethodPosition
getType() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.FieldPattern
getType() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.FieldPattern_c
getType() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern
getType() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern_c
getType() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.EntryExit.Exit
getType() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgType
getType() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup.CflowSetupBound
getType() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FieldSig
getType() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Formal
getType() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetType
Get the type that is matched against the target by this target pointcut.
getType() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisType
Get the type that is matched against this by this this pointcut.
getType() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AdviceFormal
getType() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.LocalVar
getType() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.PolyLocalVar
getType() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SingleValueVar
getType() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.WeavingVar
Get the soot type corresponding to this variable
getType1(String) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Returns the type of a given free var in the first typemap
getType2(String) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Returns the type of a given free var in the second typemap
getTypeMap(int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Returns the typemap assigning types to free vars in either syntax object, depending on dir
getTypeMap1() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Returns the typemap assigning types to free vars in the first syntax object s1
getTypeMap2() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Returns the typemap assigning types to free vars in the second syntax object s2
getTypeName() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.EntryExit.Exit
getTypeString(Type) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
getUniqueID() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.State
getUniqueShadowID() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
getUnitBindings() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Weaver
getUses() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
getValue() - Method in class abc.soot.util.AroundShadowInfoTag
getValue() - Method in class abc.soot.util.DisableExceptionCheckTag
getValue() - Method in class abc.soot.util.InPreinitializationTag
getValue() - Method in class abc.soot.util.RedirectedExceptionSpecTag
getValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster.InterfaceInitNopTag
getValue() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster.ITDInitEndNopTag
getVar() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgVar
getVar() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetVar
Get the pointcut variable that is bound by this target pointcut.
getVar() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisVar
Get the pointcut variable that is bound by this this pointcut.
getVar() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Returns the result of unification as a Var
getVar() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.VarBox
Returns the Var stored in this VarBox if any, undefined otherwise (if the VarBox is not set)
getVars() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.If
Get the pointcut variables that should be given as arguments to the method implementing the if condition.
getWeavableClasses() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
Returns the list of classes into which weaving can take place.
getWeavingEnv() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
getWeavingEnv() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
getWeavingEnv() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
getWeavingEnv() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage
getWeavingEnv() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareSoft
getWeavingEnv() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerSetupAdvice
getWeavingVar(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup.CflowBoundVars
getWeavingVar(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.AdviceFormals
getWeavingVar(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.EmptyFormals
getWeavingVar(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.LocalsDecl
getWeavingVar(Var) - Method in interface abc.weaving.matching.WeavingEnv
Return the weaving variable corresponding to the given named pointcut variable
getWovenClasses() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
GlobalAspectInfo - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
All aspect-specific information for an entire program.
GlobalCflowSetupFactory - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
GlobalCflowSetupFactory() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalCflowSetupFactory
GlobalPointcutDecl(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.eaj.ast.EAJNodeFactory
GlobalPointcutDecl(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.EAJNodeFactory_c
GlobalPointcutDecl - Interface in abc.eaj.ast
GlobalPointcutDecl_c - Class in abc.eaj.ast
GlobalPointcutDecl_c(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.eaj.ast.GlobalPointcutDecl_c
GlobalPointcuts - Class in abc.eaj.visit
GlobalPointcuts(int, Job, EAJTypeSystem, EAJNodeFactory) - Constructor for class abc.eaj.visit.GlobalPointcuts
GOING_TO_JIMPLIFY - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo


Handler - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for handler shadow pointcut.
Handler(ClassnamePattern, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Handler
HandlerAdviceApplication - Class in abc.weaving.matching
Application of advice at a handler joinpoint
HandlerAdviceApplication(AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue, Stmt) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.HandlerAdviceApplication
HandlerShadowMatch - Class in abc.weaving.matching
The results of matching at a handler shadow
HandlerShadowType - Class in abc.weaving.matching
A joinpoint shadow that applies at an exception handler
HandlerShadowType() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.HandlerShadowType
HARVEST_ASPECT_INFO - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
HasAspect - Class in abc.weaving.residues
A residue that puts the relevant aspect instance into a local variable in the weaving context
HasAspect(SootClass, ContextValue) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.HasAspect
hasAspectInstance - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
hasBodyAdvice() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
returns true if there is any body advice
hasDynamicProceed - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
hasEnclosingJoinPoint() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
hasEnclosingJoinPoint() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
hasEnclosingJoinPoint() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.If
hasEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
record whether thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart occurs in the advice body.
hasEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
hasEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
hasEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
hashCode() - Method in class abc.ltl.formulaextraction.SyntheticSource
hashCode() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcClass
hashCode() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcType
hashCode() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Aspect
hashCode() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FieldSig
hashCode() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Formal
hashCode() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodSig
hashCode() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Var
hasInitializationAdvice() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
returns true if there is any initialization advice
hasJoinPoint() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl
does "thisJoinPoint" occur in the advice body?
hasJoinPoint - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
record whether thisJoinPoint occurs in the advice body.
hasJoinPoint() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
hasJoinPoint - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
hasJoinPoint() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
hasJoinPoint() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
hasJoinPoint() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
hasJoinPoint() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.If
hasJoinPointStaticPart() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl
does "thisJoinPointStaticPart" occur in the advice body?
hasJoinPointStaticPart - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
record whether thisJoinPointStaticPart occurs in the advice body.
hasJoinPointStaticPart() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
hasJoinPointStaticPart - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
hasJoinPointStaticPart() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
hasJoinPointStaticPart() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
hasJoinPointStaticPart() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
hasJoinPointStaticPart() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.If
hasMangleParam() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeConstructorDecl
Does this constructor have an additional last parameter for mangling purposes?
hasPreinitializationAdvice() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
returns true if there is any preinitialization advice
hasStmtAdvice() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
returns true if there is any stmt advice
hasThisAsFirstParameter(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
is this an ITD (method or field initialiser) that has "this" as a parameter?
hasType() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup.CflowSetupBound
hasType() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AdviceFormal
hasType() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.LocalVar
hasType() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.PolyLocalVar
hasType() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SingleValueVar
hasType() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.WeavingVar
Has this variable got a type yet?
hasVar() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.VarBox
Tests whether this VarBox is set
haveCollidingMethod(SootClass, SootClass) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
headerInfo() - Static method in class abc.main.Usage
hierarchy - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
HIERARCHY_BUILT - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
HierarchyBuilder - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Builds the internal representation of the class hierarchy and package structure used by the pattern matcher.
HierarchyBuilder(ExtensionInfo) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.HierarchyBuilder
hierarchyBuilt - Variable in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassDecl_c
hierarchyBuilt() - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassDecl_c
hierarchyBuilt - Variable in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJNew_c
hierarchyBuilt() - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJNew_c
host - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
host() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
host() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeDecl
the target class of the intertype decl
host - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
host() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
host - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
host() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
host - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
hostClass() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
hostClass() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
hostConstructorCall(Position, ConstructorCall.Kind, Expr, List) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
hostConstructorCall(Position, ConstructorCall.Kind, Expr, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
HostConstructorCall_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
In an intertype declaration, when a constructor call refers to the host rather than the containing aspect, it is disambiguated to a HostConstructorCall.
HostConstructorCall_c(Position, Kind, Expr, List) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.HostConstructorCall_c
hostInstance - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
hostSpecial(Position, Special.Kind, TypeNode, Type) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
hostSpecial(Position, Special.Kind, TypeNode, Type) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
HostSpecial_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
specials in intertype declarations
HostSpecial_c(Position, Kind, TypeNode, Type) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.HostSpecial_c


identifier - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
identifier - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
identifier - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
identifier() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance
identifier - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance_c
identifier() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance_c
identifier - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance_c
identifier - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance_c
If - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for if condition pointcut.
If(List, MethodSig, int, int, int, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.If
IF_EXPR - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
The expression in an if pointcut
IfResidue - Class in abc.weaving.residues
The dynamic residue of an if(...) pointcut
IGNORE - Static variable in class abc.main.Options
implementedImpl(ReferenceType) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance
implementedImpl(ReferenceType) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c
IMPLEMENTS - Static variable in interface abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents
implementsInterfaceRecursive(SootClass, String) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
IMPORTS - Static variable in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
ImportStatements - Class in abc.ltl.visit.transform
ImportStatements(NodeFactory) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.visit.transform.ImportStatements
inAdvice() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
inAdvice() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
InAspect - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A base class for things that have an aspect associated with them.
InAspect(Aspect, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.InAspect
inCflow() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
inside a cflow?
inCflow - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
inCflow() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
incrApplCount() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
Increment the number of times this advice is applied, and return incremented value.
incrNumSJP() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.GenStaticJoinPoints
return current count, and then incr counter
inDeclare() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
are we in a declare decl?
indeclare - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
inDeclare() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
inIf() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
inside an if pointcut?
inIf - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
inIf() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
inInterType() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
in scope of an intertype decl?
inInterType() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
init(Resolver) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcFactory
INIT_CLASSES - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
InitClasses - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Loads all classes specified as classfile input and registers them as weavable classes.
InitClasses(Pass.ID, ExtensionInfo, TypeSystem) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.InitClasses
initCompiler(Compiler) - Method in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
initialised - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.Pointcut_c
initialiseFields(SootClass, IntertypeAdjuster.ITDInits) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster
initialisers() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster
initializationAdvice(Position) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.AdviceGeneration
Generates an advice with emtpy block which is to be executed before any main method.
initializationAdvice - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
initialization joinpoints, trigger inlining of this() calls
initializationAdviceP - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
initialize(LoadedClassResolver, ExtensionInfo) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
initializeField() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
initLexerKeywords(AbcLexer) - Method in class abc.eaj.AbcExtension
initLexerKeywords(AbcLexer) - Method in class abc.ltl.AbcExtension
initLexerKeywords(AbcLexer) - Method in class abc.main.AbcExtension
Initialise the HashMaps that define how keywords are handled in the different lexer states.
initm - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
initMethod(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
create a new method for the initialiser, that has "this" of host type as a parameter.
initmi - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
initPrecedenceRelation(Map) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
initSoot() - Method in class abc.main.Main
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.CastShadowMatch
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.ThrowShadowMatch
inline(Hashtable, Hashtable, Aspect, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AndPointcut
inline(Hashtable, Hashtable, Aspect, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Args
inline(Hashtable, Hashtable, Aspect, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CastPointcutVar
inline(Hashtable, Hashtable, Aspect, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Cflow
inline(Hashtable, Hashtable, Aspect, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowBelow
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup.CflowSetupBound
inline(Hashtable, Hashtable, Aspect, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DynamicValuePointcut
inline(Hashtable, Hashtable, Aspect, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.If
inline(Hashtable, Hashtable, Aspect, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LexicalPointcut
inline(Hashtable, Hashtable, Aspect, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LocalPointcutVars
inline(Hashtable, Hashtable, Aspect, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.NotPointcut
inline(Hashtable, Hashtable, Aspect, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.OrPointcut
inline(Hashtable, Hashtable, Aspect, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Pointcut
Inlining should remove all PointcutRefs, and return a pointcut that is alpha-renamed
inline(Hashtable, Hashtable, Aspect, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PointcutRef
inline(Hashtable, Hashtable, Aspect, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ShadowPointcut
inline(Hashtable, Hashtable, Aspect, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetVar
inline(Hashtable, Hashtable, Aspect, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisVar
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.AdviceApplication
Create a new AdviceApplication that's just like this one, but applies to an inlined version of the code.
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ClassInitializationAdviceApplication
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ClassInitializationShadowMatch
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ConstructorCallShadowMatch
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ExecutionAdviceApplication
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ExecutionShadowMatch
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.GetFieldShadowMatch
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.HandlerAdviceApplication
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.HandlerShadowMatch
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.InterfaceInitializationAdviceApplication
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.InterfaceInitializationShadowMatch
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodCallShadowMatch
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.NewStmtAdviceApplication
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.PreinitializationAdviceApplication
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.PreinitializationShadowMatch
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.SetFieldShadowMatch
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.StmtAdviceApplication
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AdviceFormal
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AlwaysMatch
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AndResidue
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AspectOf
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AssertResidue
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Bind
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.BindMaskResidue
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Box
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.CflowResidue
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.CheckType
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.ContextValue
inline(List, ConstructorInliningMap) - Static method in class abc.weaving.residues.ContextValue
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Copy
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.HasAspect
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.IfResidue
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.IsNull
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.JimpleValue
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.JoinPointInfo
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Load
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.LocalVar
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.NeverMatch
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.NotResidue
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.OrResidue
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.PolyLocalVar
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue
Make a copy of the residue applying to an inlined version of the code.
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SeqResidue
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SetResidue
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SingleValueVar
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.StaticJoinPointInfo
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.TestResidue
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.WeavingVar
inline(List, ConstructorInliningMap) - Static method in class abc.weaving.residues.WeavingVar
inline(SootMethod, Stmt, InvokeExpr) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AdviceInliner.IfMethodInlineOptions
inline(SootMethod, Stmt, InvokeExpr) - Method in interface abc.weaving.weaver.AdviceInliner.InlineOptions
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.RebindingShadowPoints
inline(ConstructorInliningMap) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.ShadowPoints
inlineConstantArguments() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.InterprocConstantPropagator
inlineConstantArgumentsPass() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.InterprocConstantPropagator
inlineConstructors(SootClass) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.ConstructorInliner
inlineConstructors() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Weaver
inlinee() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.ConstructorInliningMap
inlineMethods(Body, Map, AdviceInliner.InlineOptions) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AdviceInliner
inlineThisCall(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure
inline a call to this() if one exists, return a ConstructorInliningMap if an inlining was done, null otherwise (no this() to inline).
innerPc - Variable in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
InPreinitializationTag - Class in abc.soot.util
Mark a Jimple statement as being in the preinitialization phase of a constructor
InPreinitializationTag() - Constructor for class abc.soot.util.InPreinitializationTag
inputOptions() - Static method in class abc.main.Usage
insertBoxingCast(Body, AssignStmt, boolean) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure
Converts the assignment statement into a sequence of statements performing a typecast.
insertClassAndSuperclasses(ClassType, boolean) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCStructure
INSPECT_AST - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
inspectingLocals() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectReflectionInspect
inspectingLocals() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectReflectionRewrite
INTERFACE_ITDS - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
INTERFACE_ITDS_ALL - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
InterfaceInitialization - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for initialization shadow pointcut.
InterfaceInitialization(ClassnamePattern, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.InterfaceInitialization
InterfaceInitializationAdviceApplication - Class in abc.weaving.matching
for initialization pointcuts
InterfaceInitializationAdviceApplication(AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue, SootClass) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.InterfaceInitializationAdviceApplication
InterfaceInitializationShadowMatch - Class in abc.weaving.matching
The results of matching at an interface initialization shadow
InterfaceITDs - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
InterfaceITDs(Pass.ID) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.InterfaceITDs
INTERFACEORIGIN - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
interfaceorigin(Flags) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
interfaceTarget() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance
interfaceTarget - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance_c
interfaceTarget() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance_c
interfaceTarget() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance
interfaceTarget - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance_c
interfaceTarget() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance_c
internalLocalCount - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod
internalLocalCount - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethodInlineInfo
internalLocals - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.ShadowInlineInfo
internalTransform(Body, String, Map) - Method in class abc.soot.util.AspectJExceptionChecker
internalTransform(Body, String, Map) - Method in class abc.soot.util.SwitchFolder
internalTransform(Body, String, Map) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AfterBeforeInliner
internalTransform(Body, String, Map) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundInliner
internalTransform(Body, String, Map) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.BoxingRemover
internalTransform(Body, String, Map) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowIntraAggregate
internalTransform(Body, String, Map) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowIntraproceduralAnalysis
interprocConstantPropagator - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
InterprocConstantPropagator - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
InterprocConstantPropagator() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.InterprocConstantPropagator
INTERTYPE - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
intertype(Flags) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
INTERTYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_BODY - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
The body of an intertype constructor declaration, without field initializers.
INTERTYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_DELEGATOR - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
A woven intertype constructor declaration, delegating to the actual implementation
INTERTYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_SPECIAL_ARG - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
The encapsulation of an argument to a this or super call in an intertype constructor declaration
INTERTYPE_FIELD_INITIALIZER - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
The initializer for an intertype field declaration
INTERTYPE_INITIALIZER_DELEGATE - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
The delegate for an initializer for an intertype field declaration
INTERTYPE_METHOD_DELEGATOR - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
A woven intertype method declaration, delegating to the actual implementation.
INTERTYPE_METHOD_SOURCE - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
The implementation placeholder of an intertype method declaration.
INTERTYPE_SPECIAL_CALL_DELEGATOR - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
A method delegating a this or super call from an intertype method or constructor
IntertypeAdjuster - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
IntertypeAdjuster() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster
IntertypeAdjuster.InterfaceInitNopTag - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
IntertypeAdjuster.InterfaceInitNopTag(SootClass, boolean) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster.InterfaceInitNopTag
IntertypeAdjuster.ITDInitEndNopTag - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
IntertypeAdjuster.ITDInitEndNopTag() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster.ITDInitEndNopTag
IntertypeConstructorDecl(Position, Flags, TypeNode, String, List, List, Block) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
IntertypeConstructorDecl(Position, Flags, TypeNode, String, List, List, Block) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
IntertypeConstructorDecl - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
IntertypeConstructorDecl - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
An intertype constructor declaration.
IntertypeConstructorDecl(AbcClass, Aspect, int, int, boolean, List, List, AbcClass, int, List, MethodSig, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeConstructorDecl
IntertypeConstructorDecl_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
IntertypeConstructorDecl_c(Position, Flags, TypeNode, String, List, List, Block) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
interTypeConstructorInstance(Position, String, ClassType, ClassType, Flags, List, List) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem
interTypeConstructorInstance(Position, String, ClassType, ClassType, Flags, List, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
InterTypeConstructorInstance - Interface in abc.aspectj.types
InterTypeConstructorInstance_c - Class in abc.aspectj.types
InterTypeConstructorInstance_c(TypeSystem, Position, String, ClassType, ClassType, Flags, List, List) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance_c
create a constructor that can be traced back to the aspect that introduced it.
IntertypeDecl - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
intertypeDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
IntertypeFieldDecl(Position, Flags, TypeNode, TypeNode, String, Expr) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
IntertypeFieldDecl(Position, Flags, TypeNode, TypeNode, String, Expr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
IntertypeFieldDecl - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
IntertypeFieldDecl - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
An intertype field declaration.
IntertypeFieldDecl(FieldSig, Aspect, MethodSig, MethodSig, MethodSig, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeFieldDecl
IntertypeFieldDecl_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
IntertypeFieldDecl_c(Position, Flags, TypeNode, TypeNode, String, Expr) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
interTypeFieldInstance(Position, String, ClassType, ReferenceType, Flags, Type, String) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem
interTypeFieldInstance(Position, String, ClassType, ReferenceType, Flags, Type, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
InterTypeFieldInstance - Interface in abc.aspectj.types
InterTypeFieldInstance_c - Class in abc.aspectj.types
InterTypeFieldInstance_c(TypeSystem, Position, String, ClassType, ReferenceType, Flags, Type, String) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance_c
InterTypeMemberInstance - Interface in abc.aspectj.types
intertypeMethodChecks(ClassType) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
IntertypeMethodDecl(Position, Flags, TypeNode, TypeNode, String, List, List, Block) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
IntertypeMethodDecl(Position, Flags, TypeNode, TypeNode, String, List, List, Block) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
IntertypeMethodDecl - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
IntertypeMethodDecl - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
An intertype method declaration.
IntertypeMethodDecl(MethodSig, MethodSig, Aspect, String, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeMethodDecl
IntertypeMethodDecl_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
IntertypeMethodDecl_c(Position, Flags, TypeNode, TypeNode, String, List, List, Block) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
interTypeMethodInstance(Position, String, ClassType, ReferenceType, Flags, Flags, Type, String, List, List) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem
interTypeMethodInstance(Position, String, ClassType, ReferenceType, Flags, Flags, Type, String, List, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
InterTypeMethodInstance - Interface in abc.aspectj.types
InterTypeMethodInstance_c - Class in abc.aspectj.types
InterTypeMethodInstance_c(TypeSystem, Position, String, ClassType, ReferenceType, Flags, Flags, Type, String, List, List) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance_c
create a methodInstance for an intertype dedclaration that can be traced back to its origin.
intrface - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.InterfaceInitializationAdviceApplication
intrface - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.InterfaceInitializationShadowMatch
intrface - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster.InterfaceInitNopTag
intType - Static variable in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
ip - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
isAbstract() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PointcutDecl
isAccessible(MemberInstance, Context) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
isAccessibleIgnorePrivileged(MemberInstance, Context) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem
isAccessibleIgnorePrivileged(MemberInstance, Context) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
isAdvice - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
isAdvice() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
isAdviceMethodName(String) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AfterBeforeInliner
isAfter() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceSpec
isAfter() - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceSpec
Is this advice spec for "after" advice?
isAfter() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage.MessageAdvice
isAmbiguous() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue.Bindings
isAround - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
isAroundAdviceMethod(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.Util
isAroundAdviceMethodName(String) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.Util
isAspect() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass
isAspectclass(Flags) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
isBaseClass(SootClass, SootClass) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure
isBelow() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
isBelow() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflowSetup
isBoxingType(Type) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
isClass() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCNode
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCAdviceExecution_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCArgs_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCall_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflow_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflowBelow_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCEmpty_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCExecution_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCGet_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCHandler_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCInitialization_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCNot_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCPreinitialization_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCSet_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCStaticInitialization_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCTarget_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCThis_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithin_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithinCode_c
isDynamic() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.Pointcut
isDynamic() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCCast_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCLocalVars_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCThrow_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLBinary_c
isDynamic() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUnary_c
isEmpty() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
returns true if there is no advice
isEntry(Pointcut) - Static method in class abc.ltl.ast.EntryExit
isExceptionCaught(Body, Stmt, RefType) - Method in class abc.soot.util.AspectJExceptionChecker
isExit(Pointcut) - Static method in class abc.ltl.ast.EntryExit
isfake - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
isForbiddenConversion(Type, Type) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
isForbiddenSimpleConversion(Type, Type) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
isInRenamingAsSource(Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Formal
Checks whether there is a binding with source var having the same name as this formal in a renaming
isInterfaceorigin(Flags) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
isIntertype(Flags) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
isNameable(ClassType) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.visit.HierarchyBuilder
IsNull - Class in abc.weaving.residues
is a context value null?
IsNull(ContextValue) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.IsNull
isPCIf() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
isPrepareForMultiThreading() - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula
isPrepareForMultiThreading() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
isPrivilegedaspect(Flags) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
isProceedMethodName(String) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.Util
isSameMethodImpl(MethodInstance) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance
isSameMethodImpl(MethodInstance) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c
isSimpleType(Type) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
isSimpleWideningConversion(Type, Type) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
IsSingleton(Position) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
IsSingleton(Position) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
IsSingleton - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A IsSingleton represents the IsSingleton-clause of an aspect declaration.
IsSingleton_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
IsSingleton_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.IsSingleton_c
isStart - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster.InterfaceInitNopTag
isTargetSet1(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Tests whether the VarBox that v maps to under ren1 contains a variable
isTargetSet2(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Tests whether the VarBox that v maps to under ren2 contains a variable
isThrowDeclared(Body, SootClass) - Method in class abc.soot.util.AspectJExceptionChecker
isUsed() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
isValidWarningName(String) - Method in class abc.main.Options
return true if an allowed warning name
isWeavable() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCNode
itConstructorInstance - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
itMethodInstance - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c


JAR_CHECK - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
jar_classes - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
The JVM names for all classes loaded from jar files
jar_classes - Variable in class abc.main.Main
JarCheck - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
JarCheck(ID, Job, TypeSystem) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.JarCheck
java13 - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
java_state() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.parse.AbcLexer
Returns the integer constant representing the JAVA lexer state.
JimpleValue - Class in abc.weaving.residues
A context value that comes directly from a jimple value already in the current method
JimpleValue(Immediate) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.JimpleValue
JIMPLIFY - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
Jimplify - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Provides Java2Jimple with a list of all top-level weavable classes and tells Soot to resolve the classes.
Jimplify(Pass.ID, Map) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.Jimplify
JIMPLIFY_DONE - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
job - Variable in class abc.ltl.visit.override.CheckPackageNames
JoinPoint() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem
JoinPoint() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
JOINPOINT_ - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
joinpointFormals(Local) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl
register the use of "thisJoinPoint" etc.
joinpointFormals(Local) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
joinpointFormals(Local) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf
joinpointFormals(Local) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
JoinPointInfo - Class in abc.weaving.residues
A value that will become a thisJoinPoint structure at runtime
JoinPointInfo(ShadowMatch, StaticJoinPointInfo, ContextValue, ContextValue, List) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.JoinPointInfo
JoinPointInfo(ShadowMatch) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.JoinPointInfo
joinpointName() - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.CastShadowMatch
joinpointName() - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.ThrowShadowMatch
joinpointName() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ClassInitializationShadowMatch
joinpointName() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ConstructorCallShadowMatch
joinpointName() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ExecutionShadowMatch
joinpointName() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.GetFieldShadowMatch
joinpointName() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.HandlerShadowMatch
joinpointName() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.InterfaceInitializationShadowMatch
joinpointName() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodCallShadowMatch
joinpointName() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.PreinitializationShadowMatch
joinpointName() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.SetFieldShadowMatch
joinpointName() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
joinPointPos() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
joinPointPos() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.If
JoinPointStaticPart() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem
JoinPointStaticPart() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
joinPointStaticPartPos() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
joinPointStaticPartPos() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.If


keys1() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
The keys in the first renaming
keys2() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
The keys in the second renaming
kind() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec
kind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.After_c
kind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AfterReturning_c
kind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AfterThrowing_c
kind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.Around_c
kind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.Before_c
kind() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents
kind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents_c
kind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IsSingleton_c
kind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerCflow_c
kind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerCflowBelow_c
kind() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.PerClause
kind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerClause_c
kind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerTarget_c
kind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerThis_c
kind - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo


lastIndexOf(Local) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue.Bindings
Find last index of advice-formal which is bound to local
leave(Node, Node, Node, NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectInfoHarvester
leave(Node, Node, NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectReflectionInspect
leave(Node, Node, NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectReflectionRewrite
leave(Node, Node, NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.CleanAspectMembers
leave(Node, Node, Node, NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.eaj.visit.GlobalPointcuts
leave(Node, Node, NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.AdviceGeneration
leave(Node, Node, NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.CleanUp
leave(Node, Node, NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.ConstructorDeclaration
leave(Node, Node, NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.GeneralFieldDecls
leave(Node, Node, NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.ImportStatements
leave(Node, Node, NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.MultiThreadingSecure
leave(Node, Node, NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.PointcutsVisitor
leave(Node, Node, NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.PropositionLabels
leaveAdvice() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectReflectionInspect
leaveAdvice() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectReflectionRewrite
leaveAspectReflectionInspect(AspectReflectionInspect) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
leaveAspectReflectionInspect(AspectReflectionInspect) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
leaveAspectReflectionInspect(AspectReflectionInspect) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.LocalDel_c
leaveAspectReflectionInspect(AspectReflectionInspect) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.visit.TransformsAspectReflection
leaveAspectReflectionRewrite(AspectReflectionRewrite, AJNodeFactory) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
leaveAspectReflectionRewrite(AspectReflectionRewrite, AJNodeFactory) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
leaveAspectReflectionRewrite(AspectReflectionRewrite, AJNodeFactory) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.LocalDel_c
leaveAspectReflectionRewrite(AspectReflectionRewrite, AJNodeFactory) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.visit.TransformsAspectReflection
leaveCall(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AnonBodyITDs
leaveCall(Node, Node, NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
leaveCall(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.DeclareParentsAmbiguityRemover
leaveCall(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.DependsChecker
left - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary_c
left - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary_c
left() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary
left - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
left() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
LexerAction - Interface in abc.aspectj.parse
Classes implement this interface to indicate they can perform the actions required by the lexer when a particular keyword is scanned.
LexerAction_c - Class in abc.aspectj.parse
Default implementation of the LexerAction interface.
LexerAction_c(Integer) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.parse.LexerAction_c
LexerAction_c(Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.parse.LexerAction_c
LexicalPointcut - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A pointcut designator representing a condition on the lexical context
LexicalPointcut(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LexicalPointcut
lg - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
lhs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
liftInit(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
replace init by method call.
liftMethod(AJNodeFactory) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf
liftMethod(AJNodeFactory) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
liftMethods(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
given an intertype constructor declaration of the form A.new(formal1, ...
listShadowTypes() - Method in class abc.eaj.AbcExtension
listShadowTypes() - Method in class abc.ltl.AbcExtension
listShadowTypes() - Method in class abc.main.AbcExtension
Override this method to add new joinpoints to the abc.
Load - Class in abc.weaving.residues
Load a context value into a local or argument, without boxing or casting
Load(ContextValue, WeavingVar) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.Load
LOAD_FORMULA_SOOT_CLASSES - Static variable in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
loadJars() - Method in class abc.main.Main
loadSourceRoots() - Method in class abc.main.Main
Local(Position, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
LocalAssign(Position, Local, Assign.Operator, Expr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
LocalDel_c - Class in abc.aspectj.extension
LocalDel_c() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.extension.LocalDel_c
LocalGeneratorEx - Class in abc.soot.util
LocalGeneratorEx(Body) - Constructor for class abc.soot.util.LocalGeneratorEx
localMethod(CodeInstance) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl
register methods or constructors that are local to the advice, for later use in weaver
localMethod(CodeInstance) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
LocalPointcutVars - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Declare local pointcut variables.
LocalPointcutVars(Pointcut, List, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LocalPointcutVars
LocalsDecl - Class in abc.weaving.matching
A weaving environment that handles locally scoped named pointcut variables
LocalsDecl(List, WeavingEnv) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.LocalsDecl
localsFromIndex(int) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue.Bindings
LocalVar - Class in abc.weaving.residues
A variable needed only during residue computation
LocalVar(Type, String) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.LocalVar
The name parameter is just for debugging purposes; identity of the variable comes from the reference
longType - Static variable in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
ltl - Static variable in class abc.ltl.Topics
LTL_FORMULA_CLASS_PREFIX - Static variable in class abc.ltl.formulaextraction.Specification
Class name prefix for formula classes to generate.
LTL_FORMULA_PACKAGE - Static variable in class abc.ltl.formulaextraction.Specification
Package name for formula classes to generate.
LTL_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class abc.ltl.formulaextraction.Specification
Type name of the LTL annotation type.
LTLDebug - Class in abc.ltl
LTLNodeFactory - Interface in abc.ltl.ast
LTLNodeFactory_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast
LTLNodeFactory_c() - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory_c


main(String[]) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.Version
A 'main' method provided so we can run this class directly to find out the current version.
Main - Class in abc.main
The main class of abc.
Main(String[]) - Constructor for class abc.main.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class abc.main.Main
major() - Method in class abc.aspectj.Version
major() - Method in class abc.ltl.Version
makeAdviceExecutionStmts(AdviceApplication, LocalGeneratorEx, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
Produce a chain containing the statements to execute this piece of advice.
makeAdviceExecutionStmts(AdviceApplication, LocalGeneratorEx, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
create the invoke to call the advice body
makeAdviceExecutionStmts(AdviceApplication, LocalGeneratorEx, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
makeAdviceExecutionStmts(AdviceApplication, LocalGeneratorEx, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage
makeAdviceExecutionStmts(AdviceApplication, LocalGeneratorEx, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareSoft
makeAdviceExecutionStmts(AdviceApplication, LocalGeneratorEx, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflowSetup
makeAdviceExecutionStmts(AdviceApplication, LocalGeneratorEx, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerTargetSetup
makeAdviceExecutionStmts(AdviceApplication, LocalGeneratorEx, WeavingContext) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerThisSetup
makeAdviceSigData(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
makeAIAdviceSpec() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec
makeAIAdviceSpec() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.After_c
makeAIAdviceSpec() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AfterReturning_c
makeAIAdviceSpec() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AfterThrowing_c
makeAIAdviceSpec() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.Around_c
makeAIAdviceSpec() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.Before_c
makeAIClassnamePattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ClassnamePatternExpr
makeAIClassnamePattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassnamePatternExpr_c
makeAIClassnamePattern(ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
makeAIConstructorPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern
makeAIConstructorPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern_c
makeAIConstructorPattern(ConstructorPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
makeAIFieldPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.FieldPattern
makeAIFieldPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.FieldPattern_c
makeAIFieldPattern(FieldPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
makeAIMethodPattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern
makeAIMethodPattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern_c
makeAIMethodPattern(MethodPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
makeAIPer() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IsSingleton_c
makeAIPer() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerCflow_c
makeAIPer() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerCflowBelow_c
makeAIPer() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.PerClause
makeAIPer() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerTarget_c
makeAIPer() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerThis_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCAdviceExecution_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCArgs_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCall_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflow_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflowBelow_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCEmpty_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCExecution_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCGet_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCHandler_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCInitialization_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCNot_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCPreinitialization_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCSet_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCStaticInitialization_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCTarget_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCThis_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithin_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithinCode_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.Pointcut
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCCast_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCLocalVars_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCThrow_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLAnd_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLEquiv_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLFinally_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLGlobally_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLImplies_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLNext_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLNot_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLOr_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLRelease_c
makeAIPointcut() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUntil_c
makeAITypePattern() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TypePatternExpr
makeAITypePattern() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TypePatternExpr_c
makeAITypePattern(TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
makeArgumentsUniqueLocals(SootMethod, Stmt) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.StmtShadowMatch
Lazily replaces the arguments of the invokeExpr of stmt with unique locals and inserts assignment statements before stmt, assigning the original values to the locals.
makeCastSigData(SootMethod, Type) - Static method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.ExtendedSJPInfo
makeConstructorSigData(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
makeCopyInAspect(Aspect) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
Make an exact copy of this advice declaration, but change the aspect to the given one.
makeExtensionInfo(Collection, Collection) - Method in class abc.eaj.AbcExtension
makeExtensionInfo(Collection, Collection) - Method in class abc.ltl.AbcExtension
makeExtensionInfo(Collection, Collection) - Method in class abc.main.AbcExtension
makeFieldSigData(SootField) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
makeHandlerSigData(SootMethod, SootClass, Stmt) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
makeInitializationSigData(SootClass) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
makeMethodInstance(ClassType, TypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
makeMethodInstance(ClassType, TypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PointcutDecl_c
makeMethodSigData(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
makeMissingFieldTarget(FieldInstance) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJDisamb_c
makePointcut(Position) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Pointcut.DNF
Turn the DNF back into a pointcut
MakesAspectMethods - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
makeSJPfield(SootClass, Chain, Stmt, LocalGenerator, SootMethod, Local, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
makeSJPfield(SootClass, Chain, Stmt, LocalGenerator, SootMethod, Local, int) - Method in interface abc.weaving.matching.SJPInfo
makeSJPInfo() - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.CastShadowMatch
makeSJPInfo() - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.ThrowShadowMatch
makeSJPInfo() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ClassInitializationShadowMatch
makeSJPInfo() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ConstructorCallShadowMatch
makeSJPInfo() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ExecutionShadowMatch
makeSJPInfo() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.GetFieldShadowMatch
makeSJPInfo() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.HandlerShadowMatch
makeSJPInfo() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.InterfaceInitializationShadowMatch
makeSJPInfo() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodCallShadowMatch
makeSJPInfo() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.PreinitializationShadowMatch
makeSJPInfo() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.SetFieldShadowMatch
makeSJPInfo() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
Construct the sjpInfo structure
makeStatic() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Load
Set the static flag on this load residue, meaning that the join point info only needs static parts, and therefore can be optimized to not include dynamic parts.
makeStaticInitializerSigData(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
makeThrowSigData(SootMethod, Type) - Static method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.ExtendedSJPInfo
makeWeavingContext() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
makeWeavingContext() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
makeWeavingContext() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
makeWeavingContext() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage
makeWeavingContext() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareSoft
makeWeavingContext() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflowSetup
makeWeavingContext() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerTargetSetup
makeWeavingContext() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerThisSetup
makeWeavingContext(AdviceApplication) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.PointcutCodeGen
MANGLE_NAME_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
MANGLE_NAMES - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
mangled() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance
mangled - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance_c
mangled() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance_c
mangled() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance
mangled - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance_c
mangled() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance_c
mangled() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance
mangled - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance_c
mangled() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance_c
mangledCall(ConstructorCall, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance
mangledCall(ConstructorCall, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance_c
mangledFormal(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance
mangledFormal(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance_c
mangledNew(New, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance
mangledNew(New, AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance_c
MangleNameComponents - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
MangleNameComponents() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.MangleNameComponents
MangleNames - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
MangleNames() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.MangleNames
mangleType - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance_c
map(Stmt) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.ConstructorInliningMap
mark(String) - Static method in class abc.main.AbcTimer
Add a new phase to the history, name is phasename, time is time since last mark.
match(PCNode, Set, Set) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DotDotNamePattern_c
match(PCNode, Set, Set) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DotNamePattern_c
match(PCNode, Set, Set) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.NamePattern
match(PCNode, Set, Set) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.SimpleNamePattern_c
matchClass(Pattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCNode
matcherTest - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
matcherWarnUnimplemented - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
matches(PatternMatcher, PCNode) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ClassnamePatternExpr
matches(PCNode) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ClassnamePatternExpr
matches(PCNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassnamePatternExpr_c
matches(PatternMatcher, PCNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary_c
matches(PatternMatcher, PCNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEName_c
matches(PatternMatcher, PCNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPENot_c
matches(PatternMatcher, PCNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPESubName_c
matches(PatternMatcher, PCNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEUniversal_c
matchesArray(PatternMatcher) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.RefTypePattern
matchesArray(PatternMatcher) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPName_c
matchesArray(PatternMatcher) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPSubName_c
matchesAt(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.aspectinfo.Cast
matchesAt(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.aspectinfo.Throw
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Static method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.CastShadowMatch
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Static method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.ThrowShadowMatch
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ShadowMatch, AbstractAdviceDecl) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAfterAdvice
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ShadowMatch, AbstractAdviceDecl) - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceSpec
Does this kind of advice match at the given join point shadow?
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ShadowMatch, AbstractAdviceDecl) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterReturningArgAdvice
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, SootClass, SootMethod, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AndPointcut
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ContextValue) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgAny
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ContextValue) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgFill
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ContextValue) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgPattern
For use when being used in an args pattern
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, SootClass, SootMethod, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Args
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ContextValue) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgType
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ContextValue) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgVar
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ShadowMatch, AbstractAdviceDecl) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AroundAdvice
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ShadowMatch, AbstractAdviceDecl) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.BeforeAdvice
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ShadowMatch, AbstractAdviceDecl) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.BeforeAfterAdvice
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, SootClass, SootMethod, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CastPointcutVar
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, SootClass, SootMethod, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Cflow
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, SootClass, SootMethod, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowBelow
matchesAt(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ClassInitialization
matchesAt(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ConstructorCall
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ShadowMatch, AbstractAdviceDecl) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage.MessageAdvice
matchesAt(SootClass) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DirectlyWithin
matchesAt(SootClass, SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.EmptyPointcut
matchesAt(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Execution
matchesAt(SootClass, SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FullPointcut
matchesAt(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GetField
matchesAt(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Handler
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, SootClass, SootMethod, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.If
matchesAt(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.InterfaceInitialization
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, SootClass, SootMethod, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LexicalPointcut
matchesAt(SootClass, SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LexicalPointcut
Do we match at a particular class and method?
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, SootClass, SootMethod, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LocalPointcutVars
matchesAt(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCall
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, SootClass, SootMethod, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.NotPointcut
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, SootClass, SootMethod, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.OrPointcut
matchesAt(Aspect, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Per
matchesAt(Aspect, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflow
matchesAt(Aspect, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflowBelow
matchesAt(Aspect, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerTarget
matchesAt(Aspect, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerThis
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, SootClass, SootMethod, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Pointcut
Given a context and weaving environment, produce a residue
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, SootClass, SootMethod, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PointcutRef
matchesAt(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Preinitialization
matchesAt(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SetField
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, SootClass, SootMethod, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ShadowPointcut
matchesAt(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ShadowPointcut
Shadow pointcuts just need to know the ShadowMatch
matchesAt(Aspect, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Singleton
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, SootClass, SootMethod, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetAny
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ContextValue) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetAny
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ContextValue) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetType
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ContextValue) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetVar
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, SootClass, SootMethod, ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisAny
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ContextValue) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisAny
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ContextValue) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisType
matchesAt(WeavingEnv, ContextValue) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisVar
matchesAt(SootClass, SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Within
matchesAt(SootClass) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Within
matchesAt(SootClass, SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinAdvice
matchesAt(SootClass, SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinConstructor
matchesAt(SootClass, SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinMethod
matchesAt(SootClass, SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinStaticInitializer
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.ClassInitializationShadowMatch
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.ConstructorCallShadowMatch
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ConstructorCallShadowType
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.ExecutionShadowMatch
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ExecutionShadowType
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.GetFieldShadowMatch
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.GetFieldShadowType
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.HandlerShadowMatch
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.HandlerShadowType
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.InterfaceInitializationShadowMatch
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodCallShadowMatch
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodCallShadowType
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.PreinitializationShadowMatch
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.PreinitializationShadowType
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.SetFieldShadowMatch
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.SetFieldShadowType
matchesAt(MethodPosition) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowType
Find out if there is a join point shadow of the relevant type at the given MethodPosition, and if so return it
matchesCall(SootMethodRef) - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodPattern
matchesClass(PatternMatcher, PCNode) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.RefTypePattern
matchesClass(PatternMatcher, PCNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPName_c
matchesClass(PatternMatcher, PCNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPSubName_c
matchesClass(PatternMatcher, PCNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray_c
matchesClass(PatternMatcher, PCNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
matchesClass(PatternMatcher, PCNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPENot_c
matchesClass(PatternMatcher, PCNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPERefTypePat_c
matchesClass(PatternMatcher, PCNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEType_c
matchesClass(PatternMatcher, PCNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEUniversal_c
matchesClass(PatternMatcher, PCNode) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TypePatternExpr
matchesClass(ClassnamePatternExpr, SootClass) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
matchesClass(SootClass) - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ClassnamePattern
matchesClassArray(PatternMatcher, PCNode, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray_c
matchesClassArray(PatternMatcher, PCNode, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
matchesClassArray(PatternMatcher, PCNode, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPENot_c
matchesClassArray(PatternMatcher, PCNode, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPERefTypePat_c
matchesClassArray(PatternMatcher, PCNode, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEType_c
matchesClassArray(PatternMatcher, PCNode, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEUniversal_c
matchesClassArray(PatternMatcher, PCNode, int) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TypePatternExpr
matchesConstructor(SootMethod) - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ConstructorPattern
matchesExecution(SootMethod) - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodPattern
matchesFieldRef(SootFieldRef) - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FieldPattern
matchesFormals(List, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
matchesMethod(SootMethod) - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FieldPattern
matchesModifiers(List, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
matchesName(NamePattern, PCNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
matchesObject(NamePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
matchesPrimitive(PatternMatcher, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray_c
matchesPrimitive(PatternMatcher, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
matchesPrimitive(PatternMatcher, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPENot_c
matchesPrimitive(PatternMatcher, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPERefTypePat_c
matchesPrimitive(PatternMatcher, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEType_c
matchesPrimitive(PatternMatcher, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEUniversal_c
matchesPrimitive(PatternMatcher, String) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TypePatternExpr
matchesPrimitiveArray(PatternMatcher, String, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray_c
matchesPrimitiveArray(PatternMatcher, String, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
matchesPrimitiveArray(PatternMatcher, String, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPENot_c
matchesPrimitiveArray(PatternMatcher, String, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPERefTypePat_c
matchesPrimitiveArray(PatternMatcher, String, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEType_c
matchesPrimitiveArray(PatternMatcher, String, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEUniversal_c
matchesPrimitiveArray(PatternMatcher, String, int) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TypePatternExpr
matchesType(TypePatternExpr, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
matchesType(Type) - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TypePattern
matchName(NamePattern, PCNode, Set, Set) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCStructure
matchScope(Pattern, Set, Set) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCNode
matchSpecific(Pattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCNode
MAX_CONTAINER_SIZE - Static variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AdviceInliner
MAX_DEPTH - Static variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AdviceInliner
maybeBox() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.WeavingVar
Should primitive typed values be boxed if necessary when writing to this variable?
mayBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCArgs_c
mayBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary_c
mayBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflow_c
mayBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflowBelow_c
mayBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
mayBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCNot_c
mayBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCTarget_c
mayBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCThis_c
mayBind() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.Pointcut
mayBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.Pointcut_c
mayBind() - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCLocalVars_c
mayBind() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLBinary_c
mayBind() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUnary_c
MEMBER_CLASS_FLAGS - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
All flags allowed for a member class.
messageWeaver - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
method - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
MethodAccessorMethodSource - Class in abc.soot.util
MethodAccessorMethodSource(MethodInstance, soot.SootClass) - Constructor for class abc.soot.util.MethodAccessorMethodSource
Constructs a MethodAccessorMethodSource object.
MethodAdviceList - Class in abc.weaving.matching
The lists of AdviceApplication structures applying to a method
MethodAdviceList() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
MethodCall - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for call shadow pointcut with a method pattern.
MethodCall(MethodPattern, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCall
MethodCallShadowMatch - Class in abc.weaving.matching
The results of matching at a method call shadow
MethodCallShadowType - Class in abc.weaving.matching
A joinpoint shadow that applies at a method call
MethodCallShadowType() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.MethodCallShadowType
MethodCategory - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Decide what a field or method in jimple really is
MethodCategory() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
MethodConstructorPattern - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
MethodConstructorPattern_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
MethodConstructorPattern_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.MethodConstructorPattern_c
methodDecl(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl
generate a MethodDecl for the advice body
methodDecl(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
MethodDecl(Position, Flags, TypeNode, String, List, List, Block) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
methodInHost(String) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
was a method by this name introduced via the host?
methodInHost(String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
MethodPattern(Position, List, TypePatternExpr, ClassTypeDotId, List, List) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
MethodPattern(Position, List, TypePatternExpr, ClassTypeDotId, List, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
MethodPattern - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
MethodPattern - Interface in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A method pattern.
MethodPattern_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
MethodPattern_c(Position, List, TypePatternExpr, ClassTypeDotId, List, List) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern_c
MethodPosition - Class in abc.weaving.matching
Used to specify that we are currently looking at the "whole" method during matching
MethodPosition(SootMethod) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.MethodPosition
methods() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
MethodSig(polyglot.ast.MethodDecl) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcFactory
MethodSig(polyglot.ast.MethodDecl, polyglot.types.ClassType) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcFactory
MethodSig - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A method signature.
MethodSig(int, AbcClass, AbcType, String, List, List, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodSig
Create a method signature.
methodsInAdvice - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
mi - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
minor() - Method in class abc.aspectj.Version
minor() - Method in class abc.ltl.Version
modifier() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ModifierPattern
modifier - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.ModifierPattern_c
modifier() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ModifierPattern_c
ModifierPattern(Position, Flags, boolean) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
ModifierPattern(Position, Flags, boolean) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
ModifierPattern - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
ModifierPattern_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
ModifierPattern_c(Position, Flags, boolean) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.ModifierPattern_c
modifiers(polyglot.types.Flags) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcFactory
modifyAdviceMethod(List, AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod, AroundWeaver.ObjectBox, boolean, boolean) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
modifyLookupStatement(Stmt, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod
MULTI_THREADING_SECURE - Static variable in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
MultiThreadingSecure - Class in abc.ltl.visit.transform
MultiThreadingSecure(NodeFactory) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.visit.transform.MultiThreadingSecure
mustBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCArgs_c
mustBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary_c
mustBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflow_c
mustBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflowBelow_c
mustBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
mustBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCNot_c
mustBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCTarget_c
mustBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCThis_c
mustBind() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.Pointcut
mustBind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.Pointcut_c
mustBind() - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCLocalVars_c
mustBind() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLBinary_c
mustBind() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUnary_c
mustBox() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.WeavingVar
Should we reject any binding value that isn't the appropriate type to box to this variable?


name() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotId
name - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotId_c
name() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotId_c
name - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
name() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
Get the name of the pointcut reference.
name(String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
Set the name of the pointcut reference.
name - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PointcutDecl_c
name() - Method in class abc.aspectj.Version
name() - Method in class abc.eaj.Version
name() - Method in class abc.ltl.Version
name - Static variable in class abc.soot.util.AroundShadowInfoTag
name - Static variable in class abc.soot.util.DisableExceptionCheckTag
name - Static variable in class abc.soot.util.InPreinitializationTag
name - Static variable in class abc.soot.util.RedirectedExceptionSpecTag
name - Variable in class abc.weaving.residues.LocalVar
name - Variable in class abc.weaving.residues.PolyLocalVar
name - Static variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster.InterfaceInitNopTag
name - Static variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster.ITDInitEndNopTag
NAME_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
NamePattern - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
NamePattern_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
NamePattern_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.NamePattern_c
NamePatternEvaluator - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Evaluate all name patterns and store the list of classes matched.
NamePatternEvaluator(ExtensionInfo) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.NamePatternEvaluator
namePatternMatches - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
namePatternProcessing - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
NamePatternReevaluator - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Reevaluate all name patterns with a possibly changed hierarchy.
NamePatternReevaluator(Pass.ID) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.NamePatternReevaluator
NAMES_MANGLED - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
nested() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
inner class inside intertype decl?
nested - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
nested() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
nestedClasses - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethodInlineInfo
NeverMatch - Class in abc.weaving.residues
A "dynamic" residue that can never match.
NeverMatch() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.NeverMatch
neverMatches(Residue) - Static method in class abc.weaving.residues.NeverMatch
New(Position, Expr, TypeNode, List, ClassBody) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
newAspect(Position, Flags, String, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AJTypeBuilder
cloned from TypeBuilder.newClass
newErrorInfo(int, String, SootMethod, Host) - Static method in class abc.polyglot.util.ErrorInfoFactory
NewStmtAdviceApplication - Class in abc.weaving.matching
Application of advice at a constructor call joinpoint
NewStmtAdviceApplication(AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue, Stmt) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.NewStmtAdviceApplication
NewStmtMethodPosition - Class in abc.weaving.matching
Specifies matching at a particular new statement
NewStmtMethodPosition(SootMethod, Stmt, Stmt) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.NewStmtMethodPosition
newSwitchStmt(Value, List, List, Unit) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.Util
nextState - Variable in class abc.aspectj.parse.LexerAction_c
nf - Variable in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
nf - Variable in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectReflectionRewrite
nf - Variable in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.PointcutsVisitor
nf() - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.PropositionLabels
NNF_METHOD_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
name of method which converts into negation normal form
NoAspectBound() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem
NoAspectBound() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
NOASPECTBOUND_ - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
nodeToString(Node) - Static method in class abc.ltl.Util
NORMAL - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
A normal method
normalize(Pointcut, List, Aspect) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Pointcut
Return a "normalized" version of this pointcut.
NoSourceJob - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
A dummy job used to collect all the run-once passes when running abc with no input source files.
NoSourceJob(ExtensionInfo) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.NoSourceJob
NotPointcut - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Pointcut negation.
NotResidue - Class in abc.weaving.residues
Disjunction of two residues
NOWARNINGS - Static variable in class abc.main.Options
nullCheckElim - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
numFormals() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
return number of formals (useful for determining number of args for invokes in code generator)
numOfFormals() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue.Bindings
numOfShadows - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod


offset - Variable in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.ExtendedSJPInfo
once() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.CheckPackageNames
once() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.InitClasses
once() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.InterfaceITDs
once() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.JarCheck
once() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.Jimplify
once() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.NamePatternReevaluator
once() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.OncePass
once() - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.override.CheckPackageNames
OncePass - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
A pass that runs only once, independent of the number of input files.
OncePass(Pass.ID) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.OncePass
op - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary_c
op - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary_c
op() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary
op - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
op() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
OP_AND_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
and operator class
OP_EQUIV_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
equivalent operator class
OP_F_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
finally operator class
OP_G_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
globally operator class
OP_IMPLIES_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
implies operator class
OP_NOT_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
not operator class
OP_OR_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
or operator class
OP_R_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
release operator class
OP_U_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
until operator class
OP_X_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
next operator class
open() - Method in class abc.ltl.formulaextraction.SyntheticSource
optimizationOptions() - Static method in class abc.main.Usage
optimize() - Method in class abc.main.Main
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AlwaysMatch
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AndResidue
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AspectOf
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AssertResidue
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Bind
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.BindMaskResidue
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Box
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.CflowResidue
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.CheckType
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Copy
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.HasAspect
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.IfResidue
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.IsNull
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Load
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.NeverMatch
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.NotResidue
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.OrResidue
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue
Optimize the residue by rebuilding it, invoking the smart constructors along the way.
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SeqResidue
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SetResidue
optimize() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.TestResidue
optimizeResidues - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
optimizeResidues() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Weaver
Options - Class in abc.main
A class for storing Option flags.
Options() - Constructor for class abc.main.Options
or(Pointcut.DNF, Pointcut.DNF) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Pointcut.DNF
origflags - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
origFlags() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance
origFlags() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance_c
origFlags() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance
origFlags() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance_c
origFlags() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMemberInstance
origFlags() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance
origFlags - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance_c
origFlags() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance_c
origin() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance
origin - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance_c
origin() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance_c
origin() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance
origin - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance_c
origin() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance_c
origin() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMemberInstance
the defining aspect of this instance
origin() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance
origin - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance_c
origin() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance_c
originalAdviceFormalTypes - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
originalFlags - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
originalFlags - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
originalFormulaAsString - Variable in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
originalName - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
originalName - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
originalSize - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod
originalSize - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethodInlineInfo
OrPointcut - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Pointcut disjunction.
OrResidue - Class in abc.weaving.residues
Disjunction of two residues
output() - Method in class abc.main.Main
outputOptions() - Static method in class abc.main.Usage
override(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternTester
overrideITDconstructor(ClassType, ConstructorInstance) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
overrideITDField(ClassType, FieldInstance) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
overrideITDfield(SootClass, SootField, IntertypeFieldDecl) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster
overrideITDmethod(ClassType, MethodInstance) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
overrideMethodCheck(MethodInstance) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
Do the usual override check for newly declared methods.
overrides(MethodInstance) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c


PACKAGE_IMPORTS - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
import statements
packages - Variable in class abc.aspectj.visit.NamePatternEvaluator
ParentDeclarer - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Type checks declare parents declarations and integrates the declared parents into the Polyglot class hierarchy.
ParentDeclarer(Job, TypeSystem, NodeFactory, ExtensionInfo) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.ParentDeclarer
parents() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents
parents() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents_c
PARENTS_DECLARED - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
parseArgs(String[]) - Method in class abc.main.Main
parser(Reader, FileSource, ErrorQueue) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
parser(Reader, FileSource, ErrorQueue) - Method in class abc.eaj.ExtensionInfo
parser(Reader, FileSource, ErrorQueue) - Method in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
passes(Job) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
passes(Job) - Method in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
passes_add_members(List, Job) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
passes_aspectj_transforms(List, Job) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
passes_disambiguate_all(List, Job) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
passes_disambiguate_signatures(List, Job) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
passes_fold_and_checkcode(List, Job) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
passes_interface_ITDs(List, Job) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
passes_jimple(List, Job) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
passes_jimple(List, Job) - Method in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
passes_mangle_names(List, Job) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
passes_parse_and_clean(List, Job) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
passes_patterns_and_parents(List, Job) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
passes_patterns_and_parents(List, Job) - Method in class abc.eaj.ExtensionInfo
passes_patterns_and_parents(List, Job) - Method in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
passes_precedence_relation(List, Job) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
passes_saveAST(List, Job) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEName_c
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPESubName_c
pat() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents
pat() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents_c
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCall_c
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCExecution_c
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCGet_c
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCHandler_c
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCInitialization_c
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCPreinitialization_c
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCSet_c
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCStaticInitialization_c
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCTarget_c
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCThis_c
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithin_c
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithinCode_c
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPName_c
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPSubName_c
pat - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPERefTypePat_c
patch_level() - Method in class abc.aspectj.Version
patch_level() - Method in class abc.ltl.Version
pats() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.DeclarePrecedence
pats() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclarePrecedence_c
pats - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCArgs_c
pattern_matcher - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
PatternMatcher - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Encapsulates the pattern matching code.
patternMatches - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
patterns() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.override.PCArgs_c
patterns() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.override.PCTarget_c
patterns() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.override.PCThis_c
patterns() - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.override.StatebindingPointcut
PATTERNS_EVALUATED - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
PATTERNS_EVALUATED_AGAIN - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
PatternTester - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
Produces debug output telling which classes are matched by each name pattern.
PatternTester(ExtensionInfo) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternTester
pc - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
pointcut that specifies the joinpoints where this advice applies
pc - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflow_c
pc - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflowBelow_c
pc - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCNot_c
pc - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PointcutDecl_c
pc - Variable in class abc.eaj.ast.PCLocalVars_c
pc - Variable in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUnary_c
pc - Variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
PCAdviceExecution(Position) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCAdviceExecution(Position) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCAdviceExecution - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCAdviceExecution_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCAdviceExecution_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCAdviceExecution_c
PCArgs(Position, List) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCArgs(Position, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCArgs - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCArgs(Position, List) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory_c
PCArgs_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCArgs_c(Position, List) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCArgs_c
PCArgs_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast.override
Override to adhere to the StatebindingPointcut interface.
PCArgs_c(Position, List) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.override.PCArgs_c
PCBinary(Position, Pointcut, PCBinary.Operator, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCBinary(Position, Pointcut, PCBinary.Operator, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCBinary - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCBinary.Operator - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCBinary.Operator(String, Precedence) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary.Operator
PCBinary_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCBinary_c(Position, Pointcut, PCBinary.Operator, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary_c
PCCall(Position, MethodConstructorPattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCCall(Position, MethodConstructorPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCCall - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCCall_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCCall_c(Position, MethodConstructorPattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCall_c
PCCast(Position, TypePatternExpr) - Method in interface abc.eaj.ast.EAJNodeFactory
PCCast(Position, TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.EAJNodeFactory_c
PCCast - Interface in abc.eaj.ast
PCCast_c - Class in abc.eaj.ast
PCCast_c(Position, TypePatternExpr) - Constructor for class abc.eaj.ast.PCCast_c
PCCflow(Position, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCCflow(Position, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCCflow - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCCflow_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCCflow_c(Position, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflow_c
PCCflowBelow(Position, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCCflowBelow(Position, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCCflowBelow - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCCflowBelow_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCCflowBelow_c(Position, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflowBelow_c
PCEmpty(Position) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCEmpty(Position) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCEmpty - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCEmpty_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCEmpty_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCEmpty_c
PCExecution(Position, MethodConstructorPattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCExecution(Position, MethodConstructorPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCExecution - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCExecution_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCExecution_c(Position, MethodConstructorPattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCExecution_c
PCFormula(Collection<Formal>, PCLTLGeneral, ByteCodePosition) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory
PCFormula(Collection<Formal>, PCLTLGeneral, ByteCodePosition) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory_c
PCFormula - Interface in abc.ltl.ast
PCFormula_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast
PCFormula_c(Collection<Formal>, PCLTLGeneral, ByteCodePosition) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
PCGet(Position, FieldPattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCGet(Position, FieldPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCGet - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCGet_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCGet_c(Position, FieldPattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCGet_c
PCHandler(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCHandler(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCHandler - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCHandler_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCHandler_c(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCHandler_c
PCIf(Position, Expr) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCIf(Position, Expr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCIf - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
pcif() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
PCIf_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCIf_c(Position, Expr) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
PCInitialization(Position, ConstructorPattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCInitialization(Position, ConstructorPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCInitialization - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCInitialization_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCInitialization_c(Position, ConstructorPattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCInitialization_c
pcl - Variable in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLBinary_c
PCLocalVars(Position, List, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.eaj.ast.EAJNodeFactory
PCLocalVars(Position, List, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.EAJNodeFactory_c
PCLocalVars - Interface in abc.eaj.ast
PCLocalVars_c - Class in abc.eaj.ast
PCLocalVars_c(Position, List, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.eaj.ast.PCLocalVars_c
PCLTLAnd(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory
PCLTLAnd(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory_c
PCLTLAnd - Interface in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLAnd_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLAnd_c(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLAnd_c
PCLTLBinary_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLBinary_c(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLBinary_c
PCLTLEquiv(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory
PCLTLEquiv(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory_c
PCLTLEquiv - Interface in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLEquiv_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLEquiv_c(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLEquiv_c
PCLTLFinally(Position, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory
PCLTLFinally(Position, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory_c
PCLTLFinally - Interface in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLFinally_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLFinally_c(Position, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLFinally_c
PCLTLGeneral - Interface in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLGeneral_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLGeneral_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLGeneral_c
PCLTLGlobally(Position, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory
PCLTLGlobally(Position, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory_c
PCLTLGlobally - Interface in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLGlobally_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLGlobally_c(Position, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLGlobally_c
PCLTLImplies(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory
PCLTLImplies(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory_c
PCLTLImplies - Interface in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLImplies_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLImplies_c(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLImplies_c
PCLTLNext(Position, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory
PCLTLNext(Position, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory_c
PCLTLNext - Interface in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLNext_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLNext_c(Position, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLNext_c
PCLTLNot(Position, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory
PCLTLNot(Position, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory_c
PCLTLNot - Interface in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLNot_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLNot_c(Position, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLNot_c
PCLTLOr(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory
PCLTLOr(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory_c
PCLTLOr - Interface in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLOr_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLOr_c(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLOr_c
PCLTLRelease(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory
PCLTLRelease(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory_c
PCLTLRelease - Interface in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLRelease_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLRelease_c(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLRelease_c
PCLTLUnary_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLUnary_c(Position, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUnary_c
PCLTLUntil(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory
PCLTLUntil(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory_c
PCLTLUntil - Interface in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLUntil_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast
PCLTLUntil_c(Position, Pointcut, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUntil_c
PCName(Position, Receiver, String, List) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCName(Position, Receiver, String, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCName - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A reference to a named pointcut.
PCName_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
A reference to a named pointcut.
PCName_c(Position, Receiver, String, List) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
PCNode - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
A node in the internal representation of the hierarchy and package structure used by the pattern matcher.
PCNode(String, PCNode, PCStructure) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.PCNode
PCNot(Position, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCNot(Position, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCNot - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCNot_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
Negation of a pointcut.
PCNot_c(Position, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCNot_c
PCPreinitialization(Position, ConstructorPattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCPreinitialization(Position, ConstructorPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCPreinitialization - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCPreinitialization_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCPreinitialization_c(Position, ConstructorPattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCPreinitialization_c
pcr - Variable in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLBinary_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCAdviceExecution_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCArgs_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCall_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflow_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflowBelow_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCEmpty_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCExecution_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCGet_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCHandler_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCInitialization_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCNot_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCPreinitialization_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCSet_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCStaticInitialization_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCTarget_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCThis_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithin_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithinCode_c
pcRefs() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.Pointcut
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCCast_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCLocalVars_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCThrow_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLBinary_c
pcRefs() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUnary_c
PCSet(Position, FieldPattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCSet(Position, FieldPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCSet - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCSet_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCSet_c(Position, FieldPattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCSet_c
PCStaticInitialization(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCStaticInitialization(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCStaticInitialization - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCStaticInitialization_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCStaticInitialization_c(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCStaticInitialization_c
PCStructure - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
The internal representation of the class hierarchy and package structure used by the pattern matcher.
PCTarget(Position, ArgPattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCTarget(Position, ArgPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCTarget - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCTarget(Position, ArgPattern) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory_c
PCTarget_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCTarget_c(Position, ArgPattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCTarget_c
PCTarget_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast.override
Override to adhere to the StatebindingPointcut interface.
PCTarget_c(Position, ArgPattern) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.override.PCTarget_c
PCThis(Position, ArgPattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCThis(Position, ArgPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCThis - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCThis(Position, ArgPattern) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.LTLNodeFactory_c
PCThis_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCThis_c(Position, ArgPattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCThis_c
PCThis_c - Class in abc.ltl.ast.override
Override to adhere to the StatebindingPointcut interface.
PCThis_c(Position, ArgPattern) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.override.PCThis_c
PCThrow(Position, TypePatternExpr) - Method in interface abc.eaj.ast.EAJNodeFactory
PCThrow(Position, TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.EAJNodeFactory_c
PCThrow - Interface in abc.eaj.ast
PCThrow_c - Class in abc.eaj.ast
PCThrow_c(Position, TypePatternExpr) - Constructor for class abc.eaj.ast.PCThrow_c
pcToString(Pointcut) - Static method in class abc.ltl.ast.EntryExit
PCWithin(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCWithin(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCWithin - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCWithin_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCWithin_c(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithin_c
PCWithinCode(Position, MethodConstructorPattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PCWithinCode(Position, MethodConstructorPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PCWithinCode - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
PCWithinCode_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PCWithinCode_c(Position, MethodConstructorPattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithinCode_c
per - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
Per - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A per clause.
Per(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Per
PER_CFLOW - Static variable in interface abc.aspectj.types.AspectType
PER_CFLOWBELOW - Static variable in interface abc.aspectj.types.AspectType
PER_NONE - Static variable in interface abc.aspectj.types.AspectType
PER_SINGLETON - Static variable in interface abc.aspectj.types.AspectType
PER_TARGET - Static variable in interface abc.aspectj.types.AspectType
PER_THIS - Static variable in interface abc.aspectj.types.AspectType
PerCflow(Position, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PerCflow(Position, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PerCflow - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A PerCflow represents the percflow of an aspect declaration.
PerCflow - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A percflow per clause.
PerCflow(Pointcut, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflow
PerCflow_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PerCflow_c(Position, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PerCflow_c
PerCflowBelow(Position, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PerCflowBelow(Position, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PerCflowBelow - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A PerCflowBelow represents the percflowbelow of an aspect declaration.
PerCflowBelow - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A percflowbelow per clause.
PerCflowBelow(Pointcut, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflowBelow
PerCflowBelow_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PerCflowBelow_c(Position, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PerCflowBelow_c
PerCflowSetup - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Synthetic advice to support instantiation of percflow aspects
PerCflowSetup(Aspect, Pointcut, boolean, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflowSetup
PerCflowSetup.PerCflowSetupWeavingContext - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
PerCflowSetup.PerCflowSetupWeavingContext() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflowSetup.PerCflowSetupWeavingContext
PerClause - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A PerClause represents the per-clause of an aspect declaration.
PerClause_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PerClause_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PerClause_c
PerClauseLexerAction_c - Class in abc.aspectj.parse
Defines the handling of "per-pointcut" keywords.
PerClauseLexerAction_c(Integer) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.parse.PerClauseLexerAction_c
PerClauseLexerAction_c(Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.parse.PerClauseLexerAction_c
perKind() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AspectType
perKind - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AspectType_c
perKind() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AspectType_c
perObject() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AspectType
perObject() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AspectType_c
PerPointcut - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Base class for a per clause that contains a pointcut.
PerPointcut(Pointcut, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerPointcut
PerSetupAdvice - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
PerSetupAdvice(AdviceSpec, Aspect, Pointcut, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerSetupAdvice
PerTarget(Position, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PerTarget(Position, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PerTarget - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A PerTarget represents the per-clause of an aspect declaration.
PerTarget - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A pertarget per clause.
PerTarget(Pointcut, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerTarget
PerTarget_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PerTarget_c(Position, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PerTarget_c
PerTargetSetup - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Synthetic advice to support instantiation of pertarget aspects
PerTargetSetup(Aspect, Pointcut, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerTargetSetup
PerThis(Position, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PerThis(Position, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PerThis - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A PerThis represents the perthis of an aspect declaration.
PerThis - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A perthis per clause.
PerThis(Pointcut, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerThis
PerThis_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PerThis_c(Position, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PerThis_c
PerThisSetup - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Synthetic advice to support instantiation of perthis aspects
PerThisSetup(Aspect, Pointcut, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerThisSetup
phaseDebug(String) - Static method in class abc.main.Main
Pointcut - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
Pointcut - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
This is the base class for pointcut designators; it is constructed by the frontend.
Pointcut(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Pointcut
Pointcut.DNF - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
This class is used to calculate the disjunctive normal form of pointcuts.
Pointcut.DNF(Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Pointcut.DNF
Construct DNF from a singleton pointcut
Pointcut_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
Pointcut_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.Pointcut_c
POINTCUT_FLAGS - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
pointcut_state() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.parse.AbcLexer
Returns the integer constant representing the POINTCUT lexer state.
pointcutCodeGen - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
PointcutCodeGen - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
Weave in the code for pointcut invocation
PointcutCodeGen() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.PointcutCodeGen
PointcutDecl(Position, Flags, String, List, Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
PointcutDecl(Position, Flags, String, List, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
PointcutDecl - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A PointcutDecl represents a pointcut declaration.
PointcutDecl - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A pointcut declaration.
PointcutDecl(String, List, Pointcut, Aspect, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PointcutDecl
Create a pointcut declaration.
PointcutDecl_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
PointcutDecl_c(Position, Flags, String, List, Pointcut) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.PointcutDecl_c
pointcutDeclarationMap() - Static method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectInfoHarvester
pointcutifexpr_state() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.parse.AbcLexer
Returns the integer constant representing the POINTCUTIFEXPR lexer state.
pointcutInstance() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
Get the pointcut instance of the reference.
pointcutInstance(MethodInstance) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
Set the pointcut instance of the reference.
pointcutInstance(Position, ReferenceType, Flags, Type, String, List, List) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem
pointcutInstance(Position, ReferenceType, Flags, Type, String, List, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
PointcutInstance - Interface in abc.aspectj.types
PointcutInstance_c - Class in abc.aspectj.types
PointcutInstance_c(TypeSystem, Position, ReferenceType, Flags, Type, String, List, List) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c
PointcutInstance_c.PCRef - Class in abc.aspectj.types
PointcutInstance_c.PCRef(boolean, PointcutInstance_c) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c.PCRef
PointcutRef - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for a pointcut reference.
PointcutRef(Object, Map, List, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PointcutRef
Create an args pointcut.
pointcuts - Variable in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.PointcutsVisitor
PointcutsVisitor - Class in abc.ltl.visit.transform
PointcutsVisitor(AJNodeFactory, TypeSystem) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.visit.transform.PointcutsVisitor
PointcutUtils - Class in abc.ltl.ast
PointcutUtils() - Constructor for class abc.ltl.ast.PointcutUtils
polyglot_args - Variable in class abc.main.Main
polyglotTimer - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
PolyLocalVar - Class in abc.weaving.residues
A polymorphic local variable whose type is determined by the first thing it is set to
PolyLocalVar(String) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.PolyLocalVar
The name parameter is just for debugging purposes; identity of the variable comes from the reference
popAdvice() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
popClass() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
popContainer() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
popFormals() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
popIntertypeDecl() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
popLhs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
popPCIf() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
popProceed() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
popStmts - Variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
pos - Variable in class abc.weaving.residues.AdviceFormal
positive() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ModifierPattern
positive - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.ModifierPattern_c
positive() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ModifierPattern_c
positive() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ThrowsPattern
positive - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.ThrowsPattern_c
positive() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ThrowsPattern_c
postDelAdviceDecl(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAdviceFormal(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAdviceSpec(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAfter(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAfterReturning(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAfterThrowing(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAJAmbExpr(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAJCall(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAJClassBody(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAJClassDecl(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAJConstructorCall(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAJConstructorDecl(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAJField(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAJNew(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAJSpecial(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAmbTypeOrLocal(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelArgDotDot(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelArgPattern(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelArgStar(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAround(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAspectBody(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelAspectDecl(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelBefore(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelClassnamePatternExpr(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelClassTypeDotId(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelClassTypeDotNew(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelConstructorPattern(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelCPEBinary(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelCPEName(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelCPENot(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelCPESubName(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelCPEUniversal(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelDeclareDecl(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelDeclareError(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelDeclareParents(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelDeclarePrecedence(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelDeclareSoft(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelDeclareWarning(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelDotDotFormalPattern(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelDotDotNamePattern(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelDotNamePattern(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelFieldPattern(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelFixCharLit(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelHostConstructorCall(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelHostSpecial(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelIntertypeConstructorDecl(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelIntertypeFieldDecl(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelIntertypeMethodDecl(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelIsSingleton(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelMethodPattern(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelModifierPattern(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelNamePattern(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCAdvice(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCAdviceExecution(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCArgs(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCBinary(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCCall(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCCflow(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCCflowBelow(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCEmpty(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCExecution(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCGet(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCHandler(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCIf(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCInitialization(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCName(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCNot(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCPreinitialization(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCSet(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCStaticInitialization(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCTarget(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCThis(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCWithin(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPCWithinCode(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPerCflow(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPerCflowBelow(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPerClause(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPerTarget(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPerThis(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPointcut(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelPointcutDecl(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelProceedCall(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelRTPName(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelRTPSubName(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelSimpleNamePattern(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelThrowsPattern(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelTPEArray(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelTPEBinary(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelTPENot(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelTPERefTypePat(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelTPEType(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelTPEUniversal(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelTypeFormalPattern(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postDelTypePatternExpr(JL) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractDelFactory_c
postExtAdviceDecl(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAdviceFormal(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAdviceSpec(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAfter(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAfterReturning(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAfterThrowing(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAJAmbExpr(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAJCall(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAJClassBody(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAJClassDecl(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAJConstructorCall(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAJConstructorDecl(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAJField(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAJNew(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAJSpecial(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAmbTypeOrLocal(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtArgDotDot(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtArgPattern(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtArgStar(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAround(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAspectBody(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtAspectDecl(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtBefore(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtClassnamePatternExpr(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtClassTypeDotId(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtClassTypeDotNew(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtConstructorPattern(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtCPEBinary(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtCPEName(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtCPENot(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtCPESubName(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtCPEUniversal(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtDeclareDecl(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtDeclareError(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtDeclareParents(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtDeclarePrecedence(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtDeclareSoft(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtDeclareWarning(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtDotDotFormalPattern(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtDotDotNamePattern(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtDotNamePattern(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtFieldPattern(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtFixCharLit(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtHostConstructorCall(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtHostSpecial(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtIntertypeConstructorDecl(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtIntertypeFieldDecl(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtIntertypeMethodDecl(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtIsSingleton(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtMethodPattern(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtModifierPattern(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtNamePattern(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCAdvice(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCAdviceExecution(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCArgs(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCBinary(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCCall(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCCflow(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCCflowBelow(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCEmpty(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCExecution(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCGet(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCHandler(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCIf(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCInitialization(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCName(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCNot(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCPreinitialization(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCSet(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCStaticInitialization(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCTarget(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCThis(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCWithin(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPCWithinCode(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPerCflow(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPerCflowBelow(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPerClause(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPerTarget(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPerThis(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPointcut(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtPointcutDecl(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtProceedCall(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtRTPName(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtRTPSubName(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtSimpleNamePattern(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtThrowsPattern(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtTPEArray(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtTPEBinary(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtTPENot(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtTPERefTypePat(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtTPEType(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtTPEUniversal(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtTypeFormalPattern(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postExtTypePatternExpr(Ext) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJAbstractExtFactory_c
postResidue(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
postResidue(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
postResidue(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage
postResidue(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflowSetup
postResidue(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerTargetSetup
postResidue(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerThisSetup
prec_rel - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
precedence() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ClassnamePatternExpr
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassnamePatternExpr_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary.Operator
Returns the precedence of the operator.
precedence - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEName_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPENot_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPESubName_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEUniversal_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCAdviceExecution_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCArgs_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary.Operator
Returns the precedence of the operator.
precedence - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCall_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflow_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflowBelow_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCEmpty_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCExecution_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCGet_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCHandler_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCInitialization_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCNot_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCPreinitialization_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCSet_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCStaticInitialization_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCTarget_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCThis_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithin_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithinCode_c
precedence() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.Pointcut
Get the precedence of the expression.
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.Pointcut_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary.Operator
Returns the precedence of the operator.
precedence - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPENot_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPERefTypePat_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEType_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEUniversal_c
precedence() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TypePatternExpr
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TypePatternExpr_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJAmbExpr_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCCast_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCLocalVars_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCThrow_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLBinary_c
precedence() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUnary_c
PRECEDENCE_COMPUTED - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
PRECEDENCE_CONFLICT - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
PRECEDENCE_FIRST - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
PRECEDENCE_NONE - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
PRECEDENCE_SECOND - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
precedenceRelation - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
Preinitialization - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for preinitialization shadow pointcut.
Preinitialization(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Preinitialization
preinitializationAdvice - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
pre-initialization joinpoints
PreinitializationAdviceApplication - Class in abc.weaving.matching
Application of advice at a preinitialization joinpoint
PreinitializationAdviceApplication(AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.PreinitializationAdviceApplication
preinitializationAdviceP - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
PreinitializationShadowMatch - Class in abc.weaving.matching
The results of matching at an preinitialization shadow
PreinitializationShadowType - Class in abc.weaving.matching
A joinpoint shadow that applies at "preinitialization"
PreinitializationShadowType() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.PreinitializationShadowType
preprocess() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
Pointcuts come in normalized and unnormalized versions.
prerelease() - Method in class abc.aspectj.Version
preResidue(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
preResidue(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.After_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AfterReturning_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AfterThrowing_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AmbTypeOrLocal_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.Around_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.Before_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotId_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotNew_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEName_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPENot_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPESubName_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEUniversal_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareError_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclarePrecedence_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareSoft_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareWarning_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DotDotFormalPattern_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DotDotNamePattern_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DotNamePattern_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.FieldPattern_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.FixCharLit_c
Write character to output file - unicode added by ODM
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.HostSpecial_c
Write the expression to an output file.
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IsSingleton_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ModifierPattern_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCAdviceExecution_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCArgs_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCall_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflow_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflowBelow_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCEmpty_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCExecution_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCGet_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCHandler_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCInitialization_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCNot_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCPreinitialization_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCSet_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCStaticInitialization_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCTarget_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCThis_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithin_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithinCode_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerCflow_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerCflowBelow_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerTarget_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerThis_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PointcutDecl_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPName_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPSubName_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.SimpleNamePattern_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ThrowsPattern_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPENot_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPERefTypePat_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEType_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEUniversal_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TypeFormalPattern_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJField_c
Write the field to an output file.
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCCast_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCLocalVars_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCThrow_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLBinary_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLGeneral_c
prettyPrint(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUnary_c
prettyPrintHeader(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
print(PrintStream) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
printAdviceInfo - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
PrintAdviceInfo - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
The purpose of this class is to iterate over all AdviceApplication instances for a Class and to print the key information, including information about static join points.
PrintAdviceInfo() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.PrintAdviceInfo
printAdviceInfo(SootClass) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.PrintAdviceInfo
generate code for all the static join points in class sc
printFormals(CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
Prints the formals declaration.
printMethod(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.Util
printSubExpr(ClassnamePatternExpr, boolean, CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ClassnamePatternExpr
printSubExpr(ClassnamePatternExpr, boolean, CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassnamePatternExpr_c
printSubExpr(Pointcut, boolean, CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.Pointcut
printSubExpr(Pointcut, boolean, CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.Pointcut_c
printSubExpr(TypePatternExpr, boolean, CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TypePatternExpr
printSubExpr(TypePatternExpr, boolean, CodeWriter, PrettyPrinter) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TypePatternExpr_c
printWeavableClasses - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
PRIVILEGEDASPECT - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
privilegedaspect(Flags) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJFlags
procedureInstance() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
proceed() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.Around
proceed() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.Around_c
proceed - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
proceed() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
PROCEED - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
A proceed dummy method
ProceedCall(Position, Receiver, List) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
ProceedCall(Position, Receiver, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
ProceedCall - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A reference to "proceed(x1,x2)" inside a piece of around advice.
ProceedCall_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
A reference to "proceed(x1,x2)" inside a piece of around advice.
ProceedCall_c(Position, Receiver, List) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.ProceedCall_c
ProceedCall_c(Call) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.ProceedCall_c
proceedDecl(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl
generate a dummy MethodDecl for the proceed.
proceedDecl(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
proceedInstance() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
proceedInstance() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
proceedInvocations - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod
proceedInvocations - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethodInlineInfo
proceedMethod(MethodDecl) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ProceedCall
proceedMethod(MethodDecl) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ProceedCall_c
proceedMethodBody - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod
proceedMethodStatements - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod
process(ClassType) - Static method in class abc.aspectj.visit.InterfaceITDs
properties_file() - Method in class abc.aspectj.Version
PROPOSITION_ADVICE - Static variable in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
PROPOSITION_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
proposition class
PROPOSITION_CONSTANTS_PREFIX - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
prefix for labels of propositions
PROPOSITION_IF_CLOSURE_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
name of the class of the if-closure to use
PROPOSITION_IF_CLOSURE_EVAL_METHOD_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
name of the evaluation method to override in if-closure
PROPOSITION_IF_CLOSURE_VARIABLES_METHOD_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
name of the variable names to override in if-closure
PROPOSITION_INTERFACE_TYPE - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
PROPOSITION_LABELS - Static variable in class abc.ltl.ExtensionInfo
PROPOSITION_SET_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
(declared and actual) type of set of current propositions
PROPOSITION_SPECIALIZE_METHOD - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
propositionAdvice(Position, Pointcut, EntryExit.EntryExitKind) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.AdviceGeneration
propositionInstantiationExprForPointcut(Pointcut, PropositionLabels, Collection<Formal>, Position) - Static method in class abc.ltl.ast.PointcutUtils
propositionLabel(Pointcut) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula
propositionLabel(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
propositionLabel(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.PropositionLabels
PropositionLabels - Class in abc.ltl.visit.transform
PropositionLabels(AJNodeFactory, TypeSystem) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.visit.transform.PropositionLabels
propToId - Variable in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
push() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
push(String) - Method in class abc.main.options.ArgList
Add arg to the front of the arg list.
pushAdvice(boolean) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
pushAdvice(boolean) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
pushAdvice(AdviceDecl) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
pushAspect(AspectType) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
pushAspect(AspectType) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
pushAspect(Position, Flags, String, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AJTypeBuilder
cloned from TypeBuilder.pushClass
pushCflow(Collection) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
mark entry of cflow pointcut expr
pushCflow(Collection) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
pushClass(ParsedClassType, ClassType) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
pushClass() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
pushContainer(ParsedClassType) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
pushDeclare() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
enter a declare warning/error declaration
pushDeclare() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
pushFormals(List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
pushHost(ClassType, boolean) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
enter an intertype decl
pushHost(ClassType, boolean) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
pushIf() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
mark entry of if pointcut expr
pushIf() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
pushIntertypeDecl(IntertypeDecl) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
pushLhs(Expr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
pushPCIf(PCIf) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
pushProceedFor(AdviceDecl) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
pushStatic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
pushStmts - Variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
put1(Var, VarBox) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Add a binding in the first renaming
put2(Var, VarBox) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Add a binding in the second renaming
putVar1(Var, Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Add a binding in the first renaming.
putVar2(Var, Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Add a binding in the second renaming.


QualSpecialAccessorMethodSource - Class in abc.soot.util
Creates any accessor methods to access a qualified special (super or this) from a class.
QualSpecialAccessorMethodSource(MethodSig, soot.SootClass, soot.SootClass, boolean) - Constructor for class abc.soot.util.QualSpecialAccessorMethodSource
QualThis - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
QualThis(MethodSig, AbcClass, AbcClass) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.QualThis


reachable() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
reachable(boolean) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
reachable() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLGeneral_c
reachable(boolean) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLGeneral_c
rebind(Unit) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Weaver
RebindingShadowPoints - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
RebindingShadowPoints(SootMethod, Stmt, Stmt) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.RebindingShadowPoints
recomputeAllMatches() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
reconstruct(TypeNode, List, List, Block, AdviceSpec, AdviceFormal, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
reconstruct(List, TypeNode, AdviceFormal) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec_c
reconstruct(QualifierNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AmbTypeOrLocal_c
reconstruct(TypeNode, List, PerClause, ClassBody) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
reconstruct(ClassnamePatternExpr, SimpleNamePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotId_c
reconstruct(ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotNew_c
reconstruct(List, ClassTypeDotNew, List, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern_c
reconstruct(ClassnamePatternExpr, ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary_c
reconstruct(NamePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEName_c
reconstruct(ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPENot_c
reconstruct(NamePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPESubName_c
reconstruct(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareError_c
reconstruct(ClassnamePatternExpr, TypedList) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents_c
reconstruct(TypedList) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclarePrecedence_c
reconstruct(TypeNode, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareSoft_c
reconstruct(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareWarning_c
reconstruct(List, TypePatternExpr, ClassTypeDotId) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.FieldPattern_c
reconstruct(List, List, Block, TypeNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
reconstruct(TypeNode, Expr, TypeNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
reconstruct(TypeNode, List, List, Block, TypeNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
reconstruct(List, TypePatternExpr, ClassTypeDotId, List, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern_c
reconstruct(List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCArgs_c
reconstruct(Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary_c
reconstruct(MethodConstructorPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCall_c
reconstruct(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflow_c
Reconstruct the pointcut.
reconstruct(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflowBelow_c
Reconstruct the pointcut.
reconstruct(MethodConstructorPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCExecution_c
reconstruct(FieldPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCGet_c
reconstruct(ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCHandler_c
reconstruct(Expr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
Reconstruct the pointcut.
reconstruct(ConstructorPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCInitialization_c
reconstruct(Receiver, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
Reconstruct the pointcut call.
reconstruct(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCNot_c
Reconstruct the pointcut.
reconstruct(ConstructorPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCPreinitialization_c
reconstruct(FieldPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCSet_c
reconstruct(ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCStaticInitialization_c
reconstruct(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCTarget_c
Reconstruct the pointcut.
reconstruct(Node) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCThis_c
Reconstruct the pointcut.
reconstruct(ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithin_c
reconstruct(MethodConstructorPattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithinCode_c
reconstruct(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerCflow_c
reconstruct(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerCflowBelow_c
reconstruct(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerTarget_c
reconstruct(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerThis_c
reconstruct(List, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PointcutDecl_c
reconstruct(NamePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPName_c
Reconstruct the pointcut call.
reconstruct(NamePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPSubName_c
Reconstruct the pointcut call.
reconstruct(ClassnamePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ThrowsPattern_c
reconstruct(TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray_c
reconstruct(TypePatternExpr, TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
reconstruct(TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPENot_c
reconstruct(RefTypePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPERefTypePat_c
Reconstruct the pattern.
reconstruct(TypeNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEType_c
Reconstruct the type pattern
reconstruct(TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TypeFormalPattern_c
Reconstruct the type pattern.
reconstruct(Node, ClassnamePatternExpr, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.GlobalPointcutDecl_c
reconstruct(TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCCast_c
reconstruct(List, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCLocalVars_c
reconstruct(TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCThrow_c
reconstruct(Node, PCLTLGeneral) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
reconstruct(Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLAnd_c
reconstruct(Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLBinary_c
reconstruct(Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLEquiv_c
reconstruct(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLFinally_c
Reconstruct the pointcut.
reconstruct(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLGlobally_c
Reconstruct the pointcut.
reconstruct(Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLImplies_c
reconstruct(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLNext_c
reconstruct(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLNot_c
reconstruct(Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLOr_c
reconstruct(Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLRelease_c
Reconstruct the pointcut.
reconstruct(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUnary_c
reconstruct(Pointcut, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUntil_c
Reconstruct the pointcut.
recordSJPInfo() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
Construct the sjpInfo structure and register it with the global list in GlobalAspectInfo, unless this has already been done
RedirectedExceptionSpecTag - Class in abc.soot.util
RedirectedExceptionSpecTag(Body, List) - Constructor for class abc.soot.util.RedirectedExceptionSpecTag
refHostOfITD(AJContext, MemberInstance) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem
refHostOfITD(AJContext, MemberInstance) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJTypeSystem_c
Disambiguation of references to fields and methods that do *not* have an explicit target.
refType - Static variable in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
RefTypePattern - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A pattern for a reference type
register(MethodSig, int) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
register(MethodDecl, ClassType, int) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
REGISTER_FORMULA - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
call to register a formula
registerFieldAccessor(FieldSig, MethodSig) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
registerFieldGet(FieldSig, MethodSig) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
registerFieldSet(FieldSig, MethodSig) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
registerGlobalPointcut(GlobalPointcuts, Context, EAJNodeFactory) - Method in interface abc.eaj.ast.GlobalPointcutDecl
registerGlobalPointcut(GlobalPointcuts, Context, EAJNodeFactory) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.GlobalPointcutDecl_c
registerMethod(soot.SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorDispatch
registerMethod(soot.SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorGet
registerMethod(soot.SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorMethod
Used to register the method's category with the static MethodCategory class.
registerMethod(SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorQualSpecial
registerMethod(soot.SootMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AccessorSet
registerMethodCategory(MethodSig, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
registerName(ClassType, String) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcFactory
registerRealNameAndClass(MethodSig, int, String, AbcClass, int, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
registerRealNameAndClass(FieldSig, int, String, AbcClass) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
registerRealNameAndClass(MethodSig, int, String, AbcClass, int, int) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
registerRealNameAndClass(MethodDecl, ClassType, Flags, String, AbcClass, int, int) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
registerRealNameAndClass(FieldSig, int, String, AbcClass) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect, Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AndPointcut
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect, Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Args
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect, Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CastPointcutVar
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect, Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Cflow
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect, Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowBelow
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect, Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.If
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect, Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LexicalPointcut
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect, Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LocalPointcutVars
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect, Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.NotPointcut
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect, Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.OrPointcut
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Per
Register any advice declarations required to setup the aspect instances
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflow
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflowBelow
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerTarget
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerThis
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect, Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Pointcut
If any synthetic advice is required to implement this pointcut, this method should take care of adding it.
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect, Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PointcutRef
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect, Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ShadowPointcut
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Singleton
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect, Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetAny
registerSetupAdvice(Aspect, Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisAny
registerSourceClass(AbcClass) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
registerWeave(AbcClass) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
removeDeclareWarnings() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Weaver
removeFakeFields() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster
removeFromRenamingAsSource(Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Formal
removeTargetAsString(int, String) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Remove the target of a binding by its string name from the specified renaming.
removeTargetAsString1(String) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Remove the target of a binding by its string name.
removeTargetAsString2(String) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Remove the target of a binding by its string name.
removeUnusedMethods() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.UnusedMethodsRemover
removeUse(CflowPointcut) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
rename(Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Var
replaceBindingsByTypes(Formal...) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.override.PCArgs_c
Returns a copy of this node where all bindings in this/target/args have been replaced by the types of those bindings.
replaceBindingsByTypes(Formal...) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.override.PCTarget_c
replaceBindingsByTypes(Formal...) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.override.PCThis_c
Returns a copy of this node where all bindings in this/target/args have been replaced by the types of those bindings.
replaceBindingsByTypes(Formal...) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.override.StatebindingPointcut
Returns a copy of this node where all bindings in this/target/args have been replaced by the types of those bindings.
replaceBindingsByTypes(Collection<Formal>, Pointcut) - Static method in class abc.ltl.ast.PointcutUtils
replaceIfPCsByIfTrue(Pointcut, AJNodeFactory) - Static method in class abc.ltl.ast.PointcutUtils
report() - Static method in class abc.main.AbcTimer
Print out report of all phases timed so far.
reportMessages(AdviceApplication) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
Report any errors or warnings for this advice application.
reportMessages(AdviceApplication) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage
Report any errors or warnings for this advice application.
reportMessages() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.AdviceApplication
Report any errors or warnings for this advice application.
reportMessages() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Weaver
reRegisterSetupAdvice(CflowSetup, Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowPointcut
reset() - Static method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectInfoHarvester
reset() - Static method in class abc.aspectj.visit.OncePass
reset() - Static method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCStructure
reset() - Static method in class abc.main.AbcTimer
reset all static vars, for rerunning abc
reset() - Static method in class abc.main.Main
reset all static information so main can be called again
reset() - Static method in class abc.main.Options
reset() - Static method in class abc.soot.util.LocalGeneratorEx
reset() - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure
reset() - Static method in class abc.soot.util.SwitchFolder
reset() - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcFactory
reset() - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
reset() - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalCflowSetupFactory
reset() - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.ExecutionShadowMatch
reset() - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.StmtShadowMatch
reset() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AfterBeforeInliner
reset() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundInliner
reset() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver
reset() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils
Reset any static data used in the various cflow codegens
reset() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowIntraAggregate
reset() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowIntraproceduralAnalysis
reset() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Weaver
reset() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.WeavingState
resetBindings() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Reset the bindings (and the result) of unification BUT does not reset the typemaps
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup.CflowSetupBound
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AdviceFormal
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AndResidue
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Bind
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.BindMaskResidue
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Box
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.CflowResidue
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Copy
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.IfResidue
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Load
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.LocalVar
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.NotResidue
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.OrResidue
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.PolyLocalVar
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SeqResidue
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SingleValueVar
resetForReweaving() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.WeavingVar
resetForReweaving() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Weaver
resetTrapsEnd(Body, Stmt, Stmt) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure
update all traps that used to end at oldend to now end at newend
resetTrapsStart(Body, Stmt, Stmt) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure
update all traps that used to start at oldstart to now start at newstart
Residue - Class in abc.weaving.residues
The base class defining dynamic residues of pointcuts
Residue() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.Residue
Residue.Bindings - Class in abc.weaving.residues
Residue.Bindings() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.Residue.Bindings
ResidueBox - Class in abc.weaving.residues
A box holding a residue.
ResidueBox() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.ResidueBox
residueCodeGen - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
restore() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Unweaver
Restore saved bodies to their original methods.
restructure - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
Restructure - Class in abc.soot.util
This class contains a variety of helper methods to restructure Soot method Bodies.
Restructure() - Constructor for class abc.soot.util.Restructure
Restructure.JavaTypeInfo - Class in abc.soot.util
This class helps implement boxing.
Restructure.JavaTypeInfo() - Constructor for class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
restructureReturn(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure
Given a SootMethod, restructure its body so that the body ends with L1:nop; return; or L1:nop; return();.
restructureToCreateBindingsMask(soot.Local, Residue.Bindings) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AndResidue
restructureToCreateBindingsMask(soot.Local, Residue.Bindings) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Bind
Replace this Bind with a BindMaskResidue containing this Bind if appropriate.
restructureToCreateBindingsMask(soot.Local, Residue.Bindings) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.BindMaskResidue
restructureToCreateBindingsMask(soot.Local, Residue.Bindings) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.NotResidue
restructureToCreateBindingsMask(soot.Local, Residue.Bindings) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.OrResidue
restructureToCreateBindingsMask(Local, Residue.Bindings) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue
Returns residue that replaces the old residue.
restructureToCreateBindingsMask(soot.Local, Residue.Bindings) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SeqResidue
returnType() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec
returnType - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec_c
returnType() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec_c
returnVal() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec
returnVal - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec_c
returnVal() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec_c
retval - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
the return formal, for afterreturning and afterthrowing advice
right - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary_c
right - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary_c
right() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary
right - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
right() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
row - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
RTPName(Position, NamePattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
RTPName(Position, NamePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
RTPName - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
RTPName_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
RTPName_c(Position, NamePattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPName_c
RTPSubName(Position, NamePattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
RTPSubName(Position, NamePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
RTPSubName - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A reference type pattern that matches all subclasses (
RTPSubName_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
A reference type pattern that matches all subclasses (
RTPSubName_c(Position, NamePattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPSubName_c
run() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.OncePass
run() - Method in class abc.main.Main
run() - Method in interface abc.weaving.weaver.CflowAnalysis
runAfterBeforeInliner() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Weaver
runAroundInliner() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Weaver
runBoxingRemover() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Weaver
RUNTIME_ENVIRONMENT_CLASSNAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
class name of the runtime class, which manages the factory and formulae
RUNTIME_ENVIRONMENT_SINGLETON_ACCESS - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
method name for accessing the singleton instance of the runtime environment
runtimeClassName() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLAnd_c
runtimeClassName() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLBinary_c
runtimeClassName() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLEquiv_c
runtimeClassName() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLFinally_c
runtimeClassName() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLGlobally_c
runtimeClassName() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLImplies_c
runtimeClassName() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLNext_c
runtimeClassName() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLNot_c
runtimeClassName() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLOr_c
runtimeClassName() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLRelease_c
runtimeClassName() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUnary_c
runtimeClassName() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUntil_c
RuntimeRepresentation - Interface in abc.ltl.visit.transform
runtimeSJPFactoryClass() - Method in class abc.eaj.AbcExtension
runtimeSJPFactoryClass() - Method in class abc.ltl.AbcExtension
runtimeSJPFactoryClass() - Method in class abc.main.AbcExtension
Specify the class that will be used at runtime to generate StaticJoinPoint objects.


save() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Unweaver
Save Jimple bodies of all weavable classes to be restored later.
SAVE_AST - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
sc - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
seal(Position, Pointcut) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.PointcutsVisitor
SeqResidue - Class in abc.weaving.residues
The sequencing of two dynamic residues, allowing side-effects in the left hand residue to run even if the right hand residue is NeverMatch
set(LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, WeavingContext, Value) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup.CflowSetupBound
set(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.VarBox
Set this VarBox.
set(LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, WeavingContext, Value) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AdviceFormal
set(LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, WeavingContext, Value) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.LocalVar
set(LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, WeavingContext, Value) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.PolyLocalVar
set(int, Local) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue.Bindings
Add binding of Local local to advice-formal at position pos.
set(LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, WeavingContext, Value) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SingleValueVar
set(LocalGeneratorEx, Chain, Stmt, WeavingContext, Value) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.WeavingVar
Set the variable to the value v and return the last statement added (or begin if none)
SET_DEPENDS - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
set_JoinPointInfo_thisJoinPoint(JoinPointInfo, Local) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.WeavingState
setAfter() - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.BeforeAfterAdvice.ChoosePhase
setAfter() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup.CflowSetupWeavingContext
setAfter() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflowSetup.PerCflowSetupWeavingContext
setArgfiles(Path) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setArgPattern(ArgPattern) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Sets the result of unification to the ArgPattern p
setBefore() - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.BeforeAfterAdvice.ChoosePhase
setBefore() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup.CflowSetupWeavingContext
setBefore() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflowSetup.PerCflowSetupWeavingContext
setCall(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem, Receiver, ReferenceType, Expr) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance
setCall(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem, Receiver, ReferenceType, Expr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance_c
setCflowField(SootFieldRef) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
Set the field containing the reference to this Cflow
setCfs(CflowSetup) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowPointcut
setClasspath(Path) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setClasspathRef(Reference) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setClosureProceedMethod(AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
setCompliance(String) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setDestdir(File) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setDynamic(boolean) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance
setDynamic(boolean) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c
setExcludes(List) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.CPEUniversal
setExcludes(List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEUniversal_c
setExtendedClasses(Collection) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
SetField - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for set shadow pointcut.
SetField(FieldPattern, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SetField
SetFieldShadowMatch - Class in abc.weaving.matching
The results of matching at a field set shadow
SetFieldShadowType - Class in abc.weaving.matching
A joinpoint shadow that applies at a field set
SetFieldShadowType() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.SetFieldShadowType
setFormals(List) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGen
Set the types of the cflow bound vars.
setHelp(boolean) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setHierarchyBuilt() - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassDecl_c
setHierarchyBuilt() - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJNew_c
setIncremental(boolean) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setInjars(Path) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setInPerPointcut(boolean) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.parse.AbcLexer
Indicate whether or not the lexer is currently examining a "per-pointcut".
setInstance - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance_c
setKind(DeclareParents.Kind) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents
setKind(DeclareParents.Kind) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents_c
setMangle() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance
setMangle() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance_c
setMangle() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance
setMangle() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance_c
setMangle() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMemberInstance
set the mangled instance
setMangle() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance
setMangle() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance_c
setMangleNameComponent() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance
setMangleNameComponent() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeConstructorInstance_c
setMangleNameComponent() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance
setMangleNameComponent() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeFieldInstance_c
setMangleNameComponent() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMemberInstance
setMangleNameComponent() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance
setMangleNameComponent() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.InterTypeMethodInstance_c
setNowarn(boolean) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setO(String) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setOutjar(File) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setPer(Per) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Aspect
setPointcut(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowPointcut
setPointcut(Pointcut) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Sets the result of unification to the pointcut pc
setProceed(MethodDecl) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.Around
setProceed(MethodDecl) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.Around_c
setProceedMethod(String, boolean, AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
setPropositionIds(Map<Pointcut, Integer>) - Method in interface abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula
setPropositionIds(Map<Pointcut, Integer>) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
setRefersTo(Set) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance
setRefersTo(Set) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c
setRenaming(Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowPointcut
setResidue(Residue) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.AdviceApplication
setResidue(Residue) - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.ResidueBox
Sets the residue contained in this box as given.
SetResidue - Class in abc.weaving.residues
A residue that sets a local variable to a value
SetResidue(Local, Constant) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.SetResidue
setReturnType(TypeNode) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec
setReturnType(TypeNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec_c
setReturnVal(AdviceFormal) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec
setReturnVal(AdviceFormal) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec_c
setShadowMatch(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.AdviceApplication
setShadowMatch(ShadowMatch) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.ShadowPoints
setShadowPoints(ShadowPoints) - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
This method is called by the ShadowPointsSetter to set the ShadowPoints for this shadow
setShadowPointsPass1(SootClass) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.ShadowPointsSetter
Set all ShadowPoints for AdviceApplications in class sc.
setShadowPointsPass2(SootClass) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.ShadowPointsSetter
setSource(String) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setSourceRootCopyFilter(String) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setSourceroots(Path) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setSrcdir(Path) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setSyntax(Syntax) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Sets the result of unification to s (instanceof Syntax)
setTarget(String) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setTime(boolean) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setTypeMap(Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowPointcut
setTypeMap1(Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Sets the typemap assigning types to free vars in the first syntax object s1
setTypeMap2(Hashtable) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Sets the typemap assigning types to free vars in the second syntax object s2
setUnifyWithFirst() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Set the unifyWithFirst() property to true.
setup() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.CflowResidue
setVar(Var) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Sets the result of unification to the variable v
setVersion(boolean) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setWarn(String) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
setXlint(String) - Method in class abc.main.AntTask
shadowClass - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod.AdviceApplicationInfo
shadowClass - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod
shadowIDParamIndex - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod
shadowIDParamIndex - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.ProceedMethodInlineInfo
shadowIdParamLocal - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod
shadowInfo - Variable in class abc.soot.util.AroundShadowInfoTag
shadowInformation - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.ProceedMethodInlineInfo
shadowInternalLocalCount - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod.AdviceApplicationInfo
shadowmatch - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AdviceApplication
ShadowMatch - Class in abc.weaving.matching
A specific join point shadow
ShadowMatch(SootMethod) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
shadowMatch() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.JoinPointInfo
shadowMethod - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod.AdviceApplicationInfo
shadowMethodBody - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod.AdviceApplicationInfo
shadowMethods - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.State
shadowMethodStatements - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod.AdviceApplicationInfo
ShadowPointcut - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A pointcut designator representing a set of joinpoint shadows at which the pointcut will match.
ShadowPointcut(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ShadowPointcut
ShadowPoints - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
A data structure to keep track of the beginning and end points of a pointcut shadow.
ShadowPoints(SootMethod, Stmt, Stmt) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.ShadowPoints
Should always get references to NopStmts.
shadowPointsSetter - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
ShadowPointsSetter - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
The purpose of this class is to iterate over all AdviceApplication instances and initialize their ShadowPoints.
ShadowPointsSetter(Map) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.ShadowPointsSetter
ShadowPointsSetter() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.ShadowPointsSetter
shadowSize - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod.AdviceApplicationInfo
shadowType() - Static method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.CastShadowMatch
shadowType() - Static method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.ThrowShadowMatch
shadowType() - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.ClassInitializationShadowMatch
shadowType() - Static method in class abc.weaving.matching.InterfaceInitializationShadowMatch
ShadowType - Class in abc.weaving.matching
Each possible joinpoint shadow type extends this class and registers a singleton instance with it; the sole purpose of the hierarchy is to provide something for the matcher to iterate over.
ShadowType() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowType
shadowTypes() - Method in class abc.main.AbcExtension
Get all the shadow joinpoints that are matched in this extension of AspectJ
shift() - Method in class abc.main.options.ArgList
Move to the next argument.
shortType - Static variable in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
showAdviceFormalSets - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
showArgsMatching - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
showBinds - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
showExtractedXML - Variable in class abc.ltl.LTLDebug
showFormulaAspects - Variable in class abc.ltl.LTLDebug
showNormalizedPointcuts - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
showPointcutMatching - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
showWeavableClasses - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
Sig - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A method or field signature.
Sig(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Sig
sigloc - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
signature() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AdviceInstance_c
signature() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance
signature() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c
signature - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
signatureType - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
signatureTypeClass - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
SimpleNamePattern(Position, String) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
SimpleNamePattern(Position, String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
SimpleNamePattern - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
SimpleNamePattern_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
SimpleNamePattern_c(Position, String) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.SimpleNamePattern_c
Singleton - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A singleton per clause.
Singleton(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Singleton
SingleValueVar - Class in abc.weaving.residues
For cases where there is just one value needed in the weaving context Don't ever use it in a context where a get() might be done on it
SingleValueVar(Type) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.SingleValueVar
SingleValueWeavingContext - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
Somewhere to put a single value in the weaving context (used for 'perthis' and pertarget' setup)
SingleValueWeavingContext() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.SingleValueWeavingContext
sinkAdviceDecls() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
size - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.ShadowInlineInfo
sjpcount - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
sjpfield - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
the SootField corresponding to a static join point
sjpfield() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
sjpfield() - Method in interface abc.weaving.matching.SJPInfo
SJPInfo - Interface in abc.weaving.matching
An internal representation of the information needed to construct thisJoinPointStaticPart at runtime, plus some helper methods for generating the information.
sjploc - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
SoftSemanticException - Exception in abc.polyglot.util
An unchecked version of SemanticException for use when there really is no choice (e.g. when you need to implement an interface that doesn't support the checked version.
SoftSemanticException(SemanticException) - Constructor for exception abc.polyglot.util.SoftSemanticException
SOMEWARNINGS - Static variable in class abc.main.Options
soot_args - Variable in class abc.main.Main
sootAdviceMethod - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
sootClass - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass
sootClassToClassType - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
sootClassToClassType(SootClass) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcFactory
sootPolyglotOptions() - Static method in class abc.main.Usage
sootProceedMethod - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.ProceedMethod
sootResolverTimer - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
sootTypeToInt(Type) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
source - Variable in class abc.main.Options
SOURCE_CLASSES - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
source_files - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
source_files - Variable in class abc.aspectj.visit.CollectJimplifyVisitor
SourceClasses - Class in abc.aspectj.visit
SourceClasses() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.visit.SourceClasses
sourceJob() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.NoSourceJob
sp - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
The ShadowPoints of a specific shadow match are the nop statements that are inserted to make weaving easier.
spec - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
advice specification (e.g.
spec - Variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbstractAdviceDecl
spec_retval_pos - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
Special(Position, Special.Kind, TypeNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
Specification - Class in abc.ltl.formulaextraction
Specification() - Constructor for class abc.ltl.formulaextraction.Specification
start() - Static method in class abc.main.AbcTimer
Initialize the timer
startHostScope - Variable in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
startHostScope() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
state - Static variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver
StatebindingPointcut - Interface in abc.ltl.ast.override
Common interface for pointcuts binding state.
statement - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod.AdviceLocalClass.AdviceLocalMethod.NestedInitCall
StaticJoinPointInfo - Class in abc.weaving.residues
A value that will become a thisJoinPointStaticPart structure at runtime
StaticJoinPointInfo(SJPInfo) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.StaticJoinPointInfo
staticProceedTypes - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.AdviceMethod
stmt - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.HandlerAdviceApplication
stmt - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.NewStmtAdviceApplication
stmt - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.StmtAdviceApplication
stmt - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.StmtShadowMatch
stmtAdvice - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
Advice that would apply inside the body, i.e. most other joinpoints
StmtAdviceApplication - Class in abc.weaving.matching
Application of advice at a standard statement joinpoint
StmtAdviceApplication(AbstractAdviceDecl, Residue, Stmt) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.StmtAdviceApplication
stmtAdviceP - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
StmtMethodPosition - Class in abc.weaving.matching
Specifies matching at a particular statement
StmtMethodPosition(SootMethod, Stmt) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.StmtMethodPosition
stmts - Variable in class abc.soot.util.RedirectedExceptionSpecTag
The statements whose exception specifications should be checked in place of the existing one
StmtShadowMatch - Class in abc.weaving.matching
A base class for join point shadows that apply to a single statement (or pair of statements in the case of constructor calls)
StmtShadowMatch(SootMethod, Stmt) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.StmtShadowMatch
storePolyglotPasses(ArrayList) - Static method in class abc.main.AbcTimer
store the polyglot passes so we can get times out in correct order
storePolyglotStats(Stats) - Static method in class abc.main.AbcTimer
keep a reference to the polyglot stats
STRICTFP_PROP - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
substituteForPointcutFormal(Hashtable, Hashtable, Formal, List, List, Position) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgAny
substituteForPointcutFormal(Hashtable, Hashtable, Formal, List, List, Position) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgFill
substituteForPointcutFormal(Hashtable, Hashtable, Formal, List, List, Position) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgPattern
For use when this is being used as a pointcut formal
substituteForPointcutFormal(Hashtable, Hashtable, Formal, List, List, Position) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgVar
succeed(Chain, Stmt, Stmt, boolean) - Static method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue
This is a helper method for codeGen; it is called when an implementation of codeGen considers that the residue has succeeded, but hasn't yet considered the sense parameter.
SUPER - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeConstructorDecl
superDisambiguated - Variable in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassDecl_c
SuperDispatch - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
represent super dispatch calls in target of intertype declarations
SuperDispatch(String, MethodSig, AbcClass) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SuperDispatch
SuperFieldGet - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
represent dispatch methods to access fields in super class when referenced from intertype declaration
SuperFieldGet(FieldSig, String, AbcClass) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SuperFieldGet
SuperFieldSet - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
SuperFieldSet(FieldSig, String, AbcClass) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SuperFieldSet
supportsAfter() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.HandlerShadowMatch
supportsAfter() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
Does this shadow support after advice?
supportsAround() - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.matching.ThrowShadowMatch
supportsAround() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ExecutionShadowMatch
supportsAround() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.PreinitializationShadowMatch
supportsAround() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
Does this shadow support around advice?
supportsBefore() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.ShadowMatch
Does this shadow support before advice?
switchFolder - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
SwitchFolder - Class in abc.soot.util
SwitchFolder() - Constructor for class abc.soot.util.SwitchFolder
Syntax - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Base class for anything that corresponds to some syntax in the program.
Syntax(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Syntax
SyntheticSource - Class in abc.ltl.formulaextraction
A SyntheticSource is a source defined by some bytearray.
SyntheticSource(byte[], String) - Constructor for class abc.ltl.formulaextraction.SyntheticSource


tag() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.AccessorMethods
Subclasses should override this to alter how names are generated.
tagResidueCode - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
target - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
target() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
Get the target type of the pointcut reference.
target(Receiver) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
Set the target object of the pointcut reference.
target - Variable in class abc.main.Options
target() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.ConstructorInliningMap
TargetAny - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for target condition pointcut with a universal pattern argument.
TargetAny(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetAny
TargetType - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for target condition pointcut with a type argument.
TargetType(AbcType, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetType
TargetVar - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for target condition pointcut with a variable argument.
TargetVar(Var, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetVar
TEST_PATTERNS - Static variable in class abc.aspectj.ExtensionInfo
testITDsOnly - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
TestResidue - Class in abc.weaving.residues
A residue that tests if a local variable has a value
TestResidue(Local, Constant) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.TestResidue
THIS - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeConstructorDecl
THIS_GET - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
An accessor method to get the value of a qualified use of "this" or "super" inside an intertype method.
ThisAny - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for this condition pointcut with a universal pattern argument.
ThisAny(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisAny
thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPartInstance - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPartInstance - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
thisJoinPointInstance - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
thisJoinPointInstance - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
thisJoinPointStaticPartInstance - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
thisJoinPointStaticPartInstance - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
thisParameter(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
introduce "this" as first parameter
thisParamInstance - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
thisParamInstance - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
thisParamInstance - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
thisReference(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
create a reference to the "this" parameter
thisReference(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeDecl
create a reference to the "this" parameter for dealing with hostSpecial
thisReference(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
create a reference to the "this" parameter
thisReference(AJNodeFactory, AJTypeSystem) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
create a reference to the "this" parameter
ThisType - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for this condition pointcut with a type argument.
ThisType(AbcType, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisType
ThisVar - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for this condition pointcut with a variable argument.
ThisVar(Var, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisVar
Throw - Class in abc.eaj.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for throw shadow pointcut.
Throw(TypePattern, Position) - Constructor for class abc.eaj.weaving.aspectinfo.Throw
ThrowShadowMatch - Class in abc.eaj.weaving.matching
The result of matching at a throw
ThrowsPattern(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr, boolean) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
ThrowsPattern(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr, boolean) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
ThrowsPattern - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
ThrowsPattern_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
ThrowsPattern_c(Position, ClassnamePatternExpr, boolean) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.ThrowsPattern_c
timerTrace - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
to - Variable in class abc.weaving.residues.Box
to - Variable in class abc.weaving.residues.Copy
token - Variable in class abc.aspectj.parse.LexerAction_c
top() - Method in class abc.main.options.ArgList
Return the current arg.
Topics - Class in abc.aspectj
Extension information for aspectj extension.
Topics() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.Topics
Topics - Class in abc.eaj
Extension information for eaj extension.
Topics() - Constructor for class abc.eaj.Topics
Topics - Class in abc.ltl
Extension information for ltl extension.
Topics() - Constructor for class abc.ltl.Topics
ToReceiver - Class in abc.eaj.util
ToReceiver() - Constructor for class abc.eaj.util.ToReceiver
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.After_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AfterReturning_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AfterThrowing_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.Around_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.Before_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotId_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotNew_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEName_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPENot_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPESubName_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEUniversal_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DotDotFormalPattern_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DotDotNamePattern_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DotNamePattern_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.FieldPattern_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.FormalPattern_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ModifierPattern_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.NamePattern_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflowBelow_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPName_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPSubName_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.SimpleNamePattern_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ThrowsPattern_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPENot_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPERefTypePat_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEType_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEUniversal_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TypeFormalPattern_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AdviceInstance_c
toString() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.Version
toString() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCNode
toString() - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCLocalVars_c
toString() - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.aspectinfo.Cast
toString() - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.aspectinfo.Throw
toString() - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.EntryExit.Exit
toString() - Method in class abc.ltl.formulaextraction.SyntheticSource
toString() - Method in class abc.ltl.Version
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcClass
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AbcType
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceDecl
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterAdvice
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterReturningAdvice
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterReturningArgAdvice
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterThrowingAdvice
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterThrowingArgAdvice
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AndPointcut
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgAny
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Args
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgType
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgVar
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AroundAdvice
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Aspect
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.BeforeAdvice
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.BeforeAfterAdvice
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CastPointcutVar
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Cflow
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowBelow
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup.CflowSetupBound
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowSetup
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ClassInitialization
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ConstructorCall
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareParentsExt
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareParentsImpl
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclarePrecedence
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareSoft.SoftenAdvice
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareSoft
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.EmptyPointcut
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Execution
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FieldSig
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Formal
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FullPointcut
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GetField
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Handler
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.If
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.InterfaceInitialization
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeConstructorDecl
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeFieldDecl
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.IntertypeMethodDecl
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LocalPointcutVars
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCall
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodSig
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.NotPointcut
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.OrPointcut
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Per
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflow
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerCflowBelow
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerSetupAdvice
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerTarget
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PerThis
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Pointcut
Subclasses must define toString, for debugging purposes
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PointcutDecl
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PointcutRef
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Preinitialization
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SetField
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Singleton
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetAny
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetType
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetVar
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisAny
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisType
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisVar
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Var
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.VarBox
Print this VarBox as a string.
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Within
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinAdvice
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinConstructor
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinMethod
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinStaticInitializer
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.MethodAdviceList
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.matching.StmtAdviceApplication
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AdviceFormal
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AlwaysMatch
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AndResidue
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AspectOf
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.AssertResidue
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Bind
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.BindMaskResidue
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Box
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.CflowResidue
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.CheckType
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.ContextValue
Force subclasses to implement toString
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Copy
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.HasAspect
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.IfResidue
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.IsNull
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.JimpleValue
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.JoinPointInfo
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Load
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.LocalVar
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.NeverMatch
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.NotResidue
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.OrResidue
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.PolyLocalVar
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue.Bindings
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.Residue
Must provide a toString method
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.ResidueBox
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SeqResidue
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SetResidue
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.SingleValueVar
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.StaticJoinPointInfo
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.residues.TestResidue
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster.InterfaceInitNopTag
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.IntertypeAdjuster.ITDInitEndNopTag
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.RebindingShadowPoints
toString() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.ShadowPoints
tpe - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPENot_c
TPEArray(Position, TypePatternExpr, int) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
TPEArray(Position, TypePatternExpr, int) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
TPEArray - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A type pattern expression for array types.
TPEArray_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
A type pattern expression for array types.
TPEArray_c(Position, TypePatternExpr, int) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray_c
TPEBinary(Position, TypePatternExpr, TPEBinary.Operator, TypePatternExpr) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
TPEBinary(Position, TypePatternExpr, TPEBinary.Operator, TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
TPEBinary - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
TPEBinary.Operator - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
TPEBinary.Operator(String, Precedence) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary.Operator
TPEBinary_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
binary operation (&&,||) on type pattern exprs.
TPEBinary_c(Position, TypePatternExpr, TPEBinary.Operator, TypePatternExpr) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
TPENot(Position, TypePatternExpr) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
TPENot(Position, TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
TPENot - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
negation of a type pattern expression.
TPENot_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
negation of a type pattern expression.
TPENot_c(Position, TypePatternExpr) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.TPENot_c
TPERefTypePat(Position, RefTypePattern) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
TPERefTypePat(Position, RefTypePattern) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
TPERefTypePat - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A type pattern expression that is a reference type pattern.
TPERefTypePat_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
A type pattern expression that is a reference type pattern.
TPERefTypePat_c(Position, RefTypePattern) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.TPERefTypePat_c
TPEType(Position, TypeNode) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
TPEType(Position, TypeNode) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
TPEType - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
TPEType_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
TPEType_c(Position, TypeNode) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEType_c
TPEUniversal(Position) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
TPEUniversal(Position) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
TPEUniversal - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
TPEUniversal_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
A type pattern expression that matches everything.
TPEUniversal_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEUniversal_c
traceAntTask - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
traceMatcher - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
transAbstract() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance
transAbstract() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c
transDynamic() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance
transDynamic() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c
TransformsAspectReflection - Interface in abc.aspectj.visit
Used on a AST node that participates in the transformation of thisJoinPoint references to thisJoinPointStaticPart
transformToClassnamePattern(AJNodeFactory) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.RefTypePattern
transformToClassnamePattern(AJNodeFactory) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPName_c
transformToClassnamePattern(AJNodeFactory) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPSubName_c
transformToClassnamePattern(AJNodeFactory) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray_c
transformToClassnamePattern(AJNodeFactory) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
transformToClassnamePattern(AJNodeFactory) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPENot_c
transformToClassnamePattern(AJNodeFactory) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPERefTypePat_c
transformToClassnamePattern(AJNodeFactory) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEType_c
transformToClassnamePattern(AJNodeFactory) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEUniversal_c
transformToClassnamePattern(AJNodeFactory) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TypePatternExpr
TRANSITION_METHOD - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
method to perform transition
transitionAdvice(Position, boolean) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.AdviceGeneration
transRefs() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance
transRefs() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.PointcutInstance_c
TrapMethodPosition - Class in abc.weaving.matching
Specifies matching at a particular exception trap
TrapMethodPosition(SootMethod, Trap) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.TrapMethodPosition
ts - Variable in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectMethods
ts - Variable in class abc.aspectj.visit.AspectReflectionRewrite
ts - Variable in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.PointcutsVisitor
ts() - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.PropositionLabels
type() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AmbTypeOrLocal
type() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AmbTypeOrLocal_c
type() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.ThrowsPattern
type - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.ThrowsPattern_c
type() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ThrowsPattern_c
type() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.TPEType
type - Variable in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEType_c
type() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEType_c
type() - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
type - Variable in class abc.weaving.residues.AdviceFormal
type - Variable in class abc.weaving.residues.LocalVar
type - Variable in class abc.weaving.residues.SingleValueVar
type_pattern - Variable in class abc.eaj.ast.PCCast_c
type_pattern - Variable in class abc.eaj.ast.PCThrow_c
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
Type check the advice: first the usual method checks, then whether the "throwing" result is actually throwable
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AmbTypeOrLocal_c
Type check the expression.
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents_c
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclarePrecedence_c
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.HostConstructorCall_c
Override the typecheck for normal constructor calls, replacing currentClass by hostClass
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.HostSpecial_c
Type check the expression.
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
Duplicate most of the things for ConstructorDecl here to avoid comparing the name against the contaning class.
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCArgs_c
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflow_c
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflowBelow_c
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCExecution_c
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
Type check the pointcut.
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
type check the pointcut reference
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCTarget_c
type check the use of target
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCThis_c
type check the use of this
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PointcutDecl_c
Type check the pointcut decl.
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ProceedCall_c
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJCall_c
in intertype declarations with an interface host, one can make calls of the form "super.foo()" - these then have to be resolved in the super-interfaces of the host.
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassBody_c
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJClassDecl_c
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJConstructorDecl_c
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJNew_c
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AssignDel_c
typeCheck(TypeChecker) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.LocalDel_c
typeCheckNullTarget(TypeChecker, List) - Method in class abc.aspectj.extension.AJCall_c
Typecheck the Call when the target is null.
typeCount - Static variable in class abc.soot.util.Restructure.JavaTypeInfo
TypeFormalPattern(Position, TypePatternExpr) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory
TypeFormalPattern(Position, TypePatternExpr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
TypeFormalPattern - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
A formal pattern that is a type pattern expr.
TypeFormalPattern_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
A formal pattern that is a type pattern expression.
TypeFormalPattern_c(Position, TypePatternExpr) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.TypeFormalPattern_c
TypePattern - Interface in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A type pattern.
TypePatternExpr - Interface in abc.aspectj.ast
TypePatternExpr_c - Class in abc.aspectj.ast
TypePatternExpr_c(Position) - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.ast.TypePatternExpr_c


Unary(Position, Operator, Expr) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AJNodeFactory_c
Unification - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A class for representing the unification of two Syntax objects.
Unification(boolean) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.aspectinfo.Cast
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.eaj.weaving.aspectinfo.Throw
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AndPointcut
unify(ArgPattern, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgAny
unify(ArgPattern, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgFill
unify(ArgPattern, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgPattern
Attempts to unify two pointcuts, creating another pointcut that has enough variables to encompass both if possible.
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Args
unify(ArgPattern, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgType
unify(ArgPattern, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ArgVar
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CastPointcutVar
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Cflow
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.CflowBelow
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ClassInitialization
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ConstructorCall
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DirectlyWithin
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.EmptyPointcut
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Execution
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.FullPointcut
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GetField
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Handler
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.If
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.InterfaceInitialization
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LocalPointcutVars
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCall
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.NotPointcut
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.OrPointcut
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Pointcut
Attempt to unify two pointcuts. pc.unify(pc', unification) should return true if the pointcuts can be unified, and set the renamings appropriately in unification.
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.PointcutRef
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Preinitialization
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.SetField
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetAny
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetType
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.TargetVar
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisAny
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisType
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.ThisVar
unify(Var, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Var
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Within
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinAdvice
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinConstructor
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinMethod
unify(Pointcut, Unification) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinStaticInitializer
unifyLocals(Pointcut, Pointcut, Unification) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.LocalPointcutVars
unifyWithFirst() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
Returns true if restricted unification is to be done.
units - Variable in class abc.weaving.matching.AbcSJPInfo
universal() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DotDotNamePattern_c
universal() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DotNamePattern_c
universal() - Method in interface abc.aspectj.ast.NamePattern
universal() - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.SimpleNamePattern_c
unset() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.VarBox
Unset this VarBox.
unusedMethodsRemover - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
UnusedMethodsRemover - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
UnusedMethodsRemover() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.UnusedMethodsRemover
unweaver - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
Unweaver - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
Saves all method bodies so that they can be unwoven after weaving.
Unweaver() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.Unweaver
unwrap() - Method in exception abc.polyglot.util.SoftSemanticException
update(GlobalAspectInfo, Aspect) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
update(GlobalAspectInfo, Aspect) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
update(GlobalAspectInfo, Aspect) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareError_c
update(GlobalAspectInfo, Aspect) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents_c
update(GlobalAspectInfo, Aspect) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclarePrecedence_c
update(GlobalAspectInfo, Aspect) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareSoft_c
update(GlobalAspectInfo, Aspect) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareWarning_c
update(GlobalAspectInfo, Aspect) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
update(GlobalAspectInfo, Aspect) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
update(GlobalAspectInfo, Aspect) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
update(GlobalAspectInfo, Aspect) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PointcutDecl_c
update(GlobalAspectInfo, Aspect) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.visit.ContainsAspectInfo
Called by the AspectInfoHarvester to tell the node to put all relevant information into the GlobalAspectInfo.
UPDATE_FORMULA - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
call to update a formula
updateWeavable(boolean) - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCNode
updateWithAllSootClasses() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
Should be called when jimplification is complete.
updateWithAllSootClasses() - Method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCStructure
Usage - Class in abc.main
Usage() - Constructor for class abc.main.Usage
USER_CAUSED_EXCEPTION_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
type name of UserCausedException
USER_CAUSED_EXCEPTION_QUALIFIER_NAME - Static variable in interface abc.ltl.visit.transform.RuntimeRepresentation
type holding the type UserCausedException
Util - Class in abc.ltl
Util() - Constructor for class abc.ltl.Util
utilityOptions() - Static method in class abc.main.Usage


v() - Static method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PatternMatcher
v() - Static method in class abc.aspectj.visit.PCStructure
v() - Static method in class abc.ltl.LTLDebug
v - Static variable in class abc.main.Debug
v() - Static method in class abc.main.Debug
v() - Static method in class abc.main.Main
v - Static variable in class abc.main.Options
v() - Static method in class abc.main.Options
v() - Static method in class abc.soot.util.SwitchFolder
v() - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.GlobalAspectInfo
v() - Static method in class abc.weaving.residues.AlwaysMatch
v() - Static method in class abc.weaving.residues.NeverMatch
v() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AfterBeforeInliner
v() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundInliner
v() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.BoxingRemover
v(List) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowCodeGenUtils.CflowCodeGenFactory
Return an instance of a Cflow codegen class appropriate for the given list of (types of) formals.
v() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowIntraAggregate
v() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.CflowIntraproceduralAnalysis
v() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.WeavingState
validate() - Method in class abc.main.Main
Validate - Class in abc.soot.util
Validate a jimple class.
Validate() - Constructor for class abc.soot.util.Validate
validate(SootClass) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Validate
validate() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver
validateMethod(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.soot.util.Restructure
Sanity check for methods.
validateMethod(SootMethod) - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.AroundWeaver.Util
value - Variable in class abc.weaving.residues.Bind
value - Variable in class abc.weaving.residues.Load
value - Variable in class abc.weaving.residues.SingleValueVar
value - Variable in class abc.weaving.weaver.SingleValueWeavingContext
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum abc.ltl.ast.EntryExit.Exit.ExitKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum abc.ltl.ast.EntryExit.Exit.ExitKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values1() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
The values in the first renaming
values2() - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Unification
The values in the second renaming
Var - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A pointcut variable.
Var(String, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Var
VarBox - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
A wrapper class for an optional Var value.
VarBox() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.VarBox
Constructs a new VarBox object, intially unset
VarBox(Var) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.VarBox
Constructs a new VarBox object, initially set
variable - Variable in class abc.weaving.residues.Bind
variable - Variable in class abc.weaving.residues.Load
varInHost(String) - Method in interface abc.aspectj.types.AJContext
was a field of this name introduced via the host?
varInHost(String) - Method in class abc.aspectj.types.AJContext_c
Version - Class in abc.aspectj
Version information for aspectj extension
Version() - Constructor for class abc.aspectj.Version
Version - Class in abc.eaj
Version information for eaj extension
Version() - Constructor for class abc.eaj.Version
Version - Class in abc.ltl
Version information for ltl extension
Version() - Constructor for class abc.ltl.Version
versions() - Method in class abc.main.AbcExtension
Constructs a version string for all loaded extensions
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceDecl_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AdviceSpec_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AmbTypeOrLocal_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.AspectDecl_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotId_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ClassTypeDotNew_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ConstructorPattern_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEBinary_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPEName_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPENot_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.CPESubName_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareError_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareParents_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclarePrecedence_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareSoft_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.DeclareWarning_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.FieldPattern_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeConstructorDecl_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeFieldDecl_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.IntertypeMethodDecl_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.MethodPattern_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCArgs_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCBinary_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCall_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflow_c
Visit the children of the pointcut.
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCCflowBelow_c
Visit the children of the pointcut.
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCExecution_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCGet_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCHandler_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCIf_c
Visit the children of the pointcut.
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCInitialization_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCName_c
Visit the children of the pointcut call.
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCNot_c
Visit the children of the pointcut.
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCPreinitialization_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCSet_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCStaticInitialization_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCTarget_c
Visit the children of the pointcut.
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCThis_c
Visit the children of the pointcut.
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithin_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PCWithinCode_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerCflow_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerCflowBelow_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerTarget_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PerThis_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.PointcutDecl_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPName_c
Visit the children of the pointcut call.
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.RTPSubName_c
Visit the children of the pointcut call.
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.ThrowsPattern_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEArray_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEBinary_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPENot_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPERefTypePat_c
Visit the children of the pattern.
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TPEType_c
Visit the children of the type pattern.
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.aspectj.ast.TypeFormalPattern_c
Visit the children of the type pattern.
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.GlobalPointcutDecl_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCCast_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCLocalVars_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.eaj.ast.PCThrow_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCFormula_c
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLBinary_c
Visit the children of the pointcut.
visitChildren(NodeVisitor) - Method in class abc.ltl.ast.PCLTLUnary_c
Visit the children of the pointcut.
visitEdge(Node, Node) - Method in class abc.ltl.visit.transform.PointcutsVisitor


warn - Variable in class abc.main.Options
WARNING - Static variable in class abc.main.Options
WARNING - Static variable in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage
warnUntaggedSourceInfo - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
weave() - Method in class abc.main.Main
weave(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, AdviceApplication) - Method in interface abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AdviceSpec
Weave a specific advice application into the given method using the given local generator.
weave(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, AdviceApplication) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterAdvice
weave(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, AdviceApplication) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterReturningAdvice
weave(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, AdviceApplication) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AfterThrowingAdvice
weave(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, AdviceApplication) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.AroundAdvice
weave(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, AdviceApplication) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.BeforeAdvice
weave(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, AdviceApplication) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.BeforeAfterAdvice
weave(SootMethod, LocalGeneratorEx, AdviceApplication) - Method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.DeclareMessage.MessageAdvice
weave() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.DeclareParentsConstructorFixup
weave() - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.DeclareParentsWeaver
weave() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Weaver
weaveAdvice() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Weaver
weaveCalls(int) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
weaveCalls(MethodSig) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
weaveDeclareWarning - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
weaveExecution(int) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
weaveExecution(MethodSig) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
weaveGenerateAspectMethods() - Static method in class abc.weaving.weaver.Weaver
weaveInAspectsPass(SootClass, int) - Method in class abc.weaving.weaver.PointcutCodeGen
weaveInside(int) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
weaveInside(MethodSig) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
Weaver - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
The driver for the weaving process.
Weaver() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.Weaver
weaverDriver - Variable in class abc.main.Debug
weaveSetGet(SootField) - Static method in class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.MethodCategory
WeavingContext - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
When weaving a piece of advice, various values may need to be copied into variables and be passed as parameters to the advice body.
WeavingContext() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.WeavingContext
WeavingEnv - Interface in abc.weaving.matching
Provides the mapping from named variables in pointcuts to the weaving position and type.
WeavingState - Class in abc.weaving.weaver
State used during weaving that needs to be reset for reweaving.
WeavingState() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.weaver.WeavingState
WeavingVar - Class in abc.weaving.residues
A variable for use in weaving
WeavingVar() - Constructor for class abc.weaving.residues.WeavingVar
WholeMethodPosition - Class in abc.weaving.matching
The "position" of the whole method
WholeMethodPosition(SootMethod) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.matching.WholeMethodPosition
Within - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for within condition pointcut.
Within(ClassnamePattern, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.Within
WithinAdvice - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for withinadvice lexical pointcut
WithinAdvice(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinAdvice
WithinConstructor - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for withincode lexical pointcut with a constructor pattern
WithinConstructor(ConstructorPattern, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinConstructor
WithinMethod - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for withincode lexical pointcut with a method pattern.
WithinMethod(MethodPattern, Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinMethod
WithinStaticInitializer - Class in abc.weaving.aspectinfo
Handler for withinstaticinitializer lexical pointcut
WithinStaticInitializer(Position) - Constructor for class abc.weaving.aspectinfo.WithinStaticInitializer


Xlint - Variable in class abc.main.Options